Monday, March 19, 2012

We run this motha

It’s getting might discouraging out there for us ladies with what passes for political discourse these days. Bills to allow employers to decide what health care we can have. Bills to allow doctors to insert medical devices into our bodies without our consent. National broadcasters who feel justified calling us “sluts” and “prostitutes” and national politicians who don’t think we need to be represented on panels discussing birth control. Yes, these are crazy times to be a modern woman. I mean, it’s not like the pill first came on the market some 52 years ago. Whereas Viagra was invented 14 years ago, and no one is passing bills to make sure it’s being used for procreation purposes only. But, hey, a guy’s got to get it up, am I right? Right. While certain voices in today’s politics seem determined to bring us back to the Stone Age, we’ve fought long and hard for gains. And we won’t go back into the kitchen or the cave. Because we’re awesome. And despite what all those men in suits say, we run this motha. Happy Monday, ladies.


  1. Oh what a delicious way to wake up on a Monday. thank-you Ms. Snarker for the reminder that we do indeed have the power.

  2. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Re: Viagra - actually there are (thank the goddess) some ladies brave enought to fight this. Read:

    "In Georgia, a House bill would prohibit men from getting vasectomies because “thousands of children are deprived of birth in this state every year because of the lack of state regulations over vasectomies.” An amendment proposed in the Oklahoma Senate would construe “any action in which a man ejaculates or otherwise deposits semen anywhere but in a woman’s vagina” as “an action against an unborn child.” If Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner gets her way, men seeking prescriptions for erectile-dysfunction will be required to undergo sexual counseling. Along the same lines, Virginia Sen. Janet Howell proposed linking Viagra prescriptions to digital rectal exams.

  3. PoliticaBlue1:32 PM

    Ms. Snarker, I so rarely disagree with you that I find myself at a bit of a loss! But here I think you're off the mark. Women (nevermind girls) definitely do not "run the world," and one of the big problems of songs like this is that they obscure the very real disadvantages women face—some of which you discussed in your post. My take on this is that you were just looking for a little "feel good" takeaway from a depressing post, but this one, for me, was a fail.

    Dismounting my high horse now...


  4. josie2:10 PM

    Appalled on a daily basis by these ludicrous people. On a brighter note, I dare you to watch this and not feel all warm and fuzzy...


  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    love pretty women,sorry Dorothy,no Rizzoli & I,and no Beckett,so masculine,but i understand ,different tastes

  6. PoliticaBlue has a point, but I wanted to be in a better mood, so I'm going with feel-good instead of anything realistic. At least I do run my own mind, eh?

    As for R & I, maybe I'll sway the other way. I feel a bit used by the sexual tension between them. Cake, eating it - all that.

  7. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Angie Harmon I know. Beckett? Unreal I feel like such a dork for not knowing about her. I will be spending a lot of time on youtube.

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM


  9. Anonymous2:20 PM

    J9's comment sums it up for me...

    This also just reminded me of how much I miss Rizzles. I want the gayest non gay show on tv to come back!
