Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap of Beals

Jennifer Beals

Every four years we are given one extra 24-hour period to do as we damn well please. We could be lazy, and use it as a shrine to sloth. We could be helpful, and do unto others instead of unto ourselves. We could be spontaneous, and do whatever the hell we feel like whenever the hell we feel it. But me? Me, I like to use Leap Days as a bonus day to try to right a great injustice in the world. I know, I know – please, do not stare directly into the nobility of my actions. You might lose an eye from the imaginary sword I’m using to imaginarily bestow a knighthood on myself.

So this year, with great beneficence, I have chosen to concentrate my Leap Day Injustice Righting on one of the greater injustices of our time. Yes, yes – I am talking about the tragic lack of Jennifer Beals on our televisions. There’s a sign-up sheet on the back wall for those interested in volunteering to pass out water and megaphones for the protest rally I have planned later today. Together, we can right this terrible wrong.

Some of you will fondly remember the news that Jennifer was going to guest on “Castle.” Others of you fondly remember the promo pictures of Jennifer standing next to Stana Katic while guesting on “Castle.” And still others of you fondly watched the episodes where Jennifer acted alongside Stana while guesting on “Castle.” Well, I’d like to take a moment to unite all those clearly disparate groups toward the common goal of finding Jennifer a permanent show where she is not just a guest. I know with hard work and determination we can create the change we want to see on our television sets. Because otherwise, it means we are missing seeing this on a regularly scheduled basis.

Think about your life, think about your choices, television executives. We shall overcome, comrades. Keep the faith.


  1. Sooo...Flashdance: The Series? (I would probably watch it, if it existed).

  2. I'm a huge fan of Jennifer Beals, but her face expression and makeup in these just aren't working, this time. I miss her L Word and Chicago Code days greatly. Sigh.

  3. Anonymous4:27 AM

    love the "on one of the greater injustices of our time. Yes, yes – I am talking about the tragic lack of Jennifer Beals on our televisions. " you are so right, she is perfect,we need her every week,please

  4. Anonymous5:52 AM

    I'm pretty sure Jennifer Beals regards these photos as some of the biggest mistakes of her life, but I agree with your sentiment. More Beals on my TV!

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Absolutely gross

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Couldn't agree with you more! Love, love, LOVE, Jennifer Beals!

  7. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Just came across this post and I love Jennifer Beals as an actress but have you ever wonder that if she is not that much on TV it might be because she is also chosing what she wants to be on??? Some of you are I think just a bit too obsessive about her!!! Yes she is very good and very nice looking but I think if she is more on TV she won't be able to walk the streets no more with sick people like you!!! And please chnge the pics they are old...

  8. "I'm pretty sure Jennifer Beals regards these photos as some of the biggest mistakes of her life, but I agree with your sentiment. More Beals on my TV!"

    I have a similar set of photos of myself - talk about regret . . . (And my non-existant never said goodbye ex won't give back her copies. blah and blerg goddamnit)

    color me naive about knowing anything about these pics -
    What is that in Jennifer's hand? A cigar?

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    oh my god, thank you for saving my day!

  10. Oh how agree with your sentiments.How dearly i would love to see Jennifer in a permanent role on our screens.In an interview recently she is said to be working on a series for youtube and a new film in the spring.So please Jennifer after that please find a pilot that you fancy and come back to our screens.You are so sorely missed.

  11. I love these photos. Jennifer to me, seems like someone who takes great care with the decisions she makes around the kind of work that she puts out there. I would assume these pics included in that. they are sexy. they don't take anything away from her mind and talents. She has also shown herself to be a very uninhibited person regarding sexuality in other work. I embrace this wild and sexy Jennifer!! no regrets.

  12. Anonymous5:56 PM

    with posts like this one i wish every day was leap day :)
    of course i was surprised to find no article on talking about dinah shore since it was her birthday on feb 29

  13. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Love jennifer beals
