Thursday, November 10, 2011

Someone like Brittana

So, I woke up early intent on finishing another post this morning. And then I opened the Tweeter Machine and my feed was all my adorable Brittaniacs going, “Have you seen it? HAVE YOU SEEN IT?!” And now, after seeing it, I can safely say there is nothing else in the world I want to write about. Period. Full Stop. Just Brittana. And after watching The Troubletones do this amazing Adele mash-up of “Rumour Has It” and “Someone Like You,” I’m pretty sure it’ll be all you can think about, too.

[Note: Hit 1080p & Full Screen and just let the awesome wash over you.]

[Note 2:Here is a link to a region-free version for my international friends]

Don’t lie. You watched that like three times in a row, didn’t you? I know I did. Now, setting aside the video’s obvious emotional backstory (relax, relax – you know I’m going to get to it), the whole number is just gangbusters. Sorry, New Directions, but there’s a new sheriff in town and she is packing Adele in her holster. There is no musical ammo better. Look, I’m not sure if that metaphor worked, but just go with it.

I know this Tuesday’s “The First Time” was perhaps a letdown for those of us aboard the S.S. Brittana. They had zero moments (or even eye contact). But if this video from next week’s “Glee” is any indication, our adoration will be redeemed, and then some. I’ve been trying to avoid detailed spoilers, because I know some big Santana and Brittany developments are coming. Granted, I like knowing big-picture spoilers. In general plot developments, etc. But I’m loathe to know turn-of-the-screw episode minutia. Still, it seems unavoidable at this point to realize that some major Brittana emotions are brewing. The way Santana looks at Brittany when she sings, “I heard that you settled down, that you found a girl and you’re married now.” And then turns. And then looks at directly Brittany. Let’s just say Big Lesbian Feelings are happening in her heart, and my heart and everyone’s heart if it’s beating.

And, once again, I cannot be more impressed with Naya Rivera and her nuanced, powerful performance. It’s one thing to be able to deliver biting one liners. It’s another to be able to sing spectacularly. But this girl can also pack an emotional wallop. The Santana story arc in particular through the three seasons of this show is nothing short of spectacular. I don’t know what the future holds for Santana, but I certainly hope with all of my shipper heart that her love gets to last, and not hurt instead.


  1. not available in my region(w-europe)

  2. Jessica7:24 AM

    Argh! Can't watch's not available in Australia.

    Damn. Someone rip it and upload it to YouTube?

  3. It still baffles me how Glee can be so horrible in so many ways and then spit out amazing gems like this. Why can't the entire show be this quality? Also if Naya Rivera isn't nominated for a Golden Globe or an Emmy or something this season, there is no justice. Her performance here is stunning. Not only is her pain written all over her face, she's just a little out of step on the choreography. Like whatever is on her mind is so all consuming that she can't even fully concentrate on what she's doing. Beautiful.

  4. That was UH. Mazing. Wow. Thanks for sharing.

    On a slightly (but only slightly) different note, I was really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this past episode... especially the part where Brit references her "alien invasion." Did no one else notice this? Thoughts??

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    THANK YOU for posting this!

  6. Not just thanks for posting but - thanks for having the humility to say what you really feel about it, & about Naya/Brittana in general, so I (we, probably) can just feel it and not intellectualize it. Yeah, I watched 3 times. God bless 'em.

  7. Beyond fantastic, I just love the chemistry these two have together, it's all in their eyes.

  8. Hopping up and down. That was outstanding!

  9. Definitely watched this more than 3 times! But I'm going to be so pissed/sad if they throw a wrench into Brittana. Sigh.

  10. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Do you get to screen this episode early?

    I can't take it. My nerves cannot take it knowing they might break up!

  11. oh wow amazing, and i can't stop watching it! i may have to start watching glee :p

  12. When Glee gets good Glee gets awesome!

  13. Was that Idina?? Win. Also, what a great mash-up, I really support their arrangers on the show. Double win.


  14. VickyD8:02 PM

    I agree with the comments. I, too, was curious about the alien invasions reference.

    Side note- was it the screen proportion/ratio of the video clip or did Naya look like she's gotten creepy Hollywood skinny?

  15. Naya for all the awards. Period.

    Seriously, though, I'm pretty much only watching the show for her and Brittany at this point. I had fully intended to stop and then... all this. If the show could manage to be half as good the rest of the time as it when it's dealing with Santana, it would be the best show on TV, pants down. Alas...

