Friday, July 08, 2011

My Weekend Crush

Angie Harmon’s voice is sex. It’s a deep, raw, primal growl of a thing. She’s got so much rasp to it you’d think you could grate parmesan on her vocal chords. So when you combine that voice with that face and that body and that hair and those big brown eyes… Jesus. I am helpless against the hot. Do I have problems with her politics? You betcha. I cannot condone or even slightly endorse her conservative stances. But, you know what, some people are conservative. I don’t like it, but that’s our right in this country – to believe what we want to believe and say what we want to say. Since she has emphatically expressed her love for The Gays, I’ll begrudgingly agree to disagree with her on her other political proclivities.

She could also exercise a tad more tact sometimes when addressing the giant “are they or aren’t they” elephant in the “Rizzoli & Isles” bedroom. But I think that’s just her. She’s not one for subtly. What she seems to have instead in abundance is a goofy sense of fun and fierce sense of loyalty. Admit it, she seems like she’d be blast to have a cocktail, or six, with. That her chemistry with co-star Sasha Alexander is so electric it’s visible from space doesn’t hurt either. And, Lord, can we get back to her voice? My body reacts almost involuntarily to it, like Pavlov’s dog and that bell – complete with drool. Look, I don’t have to like Angie’s politics to love her on “Rizzoli & Isles.” And I do, I really, really do. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Thank you, Ms. Snarker! We'll see you on the flip side of all this Rizzles/RizzlesGirls/Gayzolli madness next week.

    As an aside, I'm still super jealous you've already seen the first 3 episodes. Save some of that, ehem, 'Pavlov's Bell' for the rest of us drooling ladies!

  2. Louise7:50 AM

    I've been crushing on Angie since Law and Order--politics be damned. I watch her cause of the voice sex, the hair and the tall, dark and freakin gorgeous persona. And yes, I too have watched Agent Cody Banks just to see Angie. What can I say...

    Thank you for MY weekend crush

  3. She just moved up my list to #2...No one can pass my Angelina. No one...

  4. Anonymous8:11 AM

    You don't have any problems with Angie's politics, just like you didn't have any problems with the fact that Lesbians were depicted as penis craving nymphomaniacs in The Kids Are All Right.

    Wasn't Iowa the first state to Grant Marriage Equality and also the 1st state to try to rescind it? No wonder you're confused.

  5. Texas women. Lordy mercy.

  6. Chirper9:05 AM

    Sorry, but her politics are a big ol' buzzkill for me. I'll admit she's hot, but I really don't think there's all that much going on upstairs. Now, Sasha Alexander OTOH, intrigues me no end and I'd follow her anywhere. Based on her interviews I think she's a lot more interesting than Angie...all that Shakespeare and if nothing else, she's got to have a lot on the ball to be an icon's (Sophia Loren) daughter-in-law.

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Amen to that sister!!!

  8. Carmen SanDiego10:16 AM

    Thank you Dorothy for talking about this show time and time again. I finally watched an episode this week and... you're right! It's great! Now I have to marathon season 1 so I can be ready for S2 premiere and Gayzolli next week! It's going to be a fun weekend

  9. Anonymous3:46 PM

    I REALLY have a HUGH problem with Angie's politics. It's not just disagreements on some points, but totally opposite political opinions. Which lead to opposite conceptions about life, human rights and society. The fact that she may be a hottie (not for me, sorry) is not an excuse or a valid compensation for that.
    I'm quite sure that the lesbian subtext will slowly disappear in S2 because I can't picture Angie to agree playing along with it, or even accept that things could be perceived that way.
    It makes me sad because the girl has such a goofy sense of humour.

  10. tlsintx7:13 PM

    oh she's cute all right...but conservative politics...uncool. you can have her all to yourself, Ms. Snarker. ;)

  11. Ha, I read "she’d be blast to have a cocktail, or six" as "she’d be blast to have a cocktail, or sex," and my immediate thought was well crap, Snarker, do I really have to choose only one?

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    "Wasn't Iowa the first state to Grant Marriage Equality and also the 1st state to try to rescind it? No wonder you're confused" And what? And no, again. That sort of goes for your entire post, actually.

  13. Anonymous12:04 AM

    I agree with your post, Dorothy. Angie is totally hot and her voice only makes her hotter. I may not agree with her politics but she is free to believe and say whatever she wants. Just like the rest of us.

    I'm quite sure that the lesbian subtext will slowly disappear in S2 because I can't picture Angie to agree playing along with it, or even accept that things could be perceived that way.

    I doubt very much the subtext will disappear or that Angie has a problem with it. She's already playing along with it and judging from the gag reel, she and Sasha are having fun with it.

  14. Anonymous3:27 AM

    can't stand her,acting,politics,interviews,not smart at all..

  15. I'm with you Dorothy. If I discount every person who's politics I don't agree with, I'd lose half the world.

    As a fellow Texan - all I can say is she is hot! hot! hot!

  16. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Could you please explain Cheslea Handler to me - I really don't get her "you look so look so good". WHAT IS THAT?

  17. I may be a Republican myself, but it's good to know Angie is liberal for one of the same issues that I go against party lines for, and that's being an ally of gay rights.

    And as someone who has watched her since "Law & Order", I concur with so many of you. That voice is like an auditory orgasm. I consider her voice to be one of the best sounds in the world.

  18. Anonymous1:50 AM

    i've managed to divorce myself from the reality of angie (seems a pain in the ass as well as politically horrific) to still find rizzoli filled with babeness. sasha on the other hand, as far as you can really tell from anyone's public persona, seems looooovely. swoon.
    take away the subtext and you're left with a pretty naff show tnt. just sayin..

  19. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I'm totally a leftie but obviously also totally shallow. I'm sorry but the pretty outweights the crap in this instance. I rarely think that & know it's 'wrong' but this woman is just uber sex on a stick. Rizzoli is hotness personified. My crush knows no bounds.
    And how could you not love the goofiness of this goddess?

