Thursday, December 15, 2011

A lock of thy jet-black tresses

So I was sick in bed all of yesterday. Like coughy, hacky, snotty, headachey, icky sick. I sort of went in and out of consciousness, trying to write this week’s Rizzoli & Isles Subtext Recap (which is a day late due to sickness, but should be up a little later today at AfterEllen with my apologies). Let me tell you, it went slowly. Also, if I hadn’t had work to finish, what I would have done was drag my drugged-up little body to the couch to watch my complete set of “Anne of Green Gables” DVDs. It seemed like such an Anne day. Alas, duty called. But today, I can at least share a little of what I really wanted to do, the way I really wanted to see it. Anne of Green Gables: Brokeback Mountain Style. Such a queer little girl, that Anne Shirley.


  1. Anonymous1:25 AM

    YES!!!! I can't stress enough how every gay gal needs to watch Anne of Green Gables.

    for. REAL.

    Props, Dorothy Snarker... MAD props.

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I love to think how all over the world we were reading and watching Anne and thinking and dreaming the same things.

  3. Anne was sooooooooo in love in w/ Diana, her "bosom" friend ;-)

  4. Feel better soon D. :)

  5. Anne Shirley: Wilt thou give me a lock of thy jet-black tresses?

    Diana Barry: But I don't have any black dresses.

    Anne Shirley: Your hair.

    Diana Barry: All right.

    My daughter and I watched this together, religiously, each week, as it unfolded on the tv.

  6. Hope you feel better already, Ms. Dorothy.

  7. ;) babs8:10 AM

    get well soon!

    thanx for the Anne link!

  8. Ms. Snarker - I was concerned for you when there was no recap yesterday - the boob grabs alone were holding me through the day. Glad you are back to it, but hope you feel even better shortly. And if you need hot soup - let me know, I deliver ;-)

  9. I loved these movies as a kid when they were on PBS. I loved Anne in a way that I didn't understand until I got a bit older and realized everyone else was swooning over Gilbert and his absurd Canadian accent (I'm soooorry Anne)
    I could watch these over and over everyday and never get tired of them.

  10. Lol no, I'm sorry, this is pretty funny, but Anne of Green Gables is perfect as-is, and I adore Gilbert Blythe. Childhood Me has stuck her fingers in her ears, closed her eyes, and begun chanting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" :P

  11. Anonymous10:33 AM

    This is amazing!

  12. I hope you are feeling better. My sister and I just visited Prince Edward Island when we got home we watched the movies, which I hadn't seen in years, we both laughed at how girl on girl these movies are.

  13. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Oh no darling! You’re sick?! Would you like me to whip up one of famous hot toddies? Guaranteed to lift even the most flagging of spirits!

    You know darling, I am somewhat embarrassed to admit I have never actually seen nor read any of the Green Gables tales. I know someone who has though! In fact, by all accounts she’s as big a fan as you are! I am speaking of none other than the unfortunate Kate ‘is she preggers yet?!’ Middleton! Yes indeed, our future ‘she kissed a girl and she liked it’/’gay until graduation’ queen is one hell of fan! So much so in fact, she re-routed the Royal Tour to Prince Edward Island and proceeded to commandeer the Green Gabled Graceland Museum for an entire afternoon! Ruddy diva!

    I have it on good authority that that little video you linked to is in fact her handiwork! I mean, what else is a girl to do stuck out there in bloody Anglesey forlornly popping dietary supplements and ecstasy tablets while your husband is off having a grand old time buzzing pensioners’ cottages in his Sea King?!

    Oh alright, very occasionally his nibs does supposedly rescue some poor bastard. Darlings, can you imagine the humiliation?! There you are minding your own business ensconced in your Emergency Space Blanket atop a misty Mt Snowdon as you compose one last epic romantic poem to the world. Nursing your broken leg and nibbling on your Emergency Kendal Mint Cake you remain happily resigned to your romantic fate. Your thoughts drift to Shelley as you finish your penultimate stanza with a flourish. Next thing you know you are flung to the ground and the pages of your magnum opus snatched away by the updraft as you near deafened by HIM quite rudely (not to mention inconsiderately!) descending on you in that stupid bright yellow helicopter of his!


    PS ‘john88’?! Oh that’s just one of those campy man servants Prince Charles loves to surround himself with. Middleton had him post it for her.

  14. Anonymous5:38 PM

    i'm so sorry to hear you were sick. i hope you get much better soon :)

  15. SlyNellie12:17 AM

    Aww, très adorable! Every October is break out the "Anne" DVDs with Canadian bacon, pumpkin scones, and hot apple cider. Nice to know I'm not the only Green Gables lunatic out there. Defending oneself with the Anne, "Je suis Canadienne!" quote during the reign of W came in quite handy overseas...

  16. expatmommy6:29 AM

    Years ago, I read Colleen Dewhurst's biography and she wrote that Anne of Green Gables beat out Hockey Night in Canada for ratings which, of course, was the highest praise in television for Canada. That made me chuckle.

    Who didn't want to be Anne as a little girl?

  17. Seriously?! i lovvee this! It's two of my most favorite things, anne of green gables and girl lovin'! Oh how i love this site! :p

  18. Shasta9:39 PM

    I admit I love Anne and Gilbert together a lot, but this version with Anne and Diana is just adorable. They really do love each other. :)
    As for Gilbert and his "absurd" Canadian accent, it would only be absurd if he sounded like Terrance and Phillip from South Park. Since he's a Canadian actor playing a Canadian character, he sounds just about right.

  19. I remember seeing this for the first time in ages last year and realizing just how big the lesbian subtext was between the two. Diana always seemed to be in love with Anne.
