Thursday, January 05, 2012

Cop-Puter Code

It’s Thursday after a holiday. Which means it sucks because it’s still not Friday. But you know what doesn’t suck? Hilarious 80s cop show parodies starring Jennifer Beals and big shoulder pads. Really, that’s all the set up you need. Sometimes I still get sad that “The Chicago Code” was canceled. But I won’t lie, I’d watch the hell out of “Cop-Pupter.” (Hat tip, Erin!)


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM


  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    What? No leggings? Big ass sweatshirt? How could Beals forget her signature 80s look, water on the side?

  3. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Does that woman ever age? 48 and still smoking hot.... oh and funny too of course!

  4. Cop-puter looks vaguely like what used to be in the computer room in middle school. Jesus I must be old.

    Also Jennifer Beals' face when the thing comes unplugged-she should really do more comedy.

  5. Anonymous4:13 PM

    floppy disks!!!!!haha

  6. I'm so pissed Chicago Code was cancelled because that was a damn fine show.
    And the last Jennifer Beals scene where she was in a bar in Chicago pretending to be from out of town--so much lost potential!

  7. AZinthesun10:20 PM

    ITA w/Colleen about that last scene in TCC. Beals excels at flirtation, the idea of a promising ending, sexy but not slutty. All done w/nuance of eye contact. Damn, FOX, I miss seeing what could have been.

  8. Yup... explosive laughter such that I actually, somehow, did a spit-take on my computer screen. Hilarious.

  9. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Agree about the Chicago Code...
    and Jennifer Beals is talented
    sexy and funny

  10. Anonymous5:04 AM

    They never gave Chicago Code a chance. It was a good show. The name was stupid.

    JB will always be JB. sigh..
