Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wishful & Thinking

I only have one question about “Rizzoli & Isles.”

Why is this not a lesbian buddy cop show, again?

OK, I lied, one more question.

Why is a woman who looks like this and sounds like that such a nutso conservative, again?

So many missed opportunities. So. Many.

[Click any of the pictures to embiggen the regret.]


  1. KarinaL2:44 AM

    Don't need to embiggen the regret. My regret when it comes to Angie Harmon spans galaxies

  2. MarjSimpson3:22 AM

    "Why is a woman who looks like this and sounds like that such a nutso conservative, again?"

  3. Anonymous3:36 AM

    "Why is this not a lesbian buddy cop show, again?"

    THANKYOU! Exactly. Such a wasted opportunity. I mean it would have been PERFECT. I mean, perfect. Oh well, there's always fan fiction, I guess ;)

  4. ;) babs3:49 AM

    but hasn't she done a cameo in one of the opening scenes of the L word in season 1?

  5. Anonymous3:51 AM

    totally off topic news: "Dexter Recruits L Word Star Katherine Moennig for Season 5":

  6. She's politically conservative, not socially. I can't say if she did a cameo for the L Word, but she has supported a number of lesbian and gay efforts and remains friends with Stephanie March (ADA Alex Cabot) who probably supports even more.

    I don't know if I would ever expect to her to play a lesbian—outright anyway, lord knows the girl has a tendency to choose shows and characters that are all subtexty—but based on social issues like LGB Rights, abortion/choice, and a few others, you have to be like, huh? Republican.

    That said, she has that guns, God, and Texas attitude down pat and buys into the Republican party line pretty strongly—especially around fiscal issues and 'the state of the nation'.

  7. YES! Angie Harmon's voice, hmmmm... (and looks of course)

    I hate hate hate hate republicans.

  8. Anonymous6:07 AM

    OMG @ 351 Anon -- that's awesome!!! I hope this doesn't mean Dex is totally jumping the shark this season.

    And, yeah, what KarinaL said about Angie Harmon. *sigh*, again.

  9. Anonymous6:46 AM

    The chemistry between the two characters, although ostensibly inadvertent, is overwhelming. It is so disappointing that the perfect lesbian buddy show is...well, not. As for the whole Republican sends me into despair...but not away from my TV on Tuesday nights at ten.

  10. Anonymous6:48 AM

    oops...Monday nights at ten.

  11. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Really don't you get it - lesbian subtext is for fellas. Silly lezzies.

  12. Anonymous7:58 AM

    "Embiggen"? and "Why is a woman who looks like this and sounds like that such a nutso conservative, again?"

    What? WTF are you trying to communicate?
    USE Correct English PLEASE!

  13. "Why is this not a lesbian buddy cop show, again?"

    Oh, it is, Dorothy. It is.

  14. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Silly anonymous 7:58, Snarker ws intentionally being funny.
    Please grow a sense of humor.

  15. haha I'm commenting on this specifically for "embiggen".

    I watched a half hour the first episode and was so ready for a lesbian cop show! Instead I got a ton of blurred lines and Rizzoli pretending to feel for a man the way she obviously feels for her "hetero life partner." Then I turned to Pretty Little Liars since they have the decency to tell me they're lying AND have lesbians.

  16. THANK YOU. I saw a commercial for this show and went "... uh, what?" SO GAY.

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    someone else who sees the similarities between Isles and Dr. Arizona...?

  18. i have to say, before this show, i never really saw the appeal of angie harmon, but now i completely understand it.

    also, i'm really glad i'm not the only one who watched the premiere expecting them to start making out at any moment.

  19. Anonymous11:37 AM

    the whole fashionista thing of the blonde one is such a rip off of Kalinda (my crush!) from the good wife. angie harmon - politics takes her from a 10 to a 1. better lez cop show would be the web series with christina cox. was it called three way or something? now THAT's a great lesbo cop show.

  20. TheRedBaron11:44 AM

    I am sooooo glad Angie Harmon is back on my TV!!! But I'm having a hard time not seeing "Isles" as "Kate" on NCIS.

    BTW...lets be careful with the broad stroke characterizations. All Republicans are not alike. (Just like all lesbians are not ). And, yes, there are gay Republicans -- myself included.

  21. Anonymous1:46 PM

    The Isles character is such a ripoff of Temperance Brennan on Bones. But I still watch.

  22. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anon 7:58 does not speak for me! I like "embiggen"!

  23. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Just can't get past Harmon's Republicaness. It offsets her appeal altogether. And considering she's hot, that's a lot!

  24. betsey9:59 PM

    Why is this not a lesbian buddy cop show?

    This isn't meant to be snotty, but I would guess that they aren't on TV because they aren't in the books. Both of these characters are from a series by Tess Gerritsen. (Vanish, Body Double, The Surgeon, The Apprentice, Harvest, etc.)

  25. My regret is embiggened, but "embiggen the regret" made me snort with glee.

  26. Isles was a book character before Bones became a TV show. So, not exactly a rip-off.

    Rizzoli and Isles Fanfic:

    There definitely is sexual tension between the two (which probably will never be "relieved"...). I spend most of my time watching, thinking, "This is where they would kiss."

  27. This show is my guilty pleasure. Have had a crush for ages. But her politics are very troubling. She isn't just fiscally conservative-- she supports Sarah Palin.

  28. Anonymous4:46 PM


    They even have chemistry on Twitter.

  29. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I miss Women's Murder Club too much to watch this.

    Is that insane?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. To the person so frustrated by "embiggen":

    You realize you are on the interwebs, right? Where one person's misspelling/funny saying goes viral and is common slang within a day...

    Seriously. Lighten up. Maybe this will help:

  32. Anonymous8:29 AM

    @DjShiva...funniest frakkin vid ever!! :D Now I'm off to read me some R&I fanfic!

  33. Rizzoli Fan7:23 PM

    I fell in love with Angie long before I found out she is a republican(I'm more upset by the fact she supports Palin). That being said, that's her personal life and her personal beliefs and I can't hate her for that. And if she supports Gay issues than she can't be THAT conservative. She's HOT and her voice makes her even HOTTER and I love her in this show!! And I can't wait for Women's Murder Club on DVD...hoping the fact this show is a hit will expedite WMC to DVD!

  34. Kelly6:19 AM

    Hey! Not every conservative out there is a "nutso." Other than that - hilarious recaps :)
