Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Look what the postman brought

I love you guys. I really do. I love you because you come here, day after day, to read the crazy things that pop into my head well past midnight. I love you because you write nice, thoughtful comments (though every now and then not, but you can’t please everyone). I love you because you send me kind emails, lots of emails. I love you because those emails often contain pictures hot women, lots of hot women. I love you because those hot women are often wearing tank tops and or less than tank tops. So much unsolicited hotness in my inbox. Wait, that sounded dirty. Excellent!

[Click to enlarge The Hot]

And one of those unsolicited emails contained hot photos of Sara Ramirez in the new issue of Latina magazine. [Hat tip, Sara! Not that Sara, I think] Thud times, 1,000. Wait, check that, times 10,000. Only the cover photo has leaked online so far and the full interview isn’t posted. So this was an unexpected and very welcome treat. I don’t watch “Grey’s Anatomy” regularly, unless I know someone is going to get shot or Calzona is going to get naked. But I do keep up with Sara and fully appreciate all there is to fully appreciate about her. And that’s a lot of appreciation. So, I guess this is my round-about way of saying, you, readers, are the best. Because for every little thing that gets me down about writing for the insatiable internet monster, you’re there to send me pictures of Sara Ramirez rolling around in sheets while wearing fishnets. You, kittens, are too kind.

p.s. After all that slopping of sugar, perhaps now is a good time to remind you to vote for your truly as Best LGBT Blog in the Bloggies.



    Uh, I seem to have lost my straight card. Anyone seen it?

  2. nallus10:17 AM

    oh my me. That is HOT! *swoon*

  3. I think it was Meredith who said it once on Grey's, but she is, like, dirty sexy...

    There are a lot of beautiful women in this world, but she's one of the few that's a true Woman, in my eyes.

    ... So many pervy thoughts right now. How am I supposed to go through my day now, DS, huh? :P

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM


    You should go into politics, really know how to win a girl's vote.

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Dear God. Those pictures and video will be the death of me! All rational thought leaves my mind and I can do nothing but drool over the hotness... O.M.G. The hotness...

  6. Gee-ulp. I'm done for the day.

  7. the spoiler today was that the musical epi of grey's is pretty much her hallucinogenic singing ramblings...and snow patrol songs. i don't watch GA regularly either, but i will be DVRing the sh*t out of that episode!

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM


    you seems in good mood,

    keep going~

    thanks for the posting,

    have a nice dinner!

  9. tlsintx6:49 PM

    oh Sara, she gawgeous. and so are you, Dorothy. i love it when you call us your kittens...mmmmrow.

  10. SweetSD8:48 PM

    OMG, Sara Ramirez is probably the hottest woman I've ever seen. She could make a paper bag look like high fashion, then she goes and does a photo shoot like this.... I think I stared wide-eyed at it for a full five minutes before I remembered that I needed to breathe. So. Incredibly. Hot.

    Oh, and LMAO @ omni3! If this woman came on to me, I would gladly lose my straight card forever!

  11. That's, like, an illegal amount of sexy. Goddess, I love her. :D

  12. TACrawford9:30 AM

    Latinas are so sexy! My latina girlfriend gets out of bed after a night out on the town, when the rest of look like death wormed over, and is as sexy as she was just before we went out. I bet Sara Ramirez is the same way. She's so hot, I'm amazed my screen hasn't melted.

  13. I'd like to find a pair of briefs like the pair Sara Ramira is wearing to wear myself (I'm sold).

  14. Murphy749:31 PM


