Tuesday, March 06, 2012

From lesbians to Kelly

I don’t know much about much. But I know one thing for damn sure. Lesbians love them some Kelly Clarkson. Maybe it’s her feisty independent streak. I mean she sang “Miss Independent” after all. Maybe it’s her cathartic post-breakup song selection. Put on “Since U Been Gone” in a lesbian club and watch everyone – and I mean everyone – sing along. Maybe it’s her relatable everygirlness complete with Texas waitress backstory. That she never seemingly strives to be a size 0 makes me happy about the universe. Maybe it’s those rumors. Whatever, they’re rumors – I have no claim to knowledge about which team she plays on one way or the other. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s that the gal can flat-out sing. No egg carriage or papal themes or fireworks tits required to keep our rapt attention. Whatever it is, us gay gals can’t get enough. So here’s to you, Kelly. May your breakup anthems keep gay gals singing to you at top volume in the car for years and years to come.


Since U Been Gone

Behind These Hazel Eyes

Miss Independent

And, of course, nothing says you’ve made it with the lesbians like the Troubletones covering your music. Plus it’s five more weeks until “Glee” returns. So we have to pass the time somehow, and how better than with a little Kelly.


  1. I agree with everything you said plus, maybe it's because she's H.O.T. - smokin'

  2. kasadilla114:42 AM

    Whenever anybody gets down on me for liking Kelly Clarkson, I point them to this video of her singing "Up to the Mountain" with Jeff Beck. I mean, come on.

  3. Kelly, the first winner of American Idol? Am I right? I stopped watching after that mostly.

    I haven't followed her career as closely as I would have liked (mainly because until here lately she hasn't been prominent.)

    Damn, that Hazel Eyes video is a killer. Boy that girl can belt it out. That's what I like about her. Wallorin' around in that forest in a watery, leafy mud puddle in a wedding dress cryin' like a baby about all the love pain? Well that's exactly what it is: love is pure pain. Don't do it! ;) Sing it Kelly.

  4. Thank-you Ms. Snarker for a great start to my day - two days in a row!

  5. Not only is she a natural beauty, but Kelly Clarkson never, ever seems to have a bad hair day. Damn, that gal's got some pretty hair.

  6. Anonymous5:33 PM

    She denied the rumors twice. Once in 2009 and 2011. If she was gay I don't think she'd have a problem admitting it unlike another American Idol Alum who took forever to announce the obvious. He doesn't have a career anymore so maybe that wasn't a good idea!

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM

    The thing about The Clarkson is that you can see what she's about. She's a singer.

  8. I had to come out of hibernation for this one...
    Thanks, Dot -- excellent choice for the exact reasons stated and more. What is it about hot, talented, Texas women? I've had more than my fair share of fun in Austin, so I will readily admit to Lone Star bias. If Kelly (or Angie Harmon) suddenly became possessed by the ghost of Ann Richards, then she would be perfect and we would be staring into the face of God and that ain't right; )
    Counting down the days until Ms. Clarkson's concert at the Nokia!

  9. I love Kelly Clarkson, have seen her in concert twice and she was fabulous both times. And not only is she super talented, but she seems to have a healthy body image and doesn't seem to pay any mind to the jerks who post nasty comments about her size on the internet. She looks healthy and beautiful from where I'm sitting.

  10. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Well she's wants Ron Paul for president, so that is just a deal breaker for me. I can tolerate a lot of political views but that is pure nuts.
