Friday, September 17, 2010

My Weekend Crush

Few things stay beautiful forever. Photos fade. Paintings crack. Books yellow with time. Most music feels out-of-date a few weeks after it falls off of heavy rotation. But some songs stay beautiful. Some songs never age, always enchant. Yesterday my friend Lesley tweeted that “Fade Into You” was quite possibly the perfect song. And it is, it really is. For 4 minutes and 28 seconds Mazzy Star and the also forever beautiful Hope Sandoval take you someplace not of this Earth. Dreamy, moody, melancholy, achingly gorgeous. You don’t hear the song as much as it melts slowly into your body. Plus we could talk for hours about that tiny, downcast slip of a thing hiding behind her hair. And darn it, if that isn't the prettiest, saddest tambourine in all the world. While the song is 16 years old, its emotions are ageless. Whenever I hear “Fade Into You,” I just can't help it. I fall in love all over again. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous1:20 AM

    That's crazy. I hadn't thought about this song in years until it popped into my head a few days ago. Huh. Good one!

  2. Thanks for reminding me of this song, I had almost forgotten how amazingly perfect it is. :)

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Oh no, which lez movie was this used in? *brain hurts*

  4. beebee9:41 AM

    Oh Snarker, were we separated at birth? Do we have friends in common? It's uncanny! Thanks...brought back great memories.

  5. I do love this song! It plays on one of my pandora stations often, but I've never seen the video. Thanks for posting it.

  6. I am old enough, (just) to remember a time, (somewhere in the under appreciated mid 90's) when music was just music for musics sake - it didn't need a sound or a style to fit with.
    Mazzy Star - case in point.

  7. betsey5:29 PM


  8. Lesley8:42 PM

    Thanks for the hat tip, Snarks. Glad music is one of the many things we have in common.

  9. Anonymous2:13 AM

    16 years? really? wow. Still sounds fresh & I prob listen at least once a month. 16 years! Great taste DS.

  10. Anonymous12:37 AM

    Dorothy, mega thanks for that post, what a tune. Me best remembers it in the 1995 teen classic Angus, for the Angus and Melissa slow dance! Cheers.

  11. Anonymous3:04 AM

    That's lovely - but I actually prefer 'Halah'.

  12. shade7:14 AM

    uncanny. absent for so long and then stuck on repeat on my pod this month. you know what they say about great minds... :)
