Wednesday, August 08, 2012

SGALGG: Olympic Celebration Edition

Few things are quite as wonderful as women celebrating together. Something about the shared revelry after hard-fought accomplishment just brings out some of the qualities I love best in my fellow ladies. Exuberance. Compassion. Joy – so much joy. And it doesn’t hurt that a lot of times when female athletes celebrate they look remarkably like Straight Gals Acting Like Gay Gals, especially at the Olympics. So in celebration of celebration, here is a celebratory Olympic SGALGG. Though, it should be noted that I make no claims that all the women celebrating are exclusively straight. And that’s just another reason to celebrate.

Jessica Ennis, Great Britain, heptathlon, gold
These two lucky ladies are just doing what we all wish we could do.

Sally Pearson, Australia & Kellie Wells, United States, 100m hurdles, gold & bronze
What I love is when the bronze medal winner is just as excited as the gold medal winner.

Brazil, handball
Hugging each other with your legs in friendship should be an Olympic sport.

Alexandra Tsiavou & Christina Giazitzidou, Greece, double sculls, bronze
This looks like their wedding photo.
This looks like their honeymoon photo.

Russian, basketball
Hugging each other with your arms in friendship is already an Olympic sport.

Camille Muffat, Charlotte Bonnet & Coralie Balmy, France, freestyle swimming relay
And the French have won the Escher arms gold medal.

Sanya Richards-Ross & DeeDee Trotter, United States, 400m race, gold & silver
And the Americans won the Heartfelt arms gold medal.

Norway, handball
Cuddle puddle!

Kristina Vogel & Miriam Welte, Germany, sprint track cycling, gold
Now that’s a bicycle build for two.

Yujie Sun & Anqi Xu, China, team fencing, gold
By all means, please kiss.

Missy Franklin and Elizabeth Beisel, United States, 200m backstroke, gold & bronze
Same goes for you two.

Karina Bryant, Great Britain, judo, bronze
I’m not sure this celebratory pose is entirely consensual.

USA, team rowing, gold
I can’t say for sure what is happening here, but this many women holding another woman by her arms and legs is at the very least a little gay.


  1. have you really missed this shot??? :-)

  2. Anonymous1:29 PM

    You missed one of my favorites..

  3. Anonymous1:30 PM

    That last photo is the US Women's 8 tossing their Coxswain ("Cox") into the water after taking the gold! Its an old rowing tradition. After 2000m of having them yell at you, its a sweet moment to chuck them in :P

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    loved all the photos :) great post!

  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    love love love the post! bring it on! whew...!

  6. I think what I love the most about these photos is that they're actually hugging like humans hug (Well, 'cept for the ones in the boats... guess they couldn't wait to get outta the boat... :)) boob smoosh and all.

    I get so aggravated with the Television shows when there's some gigantic thing that just happened on screen and instead of crushing each other in a hug like we do in the real world they do these dainty little hugs where their boobs don't touch for some reason and they're barely touching each other.

    If you're two ladies, yes, your boobs may touch, that doesn't mean that you want to jump each other, they're just sometimes in the way, deal with it and hug like humans instead of like china dolls.

  7. eloise3:10 PM

    These are my current favourites:
    The two British women to win GB's first gold medal of the games, Helen Glover and Heather Stanning.
    They are just so lovely. Also, their interviews together are adorbs.

  8. Katherine4:32 PM

    These are gorgeous! The pure delight and joy on their faces is wonderful. You can see how much they care about each other, how sharing that moment means something special. Thanks :)

  9. Allison4:42 PM

    The past day or two I've come to your blog looking for something about the CanWNT and USWNT controversial soccer game, but I'm really glad you had this instead. THIS is what the Olympics are about - friendship, happiness, joy, exuberance, success, achieving goals, personal glory, and love of country.

    My favourites are when two athletes from different countries congratulate each other, or when two teammates in the same race congratulate each other afterward, it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

    So thank you, Dorothy, for making me put away my anger and frustration over that soccer game (if only temporarily) to bathe in the beauty that is SGALGG at the Olympics.

  10. Anonymous6:06 PM

    thanks all,I agree with Danie and Allison...hugging in a real way means you get the whole experience at least that is what we do on a small Canadian island...there is no way you do not touch or feel everything...we express warmth and trust that way...I do not understand why some athletes act like Barbie dolls...when in the heat of the moment is so nice to see real people reacting..because it is frigging work to do this work for so long every day....the game did not come out well for us ..but, it sure was a great that each team was pushed hard and that is what sport is all about... going to the edge of finding mental toughness to get through it all. thanks for the photos ...made me very happy..please find some more...too bad it is every four years.....!

  11. Anonymous9:10 PM

    19Anna Meares of Australia beats her rival Victoria Pendelton (UK) - and Vic grabbed her hand at the end of the race and raised their arms high.

  12. Oh my gosh, laughing at the bronze judo and the last photo comments.

    You really make me laugh.

    Wonderful to meet you, if I see you again , I'd like to thank you in person for the smiles you send my way.


  13. Anonymous10:51 PM

    This takes the cake for me:

  14. Anonymous10:59 PM

    This is cute too:

  15. The next you need to add to this are photos of Kerri Lee Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor, the winners of beach volleyball. The interview they gave after with Bob Costas was five minutes of them holding hands and smiling at each other. It was fantastic. When Misty mentioned her husband it was like "that is the person I love, this is my other half."

  16. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Love your post. Check out the Spanish synchronised swimming duet with a tango theme. Oh yeah!

  17. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Leave it to the French to do a hugging menage a trois :).

    The rowing pics are my favorites. All participants should have gotten a room.

    And ditto on Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings during their interview with Bob Costas. Those two should have by-passed the room and just headed for the altar, husbands or no.

  18. To see these pics make me happy.
