Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Rizzles sizzles

Rizzoli & Isles fan poster
[Poster by Bee. Hat tip, kesse.]

I’m going to be honest: I totally love this show. Love. It. It’s not a great show. The writing needs work. The plots aren’t sophisticated. But what it has is chemistry – insane, electric, undeniable, super-gay chemistry. Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander just click. I mean, you could practically hear it the first time they appeared on screen together. *click* Each week, they just can’t help it. The chemistry, the subtext, it bubbles up. That’s what chemistry does, it writes its own story.

And let me be honest again, but it doesn’t bother me if they never kiss. Don’t get me wrong, I want them to kiss. Desperately. Every episode, at least once, I scream “KISS HER!” at my screen. Sometimes I also throw things. But the subtext doesn’t have to become maintext for me to enjoy it. In fact, I don’t expect it ever will. This isn’t really that kind of show, and it certainly isn’t that kind of source material. This is just a pleasant, well-paced cop drama about two smart, tough, charismatic women who solve crimes while making crazy eye contact, touching each other an inordinate number of times and sleeping over in the same bed. Straight girls, go figure.

Almost just as great as seeing the subtext each week is seeing how quickly gay women have embraced – once could even say groped with sweaty, naughty fingers – the subtext. The femslash. The Photoshopping. The recapping. It’s all so delicious and, well, fun. Look, we can get all indignant about the shortage of comprehensive, consistent, high-caliber lesbians shows and characters on television. And we should – we should never stop demanding more and better. But that shouldn’t keep us from enjoying something like this. Heck, even if TV was overflowing with every manner and sort of lesbian show, I think I’d still like “Rizzoli & Isles.” It’s a show that is in essence one big flirt. And, gosh, who doesn’t like flirting?

So it’s with a heavy heart that I look forward to next week’s season finale. Only one more episode? So soon? But, but, we just met. And for me, parting is even sooner sweet sorrow. Not to brag (that’s a lie, totally bragging), but I have a screener of the finale. In fact, I’ve watched the finale. So now I’m going to go all highfalutin media critic on you when I say that the only way to properly dissecting the complex narrative of next week’s finale is to describe it thusly: HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

No, really, I mean that.

Even Rizzoli is having a hard time not spilling the beans about it.

p.s. Since many of you have asked, I’m still deciding if I’m going to recap the earlier episodes from this season. I’m not going to lie, recapping is an enormous pain in the ass. But perhaps, if like with Tinkerbell, you all clap your hands loudly enough my poor nearly dead brain will spring back to life and power through them.

p.p.s. Watching Angie dance around to Austin Powers also helps.

[Hat tip, twotonnelauri.]

p.p.p.s. Yes, Jane and Maura will be back for another, even longer season next year. It was the No. 1 cable show this summer, beating even The Closer. Pandering to the lesbians has its perks.


  1. Anonymous3:37 AM

    I'm so glad I started watching this show. Plots are totally unoriginal and the writing often stinks to high heaven, but I love these women. And I don't even care about the subtext, no, I love their friendship, their chemistry. I've never seen anything like it.

    Also, despite the PITAness, I wish you would recap the earlier eps too, Ms Snarker. It would more than tenfold the joy of watching R&I.

  2. Need to torrent this ... so doubt it's being screened in AU

  3. Anonymous4:42 AM

    i suggest recapping earlier episodes after season finale so as to fill ze dark empty void created by ze absence of weekly rizzoli&isle eye sexing. thank god fringe is coming back soon. what would life be without ladies and their guns on tv.

  4. Anyone watching R&I for the plots, realism, procedural accuracy, accent accuracy (personally wouldn't know a Boston accent if it slapped me on the arse) is just DOING IT WRONG. It's all about the ladies and the smiling and the hand holding and the bed-sharing and the constant eye sex. All of which is awesome on a weekly basis and makes me more than able to cope with the Boyfriend of the Week (TM: Xena fandom!)

    As for the finale *gnashes teeth* I'm very glad you enjoyed it... ;-)

  5. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I totally feel you!
    I have no clue why I love it so much, I'm a picky be-yotch when it comes to TV. OK, yeah, so I partly love it because Angie Harmon simply doesn't know how to keep her skin covered, thank you god(who I don't believe in but let's make a deal: I'll flip for you if you flip Angie and have her call me, OK? Or Sasha, I'm not picky like that)
    But it's the supreme subtextfest extraordinaire and I'm going to miss it like hell! And your recaps!
    And "Bee"? That woman is a frakking GENIOUS :)

  6. here's the thing. rizzles is the shizzles and without any of it in my picspams, no witty recaps, or repartee...i will be required to read bad femslash (along with the good. don't get me wrong, there is good. i was just spoiled by the quality of a lot of the stuff written around otalia...ah, otalia. how i miss them.) while waiting for an undetermined return. where will i continue to develop my new found love for sasha alexander? or for angie harmon's "sporty" posture? or subtext-y back-rubbing, leg-rubbing, arm-rubbing gloriousness? you must recap!

    and BTW, if the title of the finale implies that someone is getting gunned down on the precipice of an 11 month hiatus, this little lesbian is gonna cutabitch. i'm not saying, i'm just saying...

  7. Anonymous7:17 AM

    First of all - Bee, your poster ROCKS! It's on my desktop right now :) Secondly, I can't wait for the season finale. I hope it's "holy fucking shit" in a good, subtexty way... Love your posts about R&I!

  8. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Oh, and R&I is ridiculous as a tv show! :D But who cares!

  9. I hate to admit it but I am a reluctant fan of this show. I say reluctant because lesbian websites parade this as a fantasy lesbian coupling, and indeed Harmon's character has that butch "Je Ne Se Qoui."

    But I am tornj when I read how Angie Harmon "Loves The Gays" and yet NO ONE has the Balls to challenge her by telling her that her voting record certainly doesn't display a love of gays and lesbians.

    Sure on my site I show episodes of R&I but I NEVER post a blatant lie like Anghie Harmon says she loves gay people, because actions speak louder than words and Harman's actions are sending an entirely different message..

    Oh By The Way I KNOW that you all visit my site b/c I post what thew other lesbian site refuse to post.

  10. Allegra8:40 AM

    CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapvclapclapclapCLAP, CLAP, CLAP, clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapvclapclapclapclap

  11. ahhhh, "subtext", love me the "subtext"! Ms.Snarker, if you do decide to recap the entire season,would you please include an analysis of the subtext along with a running total? I'm curious as to whether it was there in full force from the beginning or increased episode by episode. A cute graphic rating each episode's subtext quotient would be appreciated too--as long as you don't use that hideous clamshell (from the show that shall be nameless) many thanks!

  12. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Second the love for Bee's poster, it's genius. I personally thought Harmon laid on the 'geigh luv' too thickly to seem utterly genuine, but I'm not aware of her ever actually making a disparaging remark, even with her stated politics. In any case both she and Alexander seem to be embracing the subtext (and each other!) whole heartedly. So YAY! It's a silly show that makes little sense and it took me a while to get past that, but yeah, it got me. Even with the every other weekly failed male romance. Please, Ms. Snarker, recap us. Help us fill the void till the season turns again to summer.

  13. I´ve always seen angie harmon as one of the most atractive female on TV, since I first put my eyes on her in Law & Order...

    she's just mesmorizing

  14. I'm still hoping for this to go the way of Xena... You know, accidentally subtext to on-purpose subtext to maintext. A girl can dream, can't she?

  15. N!k!t@11:26 AM

    Consider this my clapping incentive: CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP, CLAP...

  16. Eagle Eye12:38 PM

    Clap clap clap clap clap clap. Love this show, love the subtext, love your recaps. More please!

  17. CLAP-CLAP-CLAP until your brain is revived and starts with the recaping! :D

    I'm so IN LOVE with this show that i'm willing to completely overlook all the imperfections of it, and just see the big-warm-fluffy-subtext-loving heart of it all!

  18. Yes, please more recaps! My guilty pleasure to start my weekly day off on Wednesday's. First the episode, then the recaps. Can't believe it will be over in a week.


  19. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Please!!! I hope that you will somehow find the time to recap the earlier shows, as your reviews are AWESOME!!!

    R&I has become my favorite show and it kills me to know that next week's will be the final episode of the season.

    Your recaps can make the situation less painful, and perhaps turn even more people into fans of the show.

    The chemistry between these two is definitely insane and please keep up the great work!!!

  20. Anonymous5:29 PM

    so who is writing slash fic for this show.......

  21. sally6:43 PM

    I can't wait for the finale. I'm jealous.

    I love this show all out of proportion of what it deserves and like everyone else, it's because of the delicious flirting. Plus they're both so damn easy on the eyes. Sasha Alexander looks a lot like one of the women who made me realize I'm gay-an unrequited straight girl crush that I still wistful about(she was so adorable). So needless to say, I have a little crush on Dr Isles!

    I join in the clapping for more recaps. Help us through the long R&I withdrawal.

    Any recs for good fanfic, anyone?

  22. I don't know....I think I'm suffering Lesbian Tease Fatigue.

  23. Rizz Rustbolt7:10 PM

    I know, I do. But, that's beside the point.

  24. Oh yeah, I be clapping until I just can’t clap no more.

    Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap aaand clap, clap, clap ......

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Packrat9:53 PM

    Sometimes I hate myself for loving this show. But damn, the flirting IS fun.

    I'm clapping like crazy over here for retro recaps!

  27. Anonymous1:56 AM

    I'm on the other side of the ocean, I mean the atlantic one, can you please tell me if there will be a second season? That would be awesome, I'm sad I only have one episode more to see! And BTW my prefrred one is Sasha aka goofy doctor Maura Isles!

  28. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I'm on the other side of the ocean, the Atalntic one, so anyone can tell me if there will be a second season of R&I? I'm said I only miss one episode. I know the writing is poor but I'm actually addicted to these two women, particularly to one, Mrs.Sasha Alexander aka goofy Doctor Maure Isles! I know she surely loves Italy, maybe I have a chance.

  29. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Yes, a second, 13 week season has already been ordered. Maybe with such excellent ratings they'll ask for even more.

  30. I might have to turn in my Lesbian Badge and, goddess forbid, my toaster. I. can. not. stand. this. show. The stilted dialogue, the wooden acting. My wife and I tried. We really did. We sat through a whole episode ... and then decided we couldn't do it again.

    Thank you for letting me say all that.

    And. I love that you love it. So, I will be happy for you. But just not watch it myself.

  31. Oh my gosh, the photoshopped promo ad... I peed a little.

    And I've been told that I need to recap the first episodes as well. It just goes to show that lezzies can't get enough of Rizzles.

  32. Anonymous3:30 PM

    I really want to like this show. I've watched 2 episodes in all, and I find the writing so cringeworthy, so often, that not even the Angie-Sasha looks/chemistry combo can persuade me to keep watching. The plots and writing even pale in comparison to other frothy summer TV fare, like White Collar and Leverage. (And why is there no femslash fanfic coming out of Leverage, btw?)

  33. Anonymous7:36 PM


    Yes! To retro recaps. Please!

    Also, there's a ton of R & I femslash on

    And here at LiveJournal

  34. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Why would you put your site label on a copyrighted picture that's not even yours? shrug.

  35. fridax2:52 PM

    Yes, good news, it's coming back for more...

    Have you checked out this vid during your Rizzles research..? :)

    Never quite liked the song, but in this context it fits perfectly.

  36. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Did you see?! You got linked by Tess Gerritsen! Very cool! She's amused by this "phenomenon" that is Rizzles... :)
