Friday, December 03, 2010

My Weekend Crush

The best adjective I can think of to describe Julianne Moore is womanly. Now, I don’t mean this in any sort of outmoded domestic or pejoratively girlie way. I mean it in the way that her face, with its elegant concaves and sweeping curves, reminds me of everything that I love about women. That hair, those freckles – I could stare at them forever. Still, the most astounding thing about Ms. Moore is that she seems to be growing more beautiful with age. In fact, today is her 50th birthday and I have to say she has never looked more lovely. Her features seem to be both focusing and mellowing at the same time. It’s delicious.

Also delicious is Julianne’s obvious openness to playing gay. She has been not once, not twice, not even three times, but four times a lesbian lady for the big screen in “The Hours,” “The Private Lives of Pippa Lee,” “Chloe” and “The Kids Are All Right.” Throughout her career she has been drawn more to the complicated, messy character studies than neat, mainstream popcorn pulp. The results aren’t always perfect, but they are usually pretty interesting. And even if they’re not, well, we always have that glorious face to make everything seem better than all right. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Damn... She is still smokin' hot at 50.

  2. Laurye2:42 AM

    Have you seen her as Hera in the new Pirelli's calendar?
    Good Goddess indeed...

  3. ;) babs3:39 AM

    I can't believe she turned 50 today!?

  4. Wow. She's 50? I have a friend who is married and straight and Julianne Moore is her one crush. Like she turns on the TV and just sinks down in front of it and goes "if I ..."

  5. I find her work strongly vaginal.


  6. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Oh Dorothy, you certainly know the way to a girl's heart... Yesterday was the gorgeous Nigella and today the classic beauty that is Julianne Moore. I vaguely remember an interview where she said kissing a woman was if only someone could find that on youtube...

  7. Women who get better looking with age are my favorite thing in life. I'm not even remotely kidding. Something about a mature, beautiful woman... lovely.

  8. I have a huge thing for crows feet around the eyes... one of the reasons I'm drawn to mature women and why my partner seems sexier to me every day! Thanks for Julianne Moore... a huge example of women getting sexier!

  9. Kathryn12:05 PM

    One of my all-time faves, and I love the Pirelli calendar too. YUM.

  10. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Stunning woman. A face that radiates not only beauty but also intelligence & wit. Absolutely one of the finest actors of our age. Oh and don't forget the hot, soooooo much hot...........

  11. How could I have missed that entry?? I'm so happy that everybody agrees with the fact that she gets more and more beautiful. How in the world??!... *sigh* She's my new gay queen omg! That woman is making me very happy. And I haven't even seen TKAA yet.
