Friday, May 04, 2012

My Weekend Crush

I’ve had my quarrels with “Game of Thrones.” And this season I’ve had more of my share of, “Now who is this now?” But there is one thing I will unequivocally say about the series, and that’s that Arya Stark is one badass little girl. Truth be told, the badass little girl is one of my favorite fictional characters. Sure, I love the smart girls and pretty girls and funny girls and sometimes even the mean girls. But badass girls, well, they’re something special. They turn conventional wisdom on its head. They’re the antithesis of “just a girl.” In short, they’re really freaking awesome.

And Arya, as played by 15-year-old British actress Maisie Williams, is a convention breaker from the start. A little girl who’d rather pick up a sword than sewing. A little girl born of noble blood who has no desire to become a lady. A little girl who openly questions powerful men. And, this season, a little girl dressed as a little boy. Smart, bold, independent, cunning, resourceful – here is a little girl who defies more than just her stature. Never was that more clear than last week, when while serving the patriarch of the family who killed her father and battle her brothers, she told him with clear eyes and clearer intentions, “No, my lord, anyone can be killed.” Like I was saying, that’s one badass little girl. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous7:21 AM

    hoorah, ms snarkers, hoo bloody rah. Game of Thrones is my stable right now and this little lass is a fav. I've never wanted child like creatures of my own but if I did I'd imagine them weilding a sword and declaring war on whomever decides that Jaime Murray should die in every role that she does

  2. I don't have HBO, but I have been reading the books and she is awesome!! Go get you some Lannister blood, Arya!

  3. roussefolle9:23 AM

    wow, i didn't know she's already 15.
    one of the best young actors right now. and Arya is the best character of all GoT books:)

  4. Carmen SanDiego9:59 AM

    Love love love Arya, she is so badass. I wanna adopt her and her direwolf too

  5. She's awesome. According to my friends that have read the series, she gets even more awesome.


  6. Anonymous5:36 AM

    I had no idea she was fifteen she looks 11. I am nuts for Game of Thrones and even added HBO to cable to watch it. I'm also reading the second book. The first one was not available.

  7. Anonymous11:45 AM

    She's great and that scene was absolutely fucking awsome. Go Arya!

  8. I loved that stare down even though I hate that they're making Tywin look kind of lordly and not the manipulative bastard that he really is.

    But my favorite scenes are still the Catelyn - Brienne scenes.

  9. The chemistry she has with Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) really makes this show worthwhile. She not only holds her own with him, but the two make that relationship a billion times more interesting than it is in the books. You go, girl!
