Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Four more

It was a good night for hope. It was a good night for love. It was a good night for progress. It was a great night for America. President Obama is reelected. Marriage equality votes go four for four. Women will have the most-ever seats in the U.S. Senate. We have our first openly gay person elected to the Senate in Tammy Baldwin. Our first Asian-American woman elected to the Senate in Mazie Hirono. Our first disabled female veteran elected to the House of Representatives in Tammy Duckworth. Rape legitimizers Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock lose. All-around badass Elizabeth Warren wins. Stick that in your binder.

When all the pundits were quieted, when all the numbers were unspun, the people spoke the loudest. And what they said was they want a government that embraces us all. Not just the rich. Not just the privileged. Not just the old straight white heterosexual males. And for someone who is the exact opposite of an old straight white heterosexual male, it felt pretty fucking amazing. As a minority and a gay lady and an owner of a uterus, I’m used to being represented by people who don’t actually represent me. So when the world shifts and becomes a little more inclusive, it’s always a good thing. Always.

Tonight feels different, but no less sweet than four years ago. In fact, in some ways it’s sweeter. Certainly, nothing can top that moment when we realized, as a nation, we had overcome hundred of years of oppressive history and elected our first African American president. But for LGBT Americans, there was the bittersweet realization that California – supposedly the most liberal state in the country – had rejected same-sex marriage. Two steps forward, one step back. But last night, last night we reelected our first African American president. And we also, for the first time ever, passed marriage equality on the ballot in three states and also rejected a gay marriage ban in another. Two steps forward, just forward. Yes, indeed, it was a great night for America.


  1. ;) babs2:57 AM

    a sigh of relief here in "good old europe" (as GWB once called it), too!

  2. Maine legalized equal marriage.... I might have to get hitched....

  3. I'm so happy with this post! And I'm not even American!! Well done!

  4. longtimelurkerfirsttimeposter4:18 AM

    Let me start by saying, yes, I am a Hoosier. It takes a special kind of fortitude to be a lesbian athiest pro choice Democrat in the state of Indiana. Mostly it is exhausting. Having said that, I've never been prouder of my fellow Hoosiers for sending that AZZ HAT Richard Mourdock packing!! And extra congrats to Missouri for their rejection of Todd Akin. We Hoosiers still have some work to do regarding Gov-elect Pence (le sigh), but so relieved that Americans on the whole made the correct choice! Four more years indeed, thank you and good day!

  5. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Yeah! Four more years of lies and murder! Maybe Barak can kill more us citizens via drones with no due process! Or keep running guns in Mexico! Or keep brad manning locked up! Or how about extending Ndaa? Maybe he can invoke "executive privilege" some more, if that's possible! Keystone pipeline? Gitmo?

    It's pathetic really. This guy is a liar and a fraud yet label hima liberal and the mindless sheep of this once great nation salivate. He ain't who you want him to be and you all know it. Please, stop this non sense.

  6. Andrea5:06 AM

    Seriously, "anonymous@4:43 am" ?
    While I may not agree with _all_ of Barack Obama's decisions and actions, Mitt Romney, -- the alternative-- did more damage in his election campaign alone, than Obama in the last four years (even counting his mistakes, and political/PR misteps). And yes, I'm talking about social damage, in Romney's case, not necessarily violence-related things, although I'm sure that given the chance he would have fared worse than Obama in that department. Ultimately, though, I too would like to see violence and environmental neglect reduced _everywhere_ in the world...One day at a time, eh?

    So all this to say: celebrate a bit-- the U.S dodged one hell of a bullet, last night! (Pun only half intended).

  7. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Andrea, sorry, not even close. Obamas assault on our civil liberties and the constitution are more aggressive than W's. that's simply a fact. His evocation of executiveprovledge is unparalleled. It's as if he's beyond reproach. His prosecution of Whistleblowers is staggering! Even father he promised the opposite! Hey, it all SOUNDS great but the reality is vastly different.

    Do you realize how many innocent women and children have been murdered and maimed as a result of these secret drone wars? It's truly unbelievable. Come on....

    Sadly, Obama is another banskter backed corporate whore. It's all a lie.

    And until we eradicate the electoral college in favor of a real popular election the election is a joke. Two,party paradigm..divide and conquer. It's like living in 1984. The Obama doublespeak is powerful. You all actually believe the rhetoric while ignoring reality.....

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM

    "Sadly, Obama is another banskter backed corporate whore. It's all a lie."

    Here! Here!

    "It's like living in 1984. The Obama doublespeak is powerful. You all actually believe the rhetoric while ignoring reality....."

    HERE! HERE! ("Forward" to WHERE???)

    Darling, next time you're over in old Blighty, do look me up! I think the two of us would have much to discuss over a few cocktails! :)

    Oh and Snarks, I'm not so sure all those "old straight white heterosexual males" are entirely straight? (Unfortunately.) Entirely misogynistic? YES! Entirely straight? I very much doubt it. You should take a trip up to Bohemian Grove sometime. (It's on your doorstep after all.) Hide out in the bushes with a long lens! Catch some of the wee bastards in flagrante delicto with their rent boys! (Half of which are no doubt underage.)

    Tricky Dicky on Bohemian Grove:

    "The most God-damned faggoty thing ever."

    Dubya could be a right little queen when he put his mind to it...

    And what about those rumours regarding your beloved Obama?

    Never forget darlings the world is run on SHAME! No one is allowed into high office unless they are blackmail-able!


  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    PS "Forward" into an ever more oppressive police state?

  10. Carmen SanDiego8:33 AM

    beautiful words, Dorothy. as usual
    looking forward to DOMA repeal now. C'mon, Supreme Court, tell me something good.

  11. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Uhhh... @longtimelurker: could we, like, meet or something?! I often feel like the only lesbian atheist pro-choice Democrat Hoosier!!! Good to know there are a few of us subversives :)

    Also, yay America!!!

  12. Anonymous10:26 AM

    sigh of relief and tears of gratitude more than one time last night. Well done M states and Washington...4 big wins for love last night. Let the number continue to grow.

  13. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Hey, it's Hoosier day on Dorothy! I'm an atheist, pro-choice, bisexual public school teacher who lives in the most republican county in Indiana (no, seriously), and today has been fan-freaking-tastic! We have our first Democratic Superintendent of Public Instruction since 1971! And we defeated Mourdock! Even with Pence's win, it's been a good day around here. Hard not to gloat at all the sad little Hoosier faces, though :)

  14. Anonymous1:55 PM

    People here in Australia are thrilled too!!! :))))

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Anonymous3:21 PM

    No mormon was the most important. Mormons are the ones who funded most of the anti gay proganda in California

  17. foxymcgee5:05 PM

    Don't forgot Mark Takano (D-CA), the first openly gay person of color in the HISTORY OF CONGRESS! You go, Glen Coco.

  18. We won it all. ALL OF IT.

  19. Anonymous1:22 AM

    I come from a country right next to Pakistan where Obama orders regular drone strikes on villages where farmers there are weeping because he was re-elected. I am also aware of Obama's kill list and his extra judicial killing policy which allows those suspected of terrorist links (even Americans mind you) to be charged without a trial. An american Muslim 16 year old boy with suspected links to terrorist groups was murdered by such a policy. I think it's shameful that a rhetoric of love and peace and hope is used to bolster a man who has shown repeatedly that he is unworthy of such hyperbole.

    I am also gay. I understand what it means to have someone support your right to get married and love whomever you want to. In my country, it was only in 2009 that homosexuality stopped being a crime. I wonder, do you also know what it's like to have someone support war? To have that person be handed a Nobel peace prize? I must mention that I love this blog. 4 years ago my finding of this blog coincided with my coming out. It was such a relief. But now whenever I read it, especially when it comes to the recent elections in your country I find myself getting angrier and disappointed by the hedging of issues. I wonder at the ease with which we can separate our politics. So it's okay that we have a president in this world who supports gay rights but how is it forgotten, that he's also encouraging of war. As long as it's not happening in your backyard right? It's like saying I can separate being gay from everything else. Or my being gay supersedes everything else about me. I know this blog's purpose--it is about pop culture. But when it delves into politics it loses out for me. It's losing me as a reader who needs more. I guess what I want to say is that this blog was one of those things that has helped me come to terms with being gay and will also be the reason I realise I'm so much more.
