Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dumb ways to blog

Right, so once you hear this song you will not be able to stop humming it for about a month. And, it is also somewhat apropos, because I have unfortunately discovered that my own dumb way to die is to try to work full-time, move someone in, prepare for my mother's impending four - yes, FOUR - week visit and try to write a daily blog. Something has to give, and in this case it is unfortunately the latter. I will do my darndest to post on the regular, but they may not be the longest things you have ever read. But, damn it, if they won't be catchy.


  1. Carmen SanDiego9:22 AM

    Move someone in? So many lesbian U-Haul jokes...
    But I hope you still get a chance to write about the whole Glee Lesbian Blogger Debacle... I am very interested to hear your take on that.

  2. rousefolle11:04 AM

    four weeks with your own mother?
    good luck, miss Snarker, for you were a jolly good fellow...
    and song is catchy as hell:)

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I second .rousefolle.'s sentiments-- good luck with your mother, Ms. Snarker. And catchy song indeed!

  4. Carmen SanDiego3:13 PM

    I just saw the video now. so very catchy

  5. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I should have thought you'd be well used to moving people in by now Snarks?! ;) Running short of room are we darling?

    A ready supply of hashish laced Victoria Sponges ought to neutralise your mother darling.


  6. Bwhahahahhahahahah....mother four weeks.....hahahahhahahah...moving someone in....hahahahahahahah...working full time.

    Hey, have your mom blog.
