Friday, November 04, 2011

My Weekend Reflection

It had been, for whatever reason, a long week. I don’t know why, but my birthday week always sits heavy on me. It’s not the actual act of getting older, because we do that every day. Perhaps it’s just the reminder of one’s own mortality. Small speck. Enormous universe. Silly, I know. And in so many ways it has been a perfectly lovely week. Calls. Visits. Cards. Gifts. All of the wonderful birthday wishes from all of you wonderful people. I couldn’t be more touched, kittens. You’re too sweet, as always. Yet still, every year, the week ends with a strange sense of not entirely melancholy, but quiet reflection. There is so much unnecessary misery around us sometimes – violence, injustice, inequality, greed. So sometimes, sometimes I just like to remind myself that we’re not just a bunch of hairless apes with an unusually advanced ability to use tools. We are also kind, loving, generous souls who believe in the magic of each new day. I posted this once before on my Tumblr. And since then I’ve actually played it for myself several times just as a little reminder. This is summer solstice in Poznań, Poland with 11,000 paper lanterns set to Mumford & Sons. Every once in a while, we tiny humans do beautiful things. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    thank you : )

  2. Happy Weekend, and may your birthday bring you the realization that your life is one of those lanterns... thanks for being a beacon of hope in the world.

  3. Magical. What a wonderful video; thank you for sharing that little piece of quiet joy :)

  4. Anonymous8:40 AM


  5. e pluribus unum

    Snarker woman is a special woman.


  6. Shasta10:11 AM

    Thank you for that. After a really crappy week, this brightens things up a bit!

  7. beebee12:03 PM

    Sweet Snarker, thanks for sharing that. Thanks for all your daily posts and for giving me a little shot of fun/sexy/intriguing/thoughtful 5 days a week. Birthdays are times of reflection , that is for sure!

  8. You're such a gift. I mean it. My world is so much better because you're a part of it.

  9. Dorothy, I love this so much. I'm so glad you posted this again. We went to Maine this week to spread my Dad's ashes and used the balloons to give him an appropriate sendoff. It was your video that inspired me to use the balloons and they give me a sense of peace and certainly comfort to say goodbye in such a beautiful way. SO Happy Birthday and Thank You.

  10. CarrieM2131:55 PM

    That's so lovely! What a wonderful moment. Thank you for sharing!

  11. Beautiful and moving. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for bringing us all together day after day. You are a voice for us all to see ourselves in. Thank you.

  12. Anonymous4:37 PM

    wow, that's beautiful,
    yeah, i stop by sometimes
    cus i know you have artistic talent.

    thanks for the posting,
    really cool.

  13. Anonymous7:34 PM

    you know Dorothy, for what it's worth, you brighten my days. I love the way you express yourself. thanks for keeping me amused and get me to laugh at life.
    take care, heada

  14. Happy Birthday fellow Scorpio!

    Yes, we are kind, loving and generous and we can and will create the world in our image, one person at a time.

    Occupy Wherever is already manifesting that, even if the media doesn't cover it. Hearts are opening up everywhere....

  15. thank you for this Ms. Snarker! this is exactly what i needed to day to brighten my day and cheer me up!

  16. Oh, darling, you of such beautiful words and an even more beautiful heart, thank you for your reflections. MakingSpace put it so beautifully and I will simply repeat them, as they reflect my feelings as well:
    "...may your birthday bring you the realization that your life is one of those lanterns."

    To another year of creating more light and love and joy in the world!

    (and the hot naked lady posts are good too!)

  17. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Happy Belated Birthday Dorothy; you're posts are truly the highlight of my day, week, hell even sometimes my year. We live in a cruel world, full of hate, bigotry and misery. But people like you make it a beautiful place to be, i'd like to believe it kicks ass, you kick ass :)


  18. I, too, am a scorpio. Happy belated birthday wishes, Dorothy.

    And thank you for posting your thoughts, along with that beautiful video.
