Monday, August 13, 2012

Victory dance

I miss the Olympics. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot. Like so much I have resorted to consoling myself by completing menial tasks, then raising my arms in mock victory and humming the national anthem during a pretend medal ceremony. OK, not really. But in my heart, yes. So this Monday after we’ve all recovered from our Olympic hangover, please celebrate with a victory dance à la our esteemed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Hilz for Rump Shaker in Chief 2012. Oh yeah, 30 seconds in you’ll be feeling me.


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    the world wouldn't have so many fights if they played like this ALL the time....good for Hilary...she looked like she head a good time and she was gracious too...

  2. Oh my crikeys. Hillary Clinton WINS THE INTERNET.

  3. Here's the thing: Criticism lies in the fact that Hillary goes to Africa to allegedly dissuade leaders from doing business with other nations like China for instance. Now competition is a good thing that would garner a decent monetary return for Africa yet Clinton is promoting U.S. imperialism to exploit Africa as had been done for Centuries. Un no I am not amused by this. She didn't just go there to rub up against soime woman.

  4. tlsintx4:08 PM

    politics aside, shake it Hilz gurrrrl!

  5. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Not long to wait and you can start cheering for the Paralympics. I trust you'll be covering them too? Plenty to ogle and admire -- and plenty of celebrating to be done.

    Warm up with an interesting interview with GB sitting volleyball team member Claire Harvey over at the Gay Sports blog: .

  6. Totally love Hilz! In fact, my girlfriend and I fell in love years ago talking about how much we love Hilz. I find I don't even mind her Evil American Imperialist Agenda.

    On an (un)related note, is there any way to give us a thumbs up/down system on comments?

  7. Is she celebrating blowing the hell out of some more brown skinned people?

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Ideas to get over the post-Olympic blues: (in my office, we favour no.5)

  9. OMG! That is, without a doubt, the most revealing vid on the internet. We always knew Hill was on our team, but REALLY?!!?
    Btw Dorthory: You. Are. The. Shit. Girl.
