Friday, May 06, 2011

My Weekend Crush

There’s so much to like about “Firefly,” and as a new (yet, shamefully, belated) convert I revel in them with each episode. The chemistry, the heroism, the Jossisms. Each character is his or her own, built on an archetype yet completely their own person. Among the most interesting is Inara, the companion. Leave it to Joss Whedon to make a member of the world’s oldest profession the most serene and regal of the lot. But serene and regal she is, thanks to the subtle work of Morena Baccarin. In Inara we see a glimpse of the genteel side of this wild new verse. With her flowing dresses and even more flowing locks, she represents the romance that is sometimes lost amid the dark, endless edges of space. It’s impressive how well Morena transformed herself from role to role. Her Inara is perhaps the polar opposite of Anna from “V.” One is warm and compassionate, the other cold and, well, an alien queen bent on destroying Earth. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that Inara takes both male and female clients. And, as she tells one of her female clients, while she has mostly male clients, “if I choose a woman, she tends to be extraordinary in some way. And the fact is, I occasionally have the exact same need you do. One cannot always be oneself in the company of men.” Damn, this show is good. If you need me, I’ll be in my bunk. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Wow; I need to get in on this show!! As always, Mrs. Snarker, thank you for another awesome post. Quite literally, right after my morning coffee, reading you is the first thing I do in my day. :)

  2. Anonymous10:14 AM

    I watched the whole series on Netflix streaming after you mentioned it here. Loved it.

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Get a copy of Serenity, the Firefly movie, and watch the deleted scenes. Inara has some wonderful scenes in the companions' house. I would love to seea director's extended cut of this movie!!!

  4. "I'll be in my bunk" LOL!

  5. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Best show ever. 'Nuff said.

  6. Lenore3:48 PM

    Firefly is my favourite Joss show. Ever. While it's a shame it was never given a fair chance, its short lifespan forced the creators to fully take advantage of each second of film. I don't know if it would have been as deep, complex and beautiful had they not been under immense pressure to tell as much of the story as fast as possible before cancellation.

    Ms Snarker, welcome to the Inara fanclub! Thanks for the video, I'd forgotten just how much I love that scene. And the score is so beautiful!

  7. Anonymous3:51 PM

    ds, thanks for the posting, is this gonna work?

  8. Anonymous3:53 PM

    oh, now it's work,

    i was unable to leave comment,

    i think google fixed it.

    have a nice weekend!

  9. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I love this show! And while I'm desperately upset that it got axed, I'm also glad it didn't get ruined by being changed to fit a "more desirable" mold. And Inara? Quite possibly one of the hottest, and definitely the most dignified, lady of negotiable virtue ever.

  10. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I've only seen the first three episodes but it is a great show. We need another space cowboy show on the air. The difference between Anna "Now that's how you kill your Mother!" and Inara is vast. Battle Star Gallactica is another great sci fi show with strong female characters.

  11. Anonymous6:26 PM

    The first time I saw that episode, I practically cheered. I've been waiting for you to get to that point because I was really hoping you'd make a post about it, and you did! So glad you're enjoying "Firefly" so far, Dorothy. :)

  12. wow. Awesome.
    Zamre Bin Ab. Wahab

  13. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Phew. is it hot in here?!

  14. I don't know what it is (actually, I'm pretty sure it's the extreme genre mixing), but I just couldn't get into the this show. I did, however, love Inara.

  15. I did love the contrast of the least respected (modern) profession being portrayed by the character with the highest moral standards... there was such a lovely symmetry to it...

    but Jewel Staite's Kaylee is the unicorn I chase... Technical sorceress combined with complete social naivete... just like me (if I were smarter, cuter and less jaded =D)

  16. shade6:48 AM

    Aha! Did I not say that phrase would make sense soon enough? :D
