Monday, December 12, 2011

Det. Sexy McBadass & Dr. Smartypants

So, you know I love me some “Rizzoli & Isles” (henceforth alternately known as Det. Sexy McBadass & Dr. Smartypants). And it’s going to be mighty hard to beat the gayzzoli of last week. I mean, Maura told Jane, “I love you.” So, not really so much subtext as regular old maintext now. But, as a dreamer, I can always hope for more. This week’s episode will be the one with Jane’s big high school reunion. I hope everyone thinks Jane and Maura are LLBFF at the event. I know, it’s not good to go back to the well – but when the water is so sweet, why not? Still, when writer imagination fails us, we always have the fanvids. Oh, fanvids. How you make the dirty things in our head spring to life on our screens.

Oh, and if you haven’t been checking out my Rizzoli & Isles Subtext Recaps on Wednesdays over at AfterEllen would it help if I told you a mutual friend of ours has?

You know, no big, it’s cool. Just Sasha Alexander saying she’s read a few of my recaps. Be right back, passing out – FOREVER.


  1. Honestly, I'm more excited that Melissa Ferrick made it on your blog than Sasha Alexander. Not only is she a great musician, she can rock a tank top!

  2. And now with that last photo of Maura you've made the rest of us pass out as well. Also that first one. In THE dress. That SAME tight dress she wore on Jimmy Kimmel. I may not make it past the first shot of her in that dress tonight.
    And the fact that she reads your Rizzles recaps. It's like at any point when we're reading them Sasha could be doing the same. No pressure when you're writing them or anything!
    Great way to start the week :)

  3. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Hello Miss Snarker,just thought u should check out this rizzles video...enjoy!!!:

  4. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Well, if that last picture of Maura doesn't say "I know we just got out of bed, but I still want you", I don't know what does....

  5. OMG - you do know it looks like they are going to Jane's reunion together? AND st8 girls - do they do that? The only female couples at my reunions have been couples, LLBFFs, but not BFFs...
    And we've had 2 weeks in a row of Sasha arm porn? And declarations of love, and you know, the after make-up sex, "We're at YOUR place, you make us food" grilled cheese dinner... I am LOVING the show (really the subtext, the recaps, the comics).

  6. Anonymous12:29 PM

    It’s about ruddy time! Finally, some official recognition of all your sterling work darling!

    May I be the one to place the cherry atop the cake?! Ms Alexander has asked me to ask you if you would be so kind as to do the recap of her sorority reunion next year?! (I’m doing the photography!)

    Excited darling? I know I am! :D


  7. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Ha, you "favorited" the tweet! I mean, of course, but still funny it's in the picture.

  8. I think it's time to reignite the Detective Sexy McBadass vs. Detective Butchy McFabulous debate. With lots of pictures... yes. I guess this pits Dr. Smartypants against ADA Cabot and her Glasses of Justice.
