Friday, July 15, 2011

My Weekend Crush

Today, something important ends for millions and millions of people across the globe. Something that has been with them for 14 years. For some, it’s been their entire childhood. For others, it’s a reminder that the joy and wonder of childhood applies at any age. But today, that ends. Except, of course, it doesn’t. The true magic of the Harry Potter series isn’t really in the wizardry. Sure, it’d be mighty handy to be able to accio our keys when running late for work. But, no, the real magic is that this story and these characters have meant to people. For a children’s series it has defied almost everything that is traditionally meant when something is considered “childish.” To quote Stephen King: “Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.”

That the Harry Potter series has been able to build itself around bravery, honestly, loyalty and strength is no small feat. This isn’t a romance where the handsome prince saves the beautiful princess. This isn’t a superhero story or based on a toy line or a built off of an amusement park ride. Sure there is a hero, but he is only super because of his friends. And those friends include so many richly drawn, non-stereotypical female characters that you could never truly call this a boy’s story. Just try to think of a better popular current role model for young girls than Hermione Granger. Damn near impossible it is. So now to see these characters lives played out on screen for the last time, well, that’s something quite extraordinary. And while I am not the person who dressed in costume to get the books or stood in line in dead of the night to see the films, I still feel the loss of saying goodbye to these old friends. But the beauty of even this goodbye is that these stories will never truly leave us. With each new generation, each new reader, each new fan, the magic starts all over again. And the boy who lived lives on forever. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Shit now I'm crying. I've been holding together quite well until this, thank you very much. Sigh... I think it's because you've put into words precisely how I feel about Harry Potter and today. (Thank you.)

    I'm going to the 9 p.m. showing and I think I'll need an entire box of tissues.

  2. Emily8:15 AM

    I went to the midnight premiere (only time I've ever done that) and let me tell you, it was SO worth it. Not just because they're awesome and I love them or for the fun or all the great costumes (I saw a rather attractive young woman dressed as Fawkes-hilarious!) but for the emotion. When the whole audience clapped, cheered, laughed, and cried together; it was so magical. Harry Potter brings people together. Seeing the first movie when I was just a little kid led me to read the books, and I'm so glad I did. It's been such a great ride.

  3. Ang71511:29 AM

    Beautifully said, Ms. Snarker

  4. Carmen SanDiego11:55 AM

    I went to the midnight one and woke up a little sad today. I miss my friends already.

  5. Ah, well said, Ms. Snarker, as always. Mischief Managed.

  6. "And the boy who lived lives on forever" I feel all happy inside, thanks :)

    oh, and the stephen king quote, priceless!

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Amen. Lovely post. My favorite recent comment on the series was from USA Today’s review:

    "On the surface, Harry Potter was a tale of magic. But it also was a story about love, for friends, teachers and family—biological or otherwise—and the ability of love to flourish in the most difficult circumstances."

  8. this blogpost made up for the film's cheesy ending (I know it was in the book, I just wanted it not to be in the film). brilliant quote from Stephen King, never saw it like that before but it's very true.

  9. I love this series & everything it stands for. I'm too old to have grown up with Harry Potter, but the books & films will always have a special place on my shelf & I look forward to sharing them with my daughter when she's old enough. I want her to have a smart girl like Hermione to look up to. :)

  10. Love this post Ms. Snarker. Hope to watch the movie next weekend. I will keep rewatching and rereading and checking in on the new Pottermore website.

  11. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hermione is one of my favourite female characters ever. This blog post probably explains why. Long live Harry Potter!

  12. Can you verify that Stephen King quote? I only ask because I've seen it attributed to other authors.

  13. I absolutely tie in with anything you've presented us.
