Monday, July 30, 2012

Let the ogling begin

Yes, I plan to write a lot about the Olympics. Like a lot. Yes, I am aware some of you don’t like the Olympics. Like a lot. But, no, I will not stop writing a lot about the Olympics. They only happen every four years. And they only last for two weeks. So I ask for your patience while indulging my unapologetic joy in all things Olympics and even more unapologetic ogling of all the Olympic athletes. And while we’re at it, how about that lesbian kiss in the opening ceremonies? Missed it? Did you blink at any point? Then, yeah, you probably missed it. But it was very definitely there and it was very definitely awesome.

In case you missed it, here it is. During the weird love story section where Frankie and June danced and texted, a bunch of great kisses were included in a montage. And among them was the first lesbian kiss on “pre-watershed” (i.e. during the family friendly time period) British TV from the soap Brookside. Look for it right after Lady and Tramp share their spaghetti smooch.

I know! Ladies kissing! Opening Ceremony! Thank you, Danny Boyle! About a billion people worldwide saw that, including in countries where homosexuality is illegal like Saudi Arabia. Sure, it lasted a split second. But it was there. We were there. We were included. It was, well, pretty fucking cool.

Also pretty fucking cool? The entire US Olympic Swimming Team singing “Call Me Maybe.” Why? Why not.

But just in case ladies kissing and Olympians lip dubbing don’t get you excited for these next two weeks, then you can always cheer yourself up by playing the official My Drunk Kitchen Olympics Drinking Game.


  1. Oh I knew I saw something!

    Please, do write about it! I love the Olympics ;)

  2. Looking forward to the posts: Olympic Abs and Lady leg action!

  3. Carmen SanDiego9:00 AM

    I love the olympics too! So happy you plan on writing about it a lot

  4. kasadilla1110:59 AM

    I'll see your USA swim team's "Call Me Maybe" and raise you a USWNT's "Party in the USA." Wambach, Boxx and Morgan are my personal faves in the video.

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Love the Olympics. However, the Opening Ceremonies was a snoozefest!! It was all over the place and it did not mesh at all. The only interesting parts were the lighting of the rings and the athletes.

  6. OLYMPICS! I'm trying hard not to be angry about them. I'm looking forward to reading what you're writing up!

  7. Oh i expected you to post this team usa music dub instead!
    but love the usa swim team too!

  8. I watched the entire opening ceremony with my wife, and after I spotted the Brookside kiss I would not stop going on about it!

    I've never, ever felt more proud to be British after all that, and I'm so glad you're enjoying the games Ms Snarker :) I'm completely obsessed with the Olympics now - I've never been able to watch so much Women's Football in my life!

  9. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I did see the kiss but then I thought I didn't glad to know i really did. I am REALLY digging the women's beach volleyball for reasons other than for sport.
