Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Gay news

So yesterday one of the most famous journalists in America, if not the world, made it official. The Silver Fox is gay. Anderson Cooper’s coming out was hardly a surprise to most people. The Coop hasn’t necessarily hidden his sexuality, even if he has never spoken about it before yesterday. But in an eloquent and thoughtful coming out letter, Anderson said what he hasn’t said publicly before.

“The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud.”

Coop’s gayness has been a very open secret for years. Still however you feel about celebrities’ right to privacy/responsibility to be open, it’s always great when a public figure comes out. It’s one more face to put to those three letters that scare so many so much. Yes, Anderson is a g-a-y. No, it doesn’t make him any less of a good journalist and/or human being.

In Anderson’s coming out, he discussed the reasons he chose to not discuss his sexual orientation publically before. Most of them have to do with his profession, which I can understand. But journalism is also, at its very core, about telling the truth. So in the end, for Anderson, the truth won out. And in doing so so did the rest of us. Because being out and open isn’t, ultimately, about invading anyone’s privacy. It’s about being comfortable and honest about who you are.

I don’t need (or want – well, in most cases) to know what exactly you do in the bedroom. I just want to know who you are as a person. And while being gay does not singularly define someone, it is an essential part of the fabric of what makes us us. It’s like my height, which I’d never hide but is an innate part of me. So when people refuse to disclose their sexuality, it helps (even if unintentionally) perpetuate the stigma that being gay is something to hide. That loving differently is something to keep secret. As Anderson wrote:

“I’ve begun to consider whether the unintended outcomes of maintaining my privacy outweigh personal and professional principle. It’s become clear to me that by remaining silent on certain aspects of my personal life for so long, I have given some the mistaken impression that I am trying to hide something - something that makes me uncomfortable, ashamed or even afraid. This is distressing because it is simply not true.”

Everyone has the right to come out in his own time and her own way. No one should feel bullied or harassed before he or she is ready. But coming out is still one of the most important and most significant things gay people can do to help change their own lives and by extension the world. Because even if like in Anderson’s case everyone knew already, there is still real power in those words. And in pointing out a simple difference it also reminds people how similar we really are. And in this, Anderson Cooper put it exactly right.

“I love, and I am loved.”

Just as we all should be. Thank you, Anderson. And, thank you for that glorious gay giggle of yours.

p.s. Yes, I know about Megan Rapinoe’s news, too. Don’t worry. She’ll getting her day. And soon.


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    what no comments? anderson is cute ..and he has a right not to have to disclose his proclivities a,d in a way, snarks is right..if in jouno...you have to disclose the truth..but, something says to me.."why"..the need for the media to delve into all of peoples' lives is far too intrusive..no one ever asks me...but they may think it..if they ask i will tell the person if ..they are sensitive..if not ..is none of your business.." do i ask you?" i think one needs some space to be away from the spotlight and still live your life the way you want to...

  2. I guess I'm in the minority (as per usual) in that his coming out took me by surprise. That's probably because I'd never watched him before. Maybe I will now. I'm so glad he came out, especially what with the homophobic F.R.C. and A.F.A. being so active in politics advocating against gay marriage etc.. It's important for the public to be made aware that being gay is not an oddity as homophobes would have people believe. When respected high profile public figures come out I think it help dispel myths and stereotypes. Thank you Anderson, and thank you Ellen, Rosy, Megan Rapinoe, ....

  3. I didn't know either, but yeah, I also have never watched him, I'm just familiar with him as a name/personality. I thought his statement was really thoughtful and lovely.

    Sidebar: I love the first comment on the Megan Rapinoe article you linked to.

  4. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The clip of his glorious gay giggle is hilarious, and I want to start every morning watching his contagious giggle fit.

  5. His giggle fits are so annoying.

    With me being a political junkie, I have gotten on the other side of some of Anderson's points about "keeping them honest" and most hardily disagreed with him when he recently went after some congress women on the WAr on Women subject.
    ~~~~~~~~nuf said about that . . .

    I am very glad he came out. He is probably one of the hightest profiles to do so in a long time and we really need that. I am over-tired with all the hate.

  6. Anonymous12:39 PM

    "If not the world"? Arrogant American much?

  7. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I never realy thought about him being gay since he is not a hot woman but I have heard the rumors. He certainly never pretended he wasn't which is really refreshing. I am out at work only because a coworker and I have been together at work for 12 years. I would normally never have discussed my private life with anyone but my closest friends at work and of course the whole place knows. People I don't know will bring up my partner to me like we're old confidants. In many ways it makes life much easier. I wish Raven would tell the tale.

  8. Anonymous7:17 PM

    that giggle is too much!!

  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

