Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rock Park

Look, I know it isn’t always a comments barn burner when I talk about my love for My Fake TV Wife Tina Fey and her Fake TV Wife Amy Poehler. But I can’t help it. I love them. Ilovethem Ilovethem Ilovethem. You can’t make me not love them. Neyner, neyner, neyner ney. The thing is, for all the virtual ink and internet blood spilled over a show like “Girls,” which depending on who you talk to is the triumphant voice of a generation or the worse than pouring hot wax into your eye sockets, shows like “30 Rock” and “Parks and Recreation” are still out there presenting for ladykind and funny fuckers everywhere. No, Liz Lemon and Leslie Knope aren’t perfect. Yes, both have had their share of dysfunction. But, dammit, if these aren’t quality shows that deserve love, attention and ratings. (But, seriously, if you know anyone with a Nielsen box – pay them in sexual favors if you have to tune into these shows.) So in celebration of “Parks and Recreation” returning to the Thursday line-up – albeit not back-to-back with “30 Rock” anymore – I am going to lavish love and attention and ratings on both these shows tonight. Because they deserve it. And, good God, are both these shows funny.

Dancing Queen Dancing Tina Fey can get it. But you knew that already.

Knope 2012 Clinton-Knope 2016. Just saying.


  1. Anonymous2:35 AM

    they are the cutest on presently airing TV, that's all I say

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM


    That is how happy I am about the return of Parks and Rec.

  3. About that picture of Liz Lemon on your front page:

    When Liz Lemon looks at me like that, I get all giddy inside, because she sees right through me. Liz and I have a special relationship -- just one look like that or one sigh brings me a-runnin'. :)

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "Clinton-Knope 2016"

    Putting aside those niggling concerns I'd have for poor Leslie - yes I'd endorse that! Especially if it meant those of us of sane minds and peaceful dispositions (in the US and around the world) would no longer have to put up with Clinton and her 'let's bomb Iran/Syria/Pakistan etc.' odious ways!


    PS Not sure quite how many laughs (if any?) she'd bring to the piece though? (Poor poor Leslie!) I mean, that recent salsa episode was funny, but only in a sad tragicomic sort of a way.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I love these two ladies!! Let's all watch, shall we!

  6. Do you think it would be possible for someone (aka me) to get caught up on both 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation? Or is it akin to trying to get caught up on Law and Order?

  7. Carmen SanDiego12:59 PM

    Well DS I for one owe you thanks. If it wasn't for your doggedness I would not have given Parks and Rec a chance...


    I don't get tired at all. Parks and Recreation is my addiction. And I'm also a pain in the ass telling people to watch it.
    They're not perfect, it's just who they are and who they are is stone, cool, sweet, nerds, ect etc etc ;) Lots of fun though!

  9. I love you, I love your blog and I love that you love the things and people that you do, now saying that imho you post too much about Tina Fey.

  10. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Linda- I don't know about 30 Rock, but the first 3 seasons of parks and rec are on Netflix streaming, and the current 4th season is on Hulu. They're easy to move through quickly (and so good)!
