Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Death become her, unfortunately

TV shows need to stop killing Jaime Murray. I mean it. Cut that shit out. Immediately. And, no, I’m still not over the Warehouse 13 finale yet. But, seriously, this is more than a trend. This is an epidemic. It’s gotten so when I see her on screen my emotions go to DEFCON 1. Impending death ahead. Take cover, take cover. This will all end in tears.

Think I’m kidding? Let’s review. (p.s. If you haven’t watched “Dexter,” “Spartacus: Gods of the Arena” or “Warehouse 13,” there be major spoilers ahead…)

DexterShe plays NA sponsor/pyromaniac Lila, who meets a grisly end.

SpartacusShe plays Lucretia’s friend and sometimes lover Gaia, who meets a grisly end.

Warehouse 13She plays former Warehouse 12 agent, would-be world ender and Myka eye sex partner H.G. Wells, who meets what appears to be a grisly (or at the very least explosive) end.

And those are just he shows she had recurring roles on. She even dies when she guest stars. “Eli Stone” – she dies. “The Mentalist” – she dies. “Agatha Christie’s Poirot” – she dies. Are we getting the picture?


Jaime is currently on “Ringer” and I’m just counting the days until her character ends up dead. Well, actually I’m just counting the days until she shows up again (maybe tonight – pretty, pretty please). Still when she does will Sarah Michelle Gellar have to kill her to save her Bridget/Siobhan secret? Will Jaime construct a protective force field to save Bridget/Siobhan so the lies they’ve spun don’t blow up in their face, but in the process gets blown up herself leaving fangirls everywhere crying onto the Tumblr dashboards. Am I projecting wildly? Possibly. But if past is precedent I wouldn’t get too attached.

Oh, Jaime. If only your ability to bring The Gay to my television wasn’t followed shortly by your ability to bring The Grim Reaper.


  1. As far as I can remember, she hasn't got killed off in Hustle, so at least someone knows how to treat her!

  2. Akiha2:26 AM

    But to be dead is part of her charm :'D!
    If she hadn't died on "Dexter", her psycho-socio behavior wouldn't have reached its climax (RIP Lila Tournay...). And if wasn't her death on "Spartacus" she wouldn't have been in the last season of "Warehouse 13" (and this awesome finale and this eye-fucking!!). And she will come back, right? RIGHT?? Because W13 without HG/Myka is not W13...
    It would be extremly humorous if she died on "Ringer" x'D.
    As for the guest-starring, it makes her even more unforgettable :'p.
    Thank you for remindingwhat an amazing actress she is :'D.

  3. Jaime, Jaime, Jaime! Jaime, Stephanie March, Angie Harmon all have square jawlines. I just love their beautiful faces!

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    have you ever seen her show that aired in 2008 called valentine. the show may have died an early death but she didn't

  5. What catvix said; on Hustle she doesn't die! And she gets to make the menfolk look silly.

  6. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Damn that Buffy chick is a short arse! Can you imagine her up against (ahem :) ) all 5'9" of the glorious Amazon that is Joanne Kelly?

    Anyway yeah, poor Murray, it's high time she got to live! Although I would prefer a W13 resurrection to a long lived financial advisor cum wife (yawn). (Dies in her bed at 74, beaten (a coronary) by a truly dastardly account that refused to be balanced no matter what!)


    PS I do like your idea of how to liven up said financial advisor (and the show as a whole)!

  7. I just hope that the creators of WH13 have realized her worth to keep us all spellbound and enthralled to the show, which in all honesty would othervise be forgetable fluff,
    and won't let her go so easily..

  8. somebody should write a scene with a 3way SMG -jaime murray-joanne kelly stare-off: SGM would gaze up at jaime who would be gazing up at joanne kelly :) i'd pay money to see that..

  9. She's Vampirically immortal to me -- major crush material (and she knows it). Seriously, I don't know how she handles it all with enough humility. She once said in interview that she likes to play the quirky damaged type.

    I haven't seen someone with such "come hither" ness in quite some time . . . well maybe this vampiric babe:


    It's a stupid dated high gothic vampire movie of course, but Delphine Seyrig mesmerizes.

  10. Anonymous12:11 PM

    The Jaime Murray Fangirl Warning Rating System. Because Jaime needs to stop playing characters that win our hearts....and then crush them


    And Ms. Snarker, the top 3 posts of your blog are Paget, Stana and Jaime. Have I mentioned you are my hero??

  11. Florence12:43 PM

    To be fair, everyone on Spartacus dies an horrible death, but still she had amazing chemistry with Lucretia *sigh*
    I wonder if everytime Jaime Murray reads a script, she asks: "Wait, do I die in this one?".

  12. Carol2:52 PM

    I'm holding out that, starting with W13, Jaime begins a "Resurrection Theme" to her character's stories.

    *taptapsmike* Hear that, Show?

  13. TheBronze3:24 PM

    There's no way she stays dead on Warehouse 13. No. Way.

  14. Anonymous12:44 AM

    I don't think was killed of in The Bill either

  15. So she's the tv version of Michelle Rodriguez?

  16. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Dude! I totally tweeted MsJM the same thing! Do.Not.Die.In.Ringer... please :(

  17. Anonymous9:31 AM

    I noticed that unfortunate thread too. Quite frankly, I do not get it: if I was a show runner, I would certainly not kill a character portrayed by this brillant an actress!

    I really hope HG is going to come back in Warehouse 13. She's such a great character (and she truly deserves a happy ending, if you ask me)... AND I've waited ten years since the end of Xena to get great subtext on tv. And finally, here it is on W13!!!

  18. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Are any of you aware she's back in Hustle season 8?

  19. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Good news about Stacie Monroe indeed! I just hope Hustle is going to air this side of the Atlantic!

    And I can't wait to get some (good) news about the HG spin-off.

  20. Anonymous5:14 PM

    i personally dislike dead ending whoever
    the actor is, especially blood and violence.

    we all knew that it's not real,
    and they did it with sugar painted blood or
    ketchup, but somewhat the person had to act
    like really dirty and dead.

    i don't like it, and there might be more
    smart way to tell to audience about a character's death in the story. if it is really needed.

    i didn't see the movie so i don't know
    well about it though.

  21. I'm not so sure she's dead in Warehouse 13. At the end it showed Artie holding the pocket watch that saved him in the Season 1 finale (the Warehouse entrance explosion) and I'm thinking something similar may happen at the beginning of Season 4.

  22. Anonymous5:32 AM

    And on the movie side...

    I've seen "Devil's Playground"




    And she dies in it too! That's a fucking epidemic!!! To be fair, it is a zombies movie, so a lot a people don't make it. But still... I haven't seen "The Deaths of Ian Stone" yet. Should I be worried she'll die in it too?

    . . .

    I am fairly confident (or uncharacteristically optimistic) she'll come back on W13. To get rid of a character with that much potential would be a strange business decision.
