Friday, November 23, 2012

My Weekend Acrobatics

Now, I have crushed on Pink before. Because, well, how could I not? But, damn, if that women doesn’t keep keep bringing it with her live performances. In fact, I’m starting to think her actual aspirations are to run away and join the circus. Because those acrobatics are Cirque de Awesome. I half-watched the “American Music Awards” last weekend, and missed Pink’s performance all together because it was fairly awful otherwise. But big mistake on my part because holy feats of strength and balance. Oh, Pink, how we’ve missed you while you were away becoming one insanely hot mama. Thanks for all the muscles, I mean, music. Happy Weekend, all.


  1. Pink was trained by Dreya Weber who is an American actress, producer and aerialist. Weber was in the movie The Gymnast. Weber clazims to be bisexual while I this time I though she was a muscular butch lesbian.

    Pink not only used her training on the road in her concerts, but apparently has continued and taken it to an entirely new level.

  2. Carmen SanDiego10:41 AM

    That was amazing even hough I don't like the song
    Also, happy belated thanksgiving Snarker, I am thankful for your blog every day

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Yay, Pink is strong. But Snarker, I thought that performance was crap as it totally glorifies 2 partners who are abusing each other as if they are struggling with "love". Not a cool message, to say the least. Seriously, how f'd is the music industry.

  4. Anonymous2:38 PM

    ^ since utopia has not arrived.. I can't see around me much instance where extreme passion does not lead to some sort of violence.. including the world at large with religion and different viewpoints.. history.. evolution. I agree with you that the content of the visuals brings dark and unpleasant emotion to heart. But I think.. with the AMAZING dance accompaniment.. it shows also the beauty behind the struggle to love when its not easy and tearing you apart.

  5. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Reminded me a lot of the dance routines on So You Think You Can Dance, especially the ones choreographed by Maya. Enjoyed it!

  6. Anonymous5:25 PM

    If you think you are being loved and are physically torn apart, then something else is at work. It's not love. It might be control, it might be an unresolved history of abuse, it might be psychopathy, or, you name it, but not love. This performance was about 2 people beating each other up and being sexually violent. But love is not hitting someone in the face, or throwing chairs. I thought this was common knowledge, but perhaps every generation has to learn that. (I am in my 30's btw)

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I did not say physically... I do not agree or think physical violence Is love. The common knowledge comment is insulting but demonstrates exactly where miscommunication and the need to be right leads to bad emotion. I think we can agree relationships test us. We all are left crying and angry sometimes with the realization that we do not in fact, have any clue what love is or how to get there. My grandfathers generation included and the one before his.. unending struggle to love and get it right

  7. Anonymous10:40 PM

    for the militant victim on here, the dance could be symbolic and not meant to be taken literally. oy.

  8. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Dreya Weber says about herself thay she is OMNISEXUAL.
    Brilliant, uh? :-D
