Friday, November 25, 2011

My Weekend Crush

I have very few stead-fast winter traditions. I don’t put the decorations up on a certain day. I don’t roast chestnuts on an open fire. I don’t rush out to sled at the first fallen snow. But, come on, I live in California so that last one isn’t really my fault. What I do always do is open presents on Christmas morning (not Christmas Eve, that’s just impatient crazytalk). I always watch “The Snowman” with my family (well, when I’m with my family). And I always start playing Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson’s “Winter Song” on an endless loop. Here after a day of much turkey and lying flat, I finally feel ready to admit that winter is well on its way. So now, now I’m ready to press play. Something about this song with its delicate melancholy makes my heart just melt. It’s a harvester of light through cold, dark nights. I fell in love from the first second I heard it. And, once the season changes back, I fall in love all over again. Welcome, winter. Happy weekend, all.


  1. I always play Winter Song on loop too! And imagine that I'm celebrating a white Christmas and that it's not the middle of summer here in Australia...

  2. Anonymous3:36 AM

    My endless loop Christmas song is "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" by Darlene Love. I could listen to that song year-round! (As for opening gifts on Christmas Eve, this is a tradition my mother steadfastly refused to deviate from. When I was growing up, Christmas Eve was for opening gifts. Christmas Day was for Santa, visits from family, and a Thanksgiving-caliber dinner.)

  3. Rosie7:55 AM

    You live in California? I always thought for some reason that you were from New York.I don't's something about you that says New York to me:)(maybe it's just my fantasy...)

  4. tlsintx8:53 AM

    Right on, Ms. Snarker...beautiful!

  5. FASTTCR8:54 AM

    Simply, thank you for bringing this song into my life.

  6. Always a favourite, even if I no longer live in a country that has winter during Christmas. I must say I'm always thankful for your recaps (and I'm still missing your Ringer ones).

    Thought I should share a link for Non-US readers, since I had to do a google to rewatch it myself:

  7. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I found the song on your blog and have been in love since. I also play in on loop in December (we have real winter here, with snow etc.). Thank you for that song, Dorothy :)

  8. A few years ago, my much cooler sister made me a mix of Christmas songs (back when such things were on CD) and we listen to it as soon as we feel Christmas coming. This year we started a few days before Thanksgiving. The first song always makes me think of Christmas-"Just Like Christmas" by Low.

    Never ceases to make me smile or feel ready for Christmas trees, snow, colored lights, and a warm fire.

    Thank goodness for cooler sisters.

  9. Anonymous5:28 PM

    I like the warm snow man,

    thanks for the posting, the ingrid is not
    that melancholy singer, but the animation
    feels kind of sad.

    how did you feel? i guess the sound makes me
    feel like that. something sad.

    so after this melancholy time,
    when the pixar finished their production,
    we then meet the brave!

    thank you ds, nice weekend!

  10. Anonymous11:34 PM

    i love this song, so much. it's always on my x-mas playlists.
