Friday, August 19, 2011

My Weekend Comment

Dear people who hate me yet keep coming back to my site out of masochistic tendencies I do not fully understand:

Insult me all you want. Really go to town. Get creative. Open a thesaurus. Have the time of your life.

I’ve made it my practice to leave the comments section open to everyone without interference. I hardly ever wade in because, again, that’s your space. I get the whole frontpage to blather on and on and – yes – on some more. So say whatever you want about me.

But, please, do not insult my readers. These are just good, intelligent, thoughtful folks who come here in peace seeking discourse, amusement and pictures of hot girls in tank tops. They’ve done nothing different than what you’ve done – read the musings of one gal on the internet who stays up way too late every night and writes way too much about pop culture.

If you want to dislike me, that’s cool. Though I would prefer you not be a dick about it. But leave my readers the fuck alone.

Ms. Snarker
(a.k.a. Captain Dick Winky McCock-a-saurus Rex)

p.s. Same goes for my friends. Seriously, do not fuck with my friends.


  1. Amanda3:43 AM

    Fuck sake have they been coming after you as well as Heather Hogan? Why can't everybody just be nice? Bastards.

  2. Mean People Suck

    and once again, THANK YOU for taking the time and late nights to post all things Dorothy... your blog starts my day off rather nicely and I appreciate the effort

  3. Your blog is awesome.
    I don't get people who waste their time writing bad stuff on someone else's blog. Why not find a blog you like and write nice stuff there instead? People baffle me.

  4. Some coffee, couple of fignewtons, Dorothy Surrenders. NOW I'm ready for the day.

  5. oh man does this mean we have to go back and read all the comments now to see the nasty one?

  6. Hello all!

    You know, I have followed your blog for many years now but I think that is the first time I comment. Not that I didn't appreciate all your posts before (I did and a lot!) but that subject that you mentioned in this post kind of touched a little spot in my heart.

    I do not really understand this thing on internet about deliberately bashing people that you may not agree with. Why don't people just make their points without attacking others? Is it because the argument is weak and they want to win though brutal force? I only imagine these people on real life being completely aggressive or completely insecure not being able to establish a real conversation. I do not really understand the behavior.

    Anyway, nice post! I hope some people can learn a thing or two about being as eloquent and polite as you (and most of your readers) are.

    Cheers from a Brazilian girl living in Germany! See you all around! ;)

  7. Anonymous5:00 AM

    These moron's are examples of everything wrong with the human race. Bastards. I think you're wonderful Dorothy, jealousy is a powerful thing. Keep doing what you're doing, they'll always be haters. Hard cases, who hide behind computer screens! Losers.

  8. Anonymous5:14 AM

    i like your blog. it's funny and heartfelt. i never comment. or read comments so i have no idea what was written and wouldn't waste my time looking for something so negative. but when people act like dicks it's important for other people to step up and tell the dicks to go home and look up the words 'compassion', 'empathy', 'humanity', 'wit' even, in the dictionary. and if they still learn nothing they can look up the words 'fuck' and 'off' and the people left can have a love dance party and you can dj.

  9. Anonymous5:37 AM

    For about 4 years, Dorothy Snarker has been my internet wife (I am willing to overlook her love of all things Fey). But if she leaves me, Heather Hogan, will you internet marry me?!

  10. I was just thinking this morning how I never comment in this blog and yet read it faithfully every day. I always enjoy your fresh take on the things and love the escapism you afford in your daily posts. Thank you for sacrificing your sleep for our entertainment. ;-) I hope you do know that FAR many more of us would stand up and defend you than those who would insult you or your readers.

  11. Rosie5:53 AM

    Thanks Dorothy for pointing out that someone had left you some nasty comments.It has made me think a bit more about some of the comments I tend to leave on some newspaper articles that I read everyday...not very nice comments usually.So thanks for pointing out to me "Why do I keep going to these news sights if they bother me so much?" I know they are meant to instigate things like this but your blog is something you do for fun and pleasure so we should all respect that.
    P.S.I will now look for other sights that are more fun for me too,like your blog.

  12. Laura Jansen6:13 AM

    There's this awesome thing you might have heard of called "freedom of speech."

    So yeah, deal with it.

    Is it really that hard to understand that real lesbians (not the ones in the movies you gush over, who go and ride every dick they see) are tired of hearing about hetero sex all the time?

  13. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Haters gonna hate, rise above :-)

    Now would it be emotionally immature of me to point out that the Rizzles vid is no longer set to private?

  14. So sad when angry people use the Internet as their only outlet. Fuck 'em. Your Blog is super-amazingly-hot.

  15. You're great. :)


  16. Ms. Snarker, I love you. Reading your blog is the highlight of my day, every day. Thank you for taking the time to write. I really, really appreciate the effort! xoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxo

  17. G Funk7:22 AM

    I am a "real lesbian" and I love your blog. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I want you to know that I have been coming here for years and plans to keep coming back. I check your blog before I even check my work email. Have a great weekend and know you have a faithful reader in L.A. who can't get enough of you. <3

  18. your blog is refreshing...
    with its honesty and sense of joy for being lesbian ...
    with ur appreciation of women's beauty in general... !
    with ur gentle,but sometimes sarcastic commentary on one thing or another..
    with ur melancholic flash backs to movies,stories or series from the past...which sometime bring shivers of happiness or small tiny tears in the corner of my eyes :)
    with ur out loud dreams of a certain celebrity couples ..

    thank you for defending us... because i may have been one of the offended ones nd never found out...not having the habit of going back to post nd check responds...
    anyhow !

    The anger that comes from behind the screen is un-explainable hurtful,because we dont even know the person who wrote whatever they wrote...
    Envy usually shows with a face of anger...nd its ugly..(specially signed under Anonymous)and ppl envy u for who u loud and honest ;)

    Still...I'm trying to never mind them.. there are ppl with opinion and there are ppl with issues...

  19. Rodney King8:06 AM

    Another classic case of "Good Lesbians Gone Bad"!!! Can't we all just get along?

  20. Ah, it must be troll season. Dorothy, you are my new shero.

  21. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Gee I read this and there was this tingling in my belly. It's known as "instinct". So I thought: "Hmm, considering that "I" am a professional blogger", could this post be about me?

    Then I rationalized: Who cares. Because this is business baby, get over it.

    For example: Why all the whining and crying because real and I do mean "REAL" lesbians think you and Hogan are full of shit when it concerns your penis embracing propaganda? Yes real lesbians will call you out on that bullshit.

    I know that I have asked you for years how old you were, because you don't seem to have learned some of the rudimentary rules covering being a lesbian, and all over the internet REAL lesbians are writing blogs and those blogs have NOTHING to do with redefining lesbianism as wanting to fuck men.

    Now the children that you babysit for may gush : "Thank You"..."Oh Thank You" but all that does is beg the question of how emotionally immature are are your readers that they need you to speak for them? See when one IS an adult and reads something they don't like you address it and get over it. Time to "GET OVER IT," because after all what are you going to do to anyone who insults your readers? NOTHING.

  22. Carmen SanDiego8:25 AM

    These people are called dicks for a reason, eh? Thank goodness I'm a lesbian.
    Ms. Snarker, we love you.
    One word from you and our Friend of Dorothy Army will rise to protect you, your awesome friends and all tank tops in the vicinity

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Shasta8:50 AM

    Thanks Dorothy! Mostly I'm just really confused by the comments about you and Heather. I feel like it's opposite day and I need coffee!
    Keep calm and carry on, as they say.

  25. Captain Dick Winky McCock-a-saurus Rex rules.

  26. And never, EVER, ehf with a Scorpio.

  27. As another Dorothy once said, "pearls before swine."

  28. jennifer9:34 AM

    i'm curious how these anonymous people know that all your readers are white, 15 year old females? did you do a poll that i missed??

    i'm also curious about all the dicks the anonymous people are referring to? can one of you please point me to some of the particular dick-loving posts you are referring to? seriously, i would like a link to the posts.

    "you don't seem to have learned some of the rudimentary rules covering being a lesbian, and all over the internet REAL lesbians are writing blogs and those blogs have NOTHING to do with redefining lesbianism as wanting to fuck men."

    i also didn't know there was a rule book.. can i buy that at Barnes and Noble?..what's the author's name?
    and what the fuck is a "REAL" lesbian?

  29. THE professional blogger signs as Anonymous ... how original !
    and reading your FULL post we understand how emotionally MATURE you are... pure example to the mass...
    god bless you and all the hate you hold !

  30. We had the same kinds troll/PITA (pain in the ass) on a Xena discussion board. Just hate, hate, hate. Nothing nice to say about anyone or anything. I feel sorry for people like that. They have to be so unhappy in their own existence to be that miserable on line. Hey Cedar, is that you posting as the PITA anon?

  31. There is a pervasive misunderstanding among the populace right now considering the right of "freedom of speech". To the commenter above who referenced this, freedom of speech refers to the relationship between the government and its citizens. Snarker could choose to block or restrict commenting abilities in anyway she deems fit and not be in violation of any laws whatsoever. Harrassment on the other hand is a criminal offense. And there is no such thing as anonymous.

  32. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I don't always agree with your posts (I really dislike Rizzoli & Isles), but so what? I do like the other 90% of them and I come to your blog every day to read and look at the pretty pictures.

    If you happen to post something I'm not interested in or don't agree with, I move on. I don't sit at my keyboard and tell you how much I dislike your post of the day. It is your blog and you have the right to talk about whatever you want.

    I would suggest the haters out there just move along to some other blog they do like and leave this blog to those of us who like it.

    And PS, not all lesbians hate penises. I know some really nice people who have them or like them. :)

  33. I fully concur with the majority of the above comments ('majority' because I'm lazy and didn't actually read all of them). You don't like what someone is writing? Don't read it. Simple as that. No need to be cruel or unkind. There's plenty enough of that in the world as it is, thank you very much.
    And to Ms. Snarker, if you read this, please ignore the fools and kindly keep plugging away for the rest of us. i do not think it would go amiss to say that most, if not all, of your readers (myself included) love this blog. I, personally, am beyond grateful for it. Sadly, the majority of my friends are hetero, and while I love them dearly, it's wonderful to be able to go to a place where I can be among like-minded people. I discovered your blog about 6 months ago, and have been obsessively checking in on a daily basis ever since. Your humour, insight, and appreciation of all things tank-topped, not to mention your lovely TV wife-related posts, often are the only bright spots in my day. Cheers to you, madame.

  34. You provide an important service: lovely ladies in tank tops, and humor, and insight, and lovely ladies in suits, and fandom, and shipping, and more lovely ladies. You and Heather Hogan are my go-to gals for lady-lovin' pop culture, a good laugh and awesome eye-candy. I salute you, and how well you go with my morning coffee.

  35. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Following the Lovely Lady Link on your sidebar I see that Heather Hogan's website has gone away. That's a real shame.

  36. @ anonymous just above - there are several places to get some great Heather Hogan reads. She does a weekly Pretty Little Liars recap on AfterEllen but my favorite is her FaceBook Merlin recap:

  37. Beebee10:21 AM

    Some gals just can't leave it alone. (ie ms anonymous of the lesbian "rules" school. Jeesh, put down the ruler!) Some people like provoking and being closed minded, and misanthropic.

    If someone wants to disagree, or strongly disagree, etc., then fine. But it's all about HOW to express that and as lesbo's/queers/whatevers I think we don't have to model the dominant paradigm of internet flaming, or character bashing, or general mean-spirited commenting. And this last sentiment is what I'm getting from the comments and Ms Snarkerella. Dislike if you want, disagree if you want, but the lezzies/queers on this forum are not down with bashing.

    So if you hate on the Snarker, and hate on her readers, then expect to get corrected. Even blocked if snarker wants. We are a small internet community and we get to set our cultural standards. It's easy to go elsewhere if this isn't what suits you or you think Snarker and her readers are way to dick loving.

  38. Anonymous10:49 AM

    You rock. Times a zillion.

    They're just mad 'cause they suck, and it sucks to suck.

  39. Love your writing, love your wit, love your opinions, even if I occasionally don't agree (in the real world, this is allowed, little Anonymous tingly bellied one - take note), in fact, i think i love you.

    Difficult, but sadly with fame (you are on a Swedish film poster, after all) comes the ignorant fools who are jealous of your talent, and the internet provides an easy outlet for cowards to expel their hate, anger and abuse. I used to marvel at the fact that the comments sections of both yours and afterellen's sites were supportive, intellectually opinionated, and fun, but it was only a matter of time before the internet weirdos found you.

    The same rules should apply to this community as in life - anyone who isn't able to engage in polite conversation (Anonymous, again, opinionated is good, abuse is baaaaad, it's all in having good manners) isn't welcome, and I'm sure you could delete the odd comment or two without any of your readers being too concerned ;)'s just a shame you have to see them.

    Thanks again for your daily devotion to this blog. I hope your weekend starts soon with a large, preferably alcoholic beverage, when you can take a moment to marvel at the number of sane (or less deranged), devoted readers you have and waste no more time thinking about the others. Bottoms up!

  40. DS

    You're awesome!! Dont let morons tell you otherwise. Your blog absolutely makes my day.

  41. @Anonymous @ 8:20AM

    Wow "professional blogger" and keeper of the "lesbian rules" nice of you to chime in with your obviously angry & immature BS.

    If everyone on this blog should "get over it", why don't you grace us with your knowledge and leave you name and your professional blog URL so we "emotionally immature" fans can stop being "babysat" here and learn something about "REAL" lesbians.

    It always amazes me how people like you log on and talk shit behind a curtain.

  42. Affinity12:51 PM

    The problem is that the lesbian community is already inundated by bisexuals who insist on calling themselves lesbians; they do harm to the lesbian identity by calling themselves such and then going and sleeping with men. Furthermore, they turn around and insist that everyone bisexual or "sexually fluid" or whatever. Actual lesbians are harmed because of this. Our identity is eroded, and it makes life that much harder for us.

    Thus, many lesbians take offense when bloggers like Dorothy Snarker push movies like "The Kids Are Alright" and ones with similar themes ("lesbian sleeps with a man"), which I believe is what the other poster was complaining about, though not that specific movie.

    For those who asked, a "real lesbian" is one who doesn't sleep with men. "Lesbians" who sleep with men aren't lesbians, and it's discouraging to not only see movies produced with this tripe, but to see lesbian bloggers extoll them.

    Now, I managed to make my points without resorting to name-calling. Happy? Maybe some others here can do the same.

  43. Coolfyah1:09 PM

    Internet trolls. They'll always exist.

    In the meantime it's nice to see so many comments on a Snarker post. I know that lots of times I feel unqualified to comment because the blog posts themselves are so perfect and I don't want to sully them with my ineloquence.

    Ms. Snarker, we've got your back!

    And to all my fellow-Snarker fans: we have great tastes, don't we?! :-)

  44. Why do the "REAL" lesbians keep reading your blog if it's so "penis embracing" and other REAL lesbians are writing blogs all over the internet? Where do they get the time?

  45. The real problem is that the lesbian community is inundated with self appointed arbiters of all things lesbian.

  46. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I don't know what this is about, but I like you and your site, Dorothy S (and your readers, too)!This site rocks!!

  47. Dylena1:58 PM

    #1. I am a goldstar lesbian, I've never slept with a man and don't intend to do it in the near or far future! Does that qualify me as a REAL lesbian?

    #2. I don't hate penisses at all, some of my best friends own them. But I can't stand anon-dicks trolling around the internet and hate on people whom doesn't deserve such behaviour!

    #3. I identify as a lesbian, because of #1, AND I actually liked "The kids are alright" and even more I like my daily dose of Snarkasm! Does that make me a bad lesbian or a fake lesbian? I don't think so!

    P.s.: Sorry, for my bad english, I'm not a native speaker.

  48. Anonymous2:07 PM

    LOL I wonder what kind of crack is that anon smoking. Although I do have to admit Ms.Snarker, if I squint really hard everything looks phallic and penis-sy.

  49. Anonymous2:15 PM

    ...Love, Love, Love me some Dorothy Snarker...♥♥♥...

  50. Anonymous3:02 PM

    ... "real lesbian", ... hm ... " " professional blogger" ", ... giggle ... "emotionally immature", ... ! ... the dullards, they keep using these words ... I do not think they mean what the dullards think they mean!

  51. I used to be a REAL LESBIAN but because of 'Dorothy Surrenders' I know love only cock. Thanks a lot Snarker-the lezzie police have just repossessed my toaster oven and drawn big mangay moustaches on my Tegan and Sara poster! I hold your stoopid fake-lesbian readers personally responsible for that. I have also lost the ability to drink beer from a bottle as a result of your TKAA review. Dick.

    P.s. Love your work!

  52. Dear Ms Snarker,

    I just want you to know that visiting your site is a highlight of my day. You are witty and amusing, and you have lovely taste in women (he he, i said 'taste').

    Yours in solidarity,

  53. Ang7155:25 PM

    I love you, Ms. Snarker. That is all.

  54. I'm so sick of "real" lesbians telling me how I can and can not act. What shows I should care about or how I'm not a "real" lesbian because I don't hate men.

    And how fucking funny is it that the "real lesbian" and the "professional blogger" signs its name as Anon. Get a fucking life.

    I am a real lesbian and i don't need YOU to tell me how to live my life anymore than I need religious leaders telling me. You can stay in your real lesbian bubble with your other real lesbian bloggers and continue the hating all you want, just stay the fuck off a site you don't like dumb ass.

    Oh and for you anonymous "professionals" here's how it's done...



  55. Idgiepug6:18 PM

    I've never really understood people who feel the need to leave nasty comments. There's like a gajillion things out there on the internet; if you don't like this blog, then please feel free to move on to find one you DO like.

    It's like stalking the ex-girlfriend who broke your heart by leaving nasty messages on her voice mail. Move on already.

    Go on now. SHOO!

    And leave the rest of here to enjoy our snark and tank tops. Because I LOVE my daily does of Snarker!

  56. I read your blog daily. I am a real lesbian that loves Rizzoli and Isles and intensely disliked The Kids are alright not because of the man sex but because of the Annette Bening character. I like men but don't embrace the penis. I love this blog and your outlook.

  57. Ms. Snarker,

    I think you know how much I love you - so here you go:


  58. Emily9:46 PM

    I've only commented on your blog a handful of times, but wanted to add my voice to all the people that have expressed their appreciation for you and what you do. I check your blog and AE pretty much daily and am a huge fan of your writing/ humor.

    To all the people (or, you know, the one or two obsessive "bloggers") who like to continually come here and AE and rage about all the horrible penis loving that goes on at both sites, let me offer you an analogy. It isn't perfect, but bear with me… I hate mushrooms. I think they are gross, slimy and have no desire to put one in my mouth. So when I'm at the grocery store and in the produce section, I go right by the mushrooms and over to something I really enjoy, like zucchini (because I, like DS and HH, obviously love penis and anything shaped like one.) I don't, on the other hand, stand over by the mushrooms, shovel handfuls of them into my mouth while ranting and raving about how disgusting they are, then chastising anyone who has the audacity to pick some up and place them in their cart. I just accept that some people like mushrooms, just like some lesbians like The Kids Are All Right. Neither of these things seem worth having a whole lot of feelings over, and they certainly don't warrant rudeness or animosity towards those who feel differently.

    Just saying...

  59. Emily9:54 PM

    Damn it! Take away the "then" before "chastising" in my comment so it makes more sense. I must just be distracted by all the penis I have on the brain from reading this blog...

  60. Anonymous11:14 PM

    OMG!! There are rules for being a lesbian?? I don't know about these rules...Does this mean I'm not a REAL lesbian???!! OMFG!!!

    *world shattered*

    It's this blog's fault! Damn you, Dorothy Snarker! You and your penis-loving ways!!

  61. Dylena1:10 AM

    @J9: That tshirt is awesome! ;o) I guess I will get me one!

  62. I did't read all the comments, but i've read enough to be furious by now!

    What on earth is wrong with these people?

    Let's just pretend, that I understand this bullshit about 'REAL' lesbianism and Dorothy being a cock-loving, shitty blogger. I still don't get the effort, the haters make just to prove that they suck!

    Now, let's pretend I'm one of these white, 15 years old baby-dykes, shall we?
    What is wrong with the older generation? Did nobody ever tell them how to behave on the internet? Please, don't publish your midlife-crisis at someones' expense!

    And now let's pretend I'm myself again. Just because you're free to speak your opinion, doesn't mean that you have to repeat it like that! We get it, you don't like this blog. here's my suggestion for that: DON'T READ IT!

    I tried to be professional about this, well, I was not. In your words: "Get over It".

    Dear Dorothy,
    keep it up, you are one funny lady!
    Sincerely, your German reader!

  63. After literally years of reading and commenting, I hope you know by now that I kinda-sorta like your blog and rather enjoy you. With you on this 100%.

    I feel the need to add... Anyone who thinks there is a real, true, pure essence of lesbianism out there is a fool. I'm guessing my opinion doesn't count, though, as, while I am a gay lady, I dislike the term 'lesbian' and my best friend has a penis... Which, for the record, I do not ride. Nor any other, for that matter. Never have, never will.

  64. I love love love your blog! Gay pride! xxxxx

  65. I don't understand why those trolls are all over internet, look on the bright side cos that mean your blog is popular ;)
    I love your blog!

  66. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Keep on bloggin' Dorothy - please! Not only are trolls infuriating, I swear it's the same half-dozen losers making the rounds every day under different screen names.

  67. When faced with this sort of idiocy and dumb-assery, I immediately hear the Divine Miss M saying, "fuck 'em if they can't take a joke." I mean really, they must be 13 and bored. Don't let the little bastards get to you. Enjoy your weekend, and we will see you back here on Monday, hanging on your every gorgeous turn of phrase. Much love to you Ms Snarker.

  68. Because you can speak, does not mean you should speak. You are entitled to your opinion - you are not entitled to insult others with impunity. Disagree if you must, but don't think you will be taken seriously unless you can disagree in a thoughtful and intelligent manner.

  69. @Emily: I stopped reading AE because of the "REAL LESBIAN" stuff, along with the constant anti-bi sentiments there. It is grating after a while.

    @Dorothy Snarker: I love your blog, and I will continue to read it. You do great work! And it looks there're many many who agree with me. <3

  70. You're amazing, and the comments of other people reflect on them, not you. I've been reading your blog for almost two years and it's been an incredible source of all things entertainment. More than that, it's been an inspiring picture of a modest, mature, and incredibly funny woman that always has really thoughtful things to say.

  71. Wow, you've been posting about dicks? I knew the internet was giving me ADD and killing my reading comprehension, but I must be skimming stuff WAY more than I thought if I missed that.


  72. jennifer3:30 PM

    wth? i specifically asked the anons to provide links to these dicks i keep hearing about. i got nothing in return. oh well, it's okay because all the dick-ish comments they left will suffice.
    i'm also still waiting on the answer to where i can find this imaginary all-mighty handbook i need with all the rules about how to be a "real" lesbian. the term "real lesbian" pisses me off because what if some poor young girl (because all your readers are teens, of course) is out there reading those comments and getting discouraged from coming out because not only will she be judged by all her family/friends/general population (quite possibly being disowned by some of them) but then realizes that she's also being judged and rejected by some in the lgbt community. she may never leave that damn closet and that breaks my heart.

    also, when i read "Captain Dick Winky McCock-a-saurus Rex" i realized i want to marry Heather Anne Hogan and have a billion little Heather Anne Hogan babies. i looked at barnes and noble..they don't carry that imaginary lesbian rule book that real lesbians read but they did have a guide for gay parenting and guides to gay weddings, so we should be fine ;)

  73. DS,

    Haters can keep on hatin'. Most of us know not to feed the trolls, but thank you for looking out for us.

    1 <3 you and your work.


  74. Oh Ms Dootie, in the wars! It's just the price of celebrity. Back in the 90s there was an amateur musical staged by a lesbian theatre group in Sydney. It's content was fun, camp, silly and totally lesbian, but two cast members were straight women and one was a straight man. Owing to this slight against all things lesbian a large group of cranky lesbians, none of whom auditioned for the roles the straight women got, bought tickets, attended the opening night, and sat in the front rows. They spent the entire production scowling at the cast and not applauding. That's old fashioned lesbian drama, done the humourless way. Sorry to see they're still around and sharing their misery.

    You rock,
    :D X

  75. I quit reading this blog after I was severely chastised by commenters for expressing a conservative point of view. (I was sent a link to this post)

    I like your blog, but I find the intolerance for "unpopular" opinions unappetizing.

    I urge your readers to be more open to discussion, rather than knee-jerk spewing "close minded, self-loathing..." etc.

    My political views are different from most of you folks. But, I will listen to you. I would appreciate the same courtesy.

    Can we at least agree that we love ladies in tank tops? :)

  76. I seriously don't get where all these "You clearly love penises" comments are coming from. I've been reading your blog for over a year now & can't remember any post that even comes close to, "You know what I would really love right now? A big, juicy cock." Is all this immature hate over the fact that you liked "The Kids Are All Right?" Is liking or not liking that movie the test for who is a "real lesbian?" (A term I hate, by the way). You know who I get sick of, personally? Lesbians who hate men. You know why? Because a lot of lesbians LIKE men (not sexually, obviously) and have a lot of male friends & male family members that they'd jump in front of a frickin' truck for. I have a harder time believing someone is legitimately gay when they automatcially hate everything with a penis, since to me, it just sounds like they're bitter from past experiences with men, rather than having been born a lesbian (IE, this guy was a dick to me so I'm going to be a lesbian and hate all men vs. I've always liked girls, now excuse me while I call up my best friend who happens to have a penis).

    Anyway, I know that was very "rant-y" but I just wanted to say that I love you and please ignore these fuckers and that you and your blog continue to make me smile. Oh, and since they're clearly going at your readers just to provoke you now, let them be. We love you are proud of both what you do on here and our sexuality, so let's just keep gender fucking and enjoying tank tops, with our without their approval. :)

  77. P.S. - This is completely irrelevant to my last comment, but have you seen the Glee movie yet? Heather Morris' performance of "Slave For You" = having to seriously control myself in public. Unf...

  78. I'm with all the non-trolls. Screw these anonymouses!

    As for real lesbians, well, I always thought I was one but I guess I should review my "real" lesbian checklist.

    Out for 18 years? Check.
    Boots? Check.
    Men's clothes? Check.
    Short nails? Check
    History of gay rights activism? Check.
    History of writing for gay publications? Check.
    Sleeps with women? CHECK!
    Avoids the penis? Check!

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm a real lesbian well above the age of 15 and I love your blog. I'm curious though as to how you slipped all this supposed pecker talk by me when I read every day and haven't seen even one pecker. Maybe it's old age.

  79. Ima Ginger5:44 PM

    Long live the Snarker.

  80. In my opinion every person ought to browse on it.
