Monday, September 12, 2011

Super Kate

The world can be a disappointing place. Humans can act inhuman. Leaders can fail to lead. The famous can act infamously. But amid all our disappointments in our fellow man (and woman), it's nice to be reminded that sometimes we can also not suck. Sometimes, we can be down right lovely.

Celebrity is a strange business. Fame does not have to equal goodness. But when the two do happen to converge it makes us feel happily justified. Like we've finally, finally put our adoration in the right place.

Like how Kate Winslet keeps reassuring me that my adoration is in the right place. In her new cover story in V magazine, Kate reminds us that not only can we not suck, we can be fabulous while doing so. Take, for instance, her reasoning for loving city life:
“I like being in the city. I like the diversity that my children are exposed to every day. I love the way their brains work. [My son] Joe turns to me the other day and says ‘One day I will have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, darling. Which would you prefer?’ And I said ‘My love, that would be entirely up to you, and it doesn’t make any difference to me.’ But that he knows! It’s a real privilege. Talk about the best education.”

One could quibble - if one were in a quibbling mood - that country life could be just as progressive, of course. But let us just revel in the wonderfulness of her response to the possibility of having a gay child instead. Because that, that's what makes a difference. All the public speeches and heartfelt PSAs in the world can't make the difference that one parent telling one child that "It's perfectly OK to be gay, and I will love you just the same, always" can. Also, how fabulous is it that Kate's son calls her "darling?" So fabulous.

Oh, Kate, Kate. Thank you for not sucking. And being fucking fabulous.

p.s. Also, did you know Kate’s kind of a superhero? Super Winslet: Rescuing mothers from fires and telling sons it’s OK to be gay in a single bound.


  1. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love her more...

  2. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Isn't Kate Winslet possibly the most perfect person on the planet?!

  3. April4:58 AM

    Oh yes indeedy. She is for certain no less than the UberKate.

  4. Florence6:04 AM

    Awww that's so cute and awesome from Kate.
    That reminds me a tiny little moment in Love Actually whith the little kid whose mom just died and his stepdad (don't remember their names).
    The stepdad (Liam Neeson) has just learnt that his kid is in love with somebody at his school and he's like: "So, does she...he... feel the same about you?".
    I love that moment because the dad is actually considering the option that his kid may be gay and that's cool, no big deal for him.

  5. Perfect person being perfect.

  6. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Awesome response and fantasmic picture...

    The comment reminds me of my 5 year old...he told me he has 3 girlfriends AND 3 boyfriends!

    Love Kids!

  7. Rizz Rustbolt2:12 PM

    It's more than fabulous that her son calls her "darling".

    It's downright adorable.

  8. Carmen SanDiego3:42 PM

    Fantastic. The woman is just perfect. From now on I'll refer to Kate Winslet as "Darling" as well.
    Also, welcome home DS

  9. Anonymous6:14 PM

    She's actually the one calling her son 'darling' (if you look at the magazine article) but that does not detract from the complete awesomeness of the whole thing. Favorite actress ever!

  10. Thanks for the post, really effective info.
