Friday, September 02, 2011

My Weekend Crush

It would be easy to love Zoie Palmer just for her portrayal of the beautiful, soulful Dr. Lauren Lewis on “Lost Girl.” Those soft, searching brown eyes. The earnestness and eagerness of her human doctor indentured to a supernatural world. And, yes, the Hotpants. In a show full of strange and super-powered creatures, she is its quiet human heart. Lauren and Bo’s relationship is why I started watching “Lost Girl” and Zoie is one of the biggest reasons I fell in love with the show. She is Dr. Hotpants, how could you not? But you could always tell that under than serious demeanor something else was lurking, just dying to get out. You saw it in each deliciously sly smirk. And after last weekend’s “Lost Girl” cast appearance at Fan Expo in Canada, we all know why, too. Behind that Cheshire grin lies a total smartass.

First she delighted Team Lauren fans by saying she strategically placed herself between Anna Silk (Bo) and Kris Holden-Ried (Dyson). And then there was her dead-pan response of “Me” to the question, “What is it about Lost Girl that has this kind of universal appeal?” And when talking about how the Bo-Lauren relationship was portrayed she said it was important that “it wasn’t just, like, two chicks getting it on – which I hope you enjoy.” (See the whole panel here.) With any luck once the show premieres on Canada’s Showcase this Sunday we’ll begin to see more of that side of her in Lauren, as the producers has promised to peel back a few layers of the enigmatic Dr. Lewis this season. If we’re even luckier, the writers will make good on the promise of the “Lost Girl” season 2 promo posters that tout Lauren as “The Lover.” Oh Canada, bring on the Doccubus. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Buddyroe4:27 AM

    Seconded. She's a gem.

  2. How can you not love Zoie Palmer? I loved the bit where Anna Silk is talking about Bo and Lauren's chemistry at the beginning. Her face and what she does is really funny.

  3. Ang71511:47 AM

    Ok, I've never watched this show but that video clip just convinced me that I need to start.

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I'm still getting used to Dr.Hotpants having a last name.

  5. Anonymous1:45 PM

    team lauren!

  6. Just started watching season one. LOVE IT! Bless you, Dorothy!

  7. shade6:58 AM

    yayyyyyyy. Great choice for weekend crush. :D Thank you for introducing me to Lost Girl :) and to the very talented (and yes soulful eyes) Zoie Palmer. I cant wait for Season 2.
    Team Lauren/ Clipboard/ Hotpants / Doccubus..... all the way.

  8. DanaMaria7:46 AM

    How are you all watching this? The sight won't play the videos for me, I think because I'm in the States. Anywhere I can find it?

  9. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Fuckyeah Zoie Palmer! Fuckyeah Dr.Hotpants! I mean, I totally agree with Ms. Snarker's apt description of Ms. Palmer's characterization. Oh those hands, great hands.

  10. Dear god there is a heaven - ms snarker we are forever thankful fir you : )

  11. Anonymous1:19 AM

    You can merge your two columns "My Weekend Crush" & "Gender Fuck Thursday: Drag Edition"


  12. Opps 'for' not 'fir' just a little kiwi oddness : )

  13. holyguacamole11:19 AM

    DS, thank you so much for posting this Weekend Crush. I read it on Friday(?), perhaps early Saturday...
    Even being Canadian, I'd somehow never heard of it before. And I'm seriously not somebody who's generally interested in supernatural stuff at all...
    BUT, having watched the entire first season over the weekend and having JUST finished watching a bootlegged S2E1, this show is AWESOME.
    Thanks DS, YOU ROCK MY SOCKS :)
    And so does Dr. Lauren Lewis ;)

  14. I posted before that I wasn't able to find it in the US, but I finally found most of S1 on One ep required a login that seemed to be broken, and one was missing, but you can get most of it.

    I don't know if it's legal or if they just haven't sent a cease&desist yet but they seem to have been there a while.

    Now to find a way to convert so I can play the videos on my TV instead of my PC...

  15. Anonymous7:52 AM

    When when WHEN will this start showing on SciFy like we were promised? I wanna see!

  16. @ Anonymous- last Thursay! Thursdays and Sundays at 9, Tuesdays at... 11ish. One Ep per week, at last.

    If only I hadn't spoiled myself by YouTubing all the good bits.
