Monday, November 21, 2011

Body of a Greek goddess

Yes, I’ve been talking about Jaime Murray a lot lately. No, I will not apologize. I mean, have you seen her? You have eyes, right? Have you seen her in a bikini? In fact, my Jaime Murray obsession of late has yielded some unexpected fruits. And, yes, I mean fruits in the totally gay way. So allow me to please take you back in the my way-back machine (you say potato, I say Tardis) to a little year known as 2008. Yes, kids, think back to when we all were still starry eyed about that Hope-y Change-y thing and a show called “Valentine” appeared on our TVs. Now, you probably do not remember this show. I do not remember this show. That’s because it aired for only aired four episodes on the CW before being canceled (the last four episodes were burned off the next summer).

But those who do remember it, or those who are similarly obsessed stalkers diligent researchers like me may have found a few of the episodes online. And this is where we all have to thank Al gore again because what I found was this entirely delightful, totally gay episode of “Valentine.” First, let me set the premise for you. “Valentine” is about a group of immortal Greek gods living in modern day and acting as matchmakers for unsuspecting folks. Jaime plays the matriarch of the family, Aphrodite. One look at Jaime in her bikini and you will know where the saying, “Body of a Greek god” comes from.

The Valentine clan also enlisted a mortal human writer to help them in their matchmaking. Among their cases is an adorable little lesbian couple who dated in college. Oh, first girlfriends, how we never really escape you. If you have 20 minutes to spare, this is really too cute to pass up. Also, you get to hear Jaime say, “I’ve always had a soft spot for lesbians.” Yeah, you’re clicking play right now, aren’t you?

See? So cute. Also, the first time Aphrodite and their human sidekick meet, this happens. (Come on, I know you have a minute and 39 seconds to spare.)

I think Jaime’s Aphrodite and Anna Silk’s Bo need to get together and make the whole universe feel alright. Or, at very least, us ladies.


  1. You know, if JM wanted to do to me what Aphrodite did to her sidekick lady in that last clip... I would be ok with that. It would be very, very ok...

  2. So, Dorothy, I have to wonder if you've seen any of the first five seasons of the British heist show "Hustle?" It's where I first fell in love with Jaime, although it suffers from her being the only female character.

  3. Oh that Aphrodite is shameless, indeed. Naked displays and terrible taste my arse.

    By the by, did anyone catch Kalinda sass-shaying her way through "Good Wife" last evening? I nearly inhaled the whole bowl of popcorn.

    Anyway, she told the lady lawyer she was trying to seduce, she was doing no such thing, no. Three shot later she said, she does love to get a woman excited. She said "with a woman" it's just so "slow and suspenseful."

    I love Dorothy Surrenders. Yes I do.

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    "Yes, I’ve been talking about Jaime Murray a lot lately."

    By all means, please continue!

    W13's finale just aired last Thursday in Canada, and I already suffers withdrawal. (and hope to see HG - with Myka - again next year).

  5. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Reading this post I thought "oh, yes, I've heard of this series, although I've never seen it" - and then I remembered how I'd heard of it: because Jaime Murray's in it...

    And the fangirl loop is complete. Sigh.

  6. Anonymous11:57 AM

    The most amusing part of that last clip is that it's Christine "Al" Lakin she's giving the "naked display" to. Al was such a 90s dyke crush.

  7. Anonymous2:21 PM

    so just when i was about to sulk for the lack of my daily/weekly dose of reel time lady lovin'(lost girl has little succubus action, glee won't be on 'til next week),i found this! cute indeed!

  8. Anyway, back on topic of JM:

    That on-screen orgasm, portraying both the giver AND receiver is about the best re-enactment? I've seen since Harry Met Sally hillarity. 'Cept this is about lesbians of course, so it is better.

    Thanks for finding that bit of rare celluloid magic.

  9. Ok why was this show canceled?! It's freaking hilarious!!!

  10. Anonymous6:14 PM

    thanks ds!
    the last clip seems natural,
    the actors act really well, looks like real.
    might be difficult to act.

  11. Note to self: It would be better if I do not read this posts whilst sitting in a somewhat crowded hallway at my faculty building. Otherwise, oh so good.

  12. You can talk about Jaime Murray every damn day if you like. I'd listen.

  13. Anonymous5:38 PM

    I say Snarks, you’re a trifle late to the party on this one! I’m shocked! Shocked I say! What the hell happened to that famous journalistic nose of yours?! What happened to the woman who could locate Bangkok’s newest and hottest go-go dancers blind-folded and operating almost entirely on smell alone?! (I still cannot believe I lost that bet.)

    Anyway, what in God’s name do we have to thank ruddy Gore for?! Did he buy the bikini? Did he apply the oil?! (Bloody cad! Lay off Gore you damn sleaze!)

    What do you mean there’s no oil?! I see oil!

    Alright yes, that could just be a thin sheen of perspiration? (Oh dear, I think I am starting to develop a little light perspiration of my own? Did someone just turn up the heat in here?!) Said perspiration being down to her having partaken in some strenuous activity or other (suggestions on a postcard!) immediately prior to the pictures being taken?


    PS “I’ve always had a soft spot for lesbians.” As I *well* know darling!!! I’m *way* ahead of you Snarks! Hee hee!

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    PPS As Debi mentioned ‘Hustle’ is definitely a line of enquiry worth pursuing Snarks! I have recently been tentatively pursuing it myself. My findings thus far are in agreement with Debi’s; aside from the delectable Ms Murray, there appears to be a positive dearth of substantive female characters. My theory is that in the end Murray quit in sheer frustration! After all, we all know just how much she enjoys toying with her female co-stars! :D

    There is another point to consider. Although it does rather depend on one’s personal tastes… Speaking personally, I find the Ms Murray of ‘Hustle’ to be a little, how should one say? Under ripe? It would appear that it has taken until relatively recently for the woman to begin approaching her prime? Oh, and what a simply glorious prime it is shaping up to be!

    Darlings, more often than not I find a sufficiently aged and full bodied Brunello to be superior to a frisky, but at times unpredictable, Beaujolais Nouveau!

  15. Anonymous7:40 PM

    PPPS Any of you seen that blood diamond thing with Joanne Kelly in it? She’s adorable! (SPOILER: Even if her character’s depressed more or less through the entire thing.) Plus there’s the little (and I must stress little!) bonus of her character being gay. (SPOILER: The girlfriend is unceremoniously bumped off in like the first 5 minutes! Hence the depression…)

    Damn it’s a bloody *long* time until Season 4, huh?! :(

    There’s always the Christmas episode I suppose…

  16. Anonymous7:54 PM

    PPPPS A fine red wine and a chilled Molson? Who could have predicted such a combination would be so compelling?! :)

  17. Anonymous8:18 PM

    yes yes yes. that is all. LOL

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Both Jaime Murray and Christine Lakin are on Twitter. A while back I asked Lakin how many takes it took to shoot that "Love Goddess' touch" scene. This was her response:
    hm.. I'd venture to say nearly 12. I reckon the producers got a kick out of it. And it turned @MsJaimeMurray on. #Valentine

  19. Anonymous6:47 PM

    i actually watched every single episode of the show when it was on. talk about gold mine. the only episode i didn't watch in its entirety was the lesbian episode in fact not that i didn't want to believe me i just wasn't 100% able to
