Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Funny business

After a long holiday weekend sometimes it’s not the first day back that takes it out of you the most, but the second. On the first day you’re still chatting with your co-workers about what you did, what you ate, what you wish you hadn’t done or eaten. But on that second day, boy, does it ever set in that this is a regular old work week. So, to shake off some of those reality sucks doldrums, I thought today we could all just laugh together. Like big, hearty, don’t be drinking any liquids laughing. Are you ready? All together now. Let’s laugh off a tiny sliver of that whole pumpkin pie you consumed over the weekend.


What better way to reflect on a holiday about giving thanks for our great melting pot of a country than to make fun of foreigners’ accents?

Warehouse 13 Gag Reel

Bollocks. That is all.

Anna Torv

Anna Torv in a cop uniform. Hot. Anna Torv using female stereotypes to write an enormous ticket? Hot and hilarious. Also, love the baton thing at the end.

Cat & Pamie

Remember that commercial for KY Intense that featured the lesbians? Well here’s a real-life lesbian, Cat, (and her not-real-life-lesbian friend, Pamie) actually using the product. I swear to God, this made me laugh so hard, a little pee came out. It burns! It burns!

There, now that burned off at least, what, one of the mini-marshmallows on your sweet potato casserole, right


  1. OMG I think Cat and Pamie are my two new favorite people. I haven't laughed that much in forever

  2. All these videos-- just sooo funny. Cat's Intense response- It burn!It burns! OMFG! These are your friends? No wonder you're so funny.

  3. Like we need pepper spray for our clitoris' . . . I'd like to bite off that big, all knowing penis of pharmaceutical companies. Did they test that "KY" product on little kittens or puppies in pre-market testing? Has anyone seen that very black comedy, TEETH? :)

    (sorry, haven't had enough coffee yet) I was really trying to be funny. Thanks DS for all this inspiration to start off the day.

  4. Shasta8:22 AM

    I want to see what happens when Anna Torv's Hot Cop pulls up to see why Cat & Pamie are pulled over. Heeee!
    And speaking of Hot Cop.... I miss Hot Cop!

  5. OMG Cat and Pam are hilarious! Loved them!

  6. OMG! All of these videos hilarious - Cat and Pamie definitely take the cake! Still wiping away the laugh tears...

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Ms Snarker another funny is Katherine Heigls ihateballs.com and her funny or die commercial. Made me crack up!

  8. Anonymous5:03 PM

    “One speeding ticket away from making quota this month…”

    I could of course go on at some length regarding this sad indictment of the state of our oh-so- screwed-up western society! “Oh Lord, must you PD?!” How well you know me! Oh alright, I suppose I could let it go… Just this once…

    To be honest, I am rather busy trying to work out who this G-L-O-R-I-A is and where the hell she’s been all my life! I bet they’re just *wild* about her down Mexico way! :)


    PS I have recently made the acquaintance of one Ms Mac Harde, ‘power lez’ extraordinaire! (Who needs ‘power lube’?! Not Mac that’s for sure!) Anyway, anyway, in case you happen to be worried about possible gains you may have incurred due to Thanksgiving overindulgence, well, sit back, relax, and let Mac put you at ease!


    PPS It would have been even funnier if that cop who caused such mayhem for a certain Mr H Grant had swung by during Cat’s ‘experiment’. Now, that would have been a headline worth reading on AE! :D

  9. Anonymous8:54 PM

    my hahaha was just the usual hahaha,

    like, ahem, it didn't have certain meaning.
    it might feel different if you heard actually.


    me: i bought a new book ( just book, not funny)
    frans: hahaha, you did?

    kind of thing.

  10. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Cat & Pamie, literally made my side hurt laughing. That is totally something my bestie and I would do. Sooo funny. Thanks for sharing that. Hilarious.

  11. Anonymous6:39 PM

    omfg that cat davis video... is probably the funniest thing. ever.

  12. omg the warehouse 13 bloopers are the best.
