Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mrs. President

Today is President’s Day in the States which means I get to lounge around in my pajamas for one more day before having to do real work and write real blog posts once again. So in honor of President George Washington’s 279th birthday, a little bit of fun. I mean, Ellen DeGeneres is basically President of the Lesbians anyway, right?


  1. spuffyduds9:15 AM

    Presbian? Lesbident! (No, wait, that sounds like denture adhesive...)

  2. Well....Mary McDonnell *was* actually Madam President in BSG...I don't think there's enough love for her on your blog, Ms. Snarker....what did she ever do to you? :(

  3. they get prettier with the time :)) lovely couple !

  4. How prescient. On today's show (yeah, I have the day off too and have achieved my goal of changing from pajamas to yoga pants) she revealed that not only is she related to Kate Middleton, but she is also related to George Washington.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Um NO she's not president of this lesbian. Are you serious?

  6. Anonymous8:59 PM



    your nation's very young.

    thanks for the posting

    i wanted ask that question

    do you work today?

    so now I get, it's holiday.

    6 min later from now,

    you need to go to work DS~

    it's tuesday!!

    good night!!
