Friday, October 15, 2010

My Weekend Crush

I’ve always had a thing for Rosario Dawson. She has such magnificent architecture to her face. Volumes could be written on her jaw line alone. The rest of her architecture is pretty damn amazing, too. Ahem. I first saw her, as many first saw her, in 1995’s “Kids.” That movie was so deeply disturbing I left with my friends and we consoled ourselves for hours with copious amounts of cheese and beer. Jesus, the movie was fucked up. But there’s nothing fucked up about Rosario. On screen she projects a fantastically spunky and refreshingly fun persona. Also, gosh, she’s bendy. While I admit to having only seen about a handful of her films, she has managed to stand out in almost everything. (Yes, even “Alexander.” But then it’s hard to be inconspicuous when you’re wrestling around naked.) She graces the cover of the German GQ this month, reminding us all of her undeniable magnificence. Each time I see her, I wonder anew why she isn’t a bigger star. I mean, that face – and, you know, other stuff. Happy weekend, all.


  1. What a joy to link to your site and the first thing I see is Rosario.She may be your weekend crush, but she is my lifetime crush!

    Yummmm, indeed!

  2. Having a hard time remembering when I've ever been this glad to be a German.Think I might invest some Euros into a GQ this month:-)

  3. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I will take thanks giving break now. I thought you recommend some listenable songs.. :/

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    i just watched rent and fell in love with her....then i wondered what you had to say about her and BAM there she is on the homepage :)
