Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Three makes a (very gay) trend

There is an unwritten tenet of journalism, universally regarded as scientific fact, that three makes a trend. Three occurrences of any natural, unnatural, man-made, woman-made, mammalian, reptilian, Brazilian, technological, evangelical or celestial events signal a shift in the universe and is therefore worth reporting on. Ask any journalist friend, she’ll tell you. So imagine my joy when the blessed triumvirate landed on my second favorite gay trend: An actress playing gay. (p.s. The first is, naturally, a celebrity actually coming out as gay.) In the past few weeks not one, not two but the magical THREE actresses have signed on to play gay. They are: Emily Deschanel, Linda Hamilton and Ellen Page. Friendly straight friends who visit this blog, that sound you hear is the slow, primal growl of gay ladies everywhere imagining the possibilities. So which role is the most promising? Let’s dissect.

Emily Deschanel

Emily will star in the new flick “The Perfect Family,” alongside Kathleen Turner, Jason Ritter, Michael McGrady and Richard Chamberlain. The story chronicles a devout Catholic mother and wife (played by Turner) who is trying to prove she has a “Perfect family” after she has been nominated for the church’s top award. According to Variety, Emily plays her daughter, a successful lawyer, closeted lesbian who is five months pregnant and “struggles when it comes time to telling her mother the truth.” Now, straight friends, that groan you hear is the sound of thousands of lesbians screaming “NOT ANOTHER PREGNANT LESBIAN STORYLINE!” Still, it’s the gorgeous Emily Deschanel playing a lesbian. So I will grumble yet still buy a ticket.

Linda Hamilton

Linda will join the cast of Showtime’s “Weeds” for a multi-episode stint this season as a lesbian. According to Entertainment Weekly, Linda will play “an eco-conscious marijuana grower who, along with her life partner Fiona, helps Nancy 's endeavors in Seattle take bloom.” Sarah Connor as a pothead lesbian? Yes, please – especially if she single-armedly cocks a shotgun at least once during her story arc. Hey, it could happen, just because you’re eco-friendly doesn’t mean you won’t defend your marijuana crop from marauding rivals by any means necessary. Now I’m just dying to know who plays her life partner Fiona. As long as Showtime seems to be in the business of wish fulfillment, how about Lena Headey? The two Sarah Connors together at last. Hey, don’t judge me – I’m a dreamer.

Ellen Page

The long (LONG) gestating feature film adaptation of the Oscar-winning documentary “Freeheld” is finally moving forward with Ellen Page starring in the true story of a terminally-ill lesbian's struggle to pass her pension benefits to her partner, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Ellen would play Stacie Andree, the partner to New Jersey police detective Laurel Hester who successfully sued the department to win survivor benefits after she was diagnosed with terminal cancer. This has the potential to be the biggest, most impactful of all the roles. It’s also getting a big boost from Oscar-nominated “Philadelphia” scribe Ron Nyswaner, who is writing the screenplay. Having such a talented young star agree to star in such a powerful, real-life story about the struggle gays and lesbians face to get equal rights is, in a word, HUGE. My hopes for this project could not be higher. And I’m already stocking up on Kleenex to hold back the inevitable waterworks this production will inspire.

So, which role has you most excited? And now that having A-List actresses play gay is a bona fide trend, who should be next? Hello, Tina Fey. She turned 40 yesterday. What better way to celebrate that milestone than by getting it on with the ladies? Like I said, I’m a dreamer.


  1. ;) babs1:38 AM

    good to hear that linda hamilton is coming back to our tvs! she is a alltime favorite of mine.

    and what is it with hollywood and pregnant lesbians???

  2. Hannah1:44 AM

    Hmmm, Kathleen Turner anxiously trying to maintain a "perfect family", sound familiar, anyone?

  3. Hannah1:45 AM

    Hmm the link didn't work but I meant Serial Mom :D

  4. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Hmmm, I'm going with:

    1. Tired Cliche
    2. Friggin' Awesome
    3. Oscar-bait

  5. Anonymous3:22 AM

    Linda Hamilton in Weeds has me most excited...absolutely love her. Ellen Pages role should be pretty awesome as well tho.

  6. That scene where Linda Hamilton cocks that rifle will always be burned into my memory. So hot.

  7. Rizz Rustbolt7:20 AM

    You may call yourself a dreamer, but you're not the only one.

  8. Anonymous9:23 AM


    I don't know,
    cus I don't have chance to see them on TV,
    I'm kind of unfamiliar with them.

    but I think I know the sara, was she in robocop?
    shot gun....

    generally actors like to try something for
    their artistic growth, but just curious why acting gay is something get attention.

    you see the flag all over the street, it's everywhere.
    and of course it's summer again,
    what you're waiting for?

    In human nature people generally like to bother
    others if they think they have power whatever
    the form is,

    so the basic argue is, is human born nate bad or
    learn by experience bad thing from others and do
    bad thing to other?

    what I'm talking about, I saw group of kids on street and after two guys passed by me,
    those kids started pointing them and said something and giggled, so I looked at them,

    they just holding hands.

    will those kids do samething when they look at
    man and woman kissing on street?

    kicking them is illegal.
    it happened in n.y,
    so I can guess what other place might be.

    anyway, I can't choose cus I don't know them.
    I'll try to see them when they show up on tv.

  9. Hmmmm, linda's partner? How about Jenette Goldstein?

  10. Anonymous10:39 AM

    A-list actresses? Where?

  11. Freeheld & Ellen Page in the same sentence... i still cant believe it! im sooo happy! *.*

  12. This is wonderful to have the fantasy triumvirate play gay. But what about gay actresses playing gay. Does this add more fuel to the homophobic fire presented by that Newsweek article-Straight Jacketed?

    I'm a bit confused about your excitement. no matter how hot said actresses are.

  13. Anonymous2:44 PM

    ah, why people think when actors act like crazy, achoholic, psycho, robot, or part animal human etc,

    like unusual characters,

    then, the actors are artistic talented?

    cus they think normal,
    the usual acting is easy?

    the most stupid moment that I observed
    a guy who acting all day cry and saying
    to the girl friend, don't go away something like that

    and then cried really ugly and dirty ways on tv,
    but what people said after that show,
    great job, really nice on.

    why people should see like that dirty crying
    considering as passionate acting.

    just came up my mind.

    so dislike especially when I eat something
    during watching tv.

  14. Patricia2:48 PM

    That´s why I hate when L-things arrive here dubbed (and with no SAP). I´ll always go for the 40s ladies. So, Linda Gunhamilton receives my vote (putting bipolar disorder aside). And...back to my first sentence: I just love K.Turner voice (motherhood rage aside ;)

  15. Oh my good God! Linda Hamilton! Will be in my TV! And playing a lesbian! My love for her has lasted since my prepubescent, mini-dyke crush on her in Beauty and the Beast.

    The Ellen Page news is pretty awesome too... but seriously, Linda Hamilton!!

  16. Linda Hamilton cocking that shotgun with one arm is one of the hottest things ever, and the only time I can think of where I have liked a gun/thought a gun was hot (with the exception of anytime Angelina Jolie has looked hot with a gun...)

  17. I am really excited for Freeheld!I've never heard of it before but the clip almost made me cry. Ellen Page is going to be wonderful.

  18. Just Askin'11:17 PM

    Anonymous, are you Rosie O'Donnell?

  19. Carol3:11 PM

    Any word on who will play Ellen's ex-cop partner???

    My first thought, like it often is,LOL is Cate Blanchett - she's certainly played Yank before.

    Any other thoughts?

    (That Freeheld clip always, always gets to me)

  20. Oh shit. Linda Hamilton. Oh shit. I may have to spring for Showtime. And I hate TV. OH. My. God.

  21. betsey4:48 PM

    OK, Ellen Page will be the partner of the cop in Freeheld? Did anyone else think that 80's/90's pic of the Police Officer was screaming Charlize Theron? Maybe it's just me, but that would be friggin awesome.

  22. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Oh, my god. The /trailer/ for Freeheld made me start to cry. Movies almost never make me cry. But goddamn I'm gonna need tissues for that one. >_> Also, with Ellen Page as Stacie... damn.

    I'm rather young, and not used to "making do" with pregnant lesbian plots. I've never seen a movie with one, and I never want to. Their prevalence makes them intensely creepy to me.

    The Weeds installment looks interesting. Not sure if I'll try and see it or not.

    Definitely most excited for Freeheld. /Damn/ excited for Freeheld. This does look kind of potentially huge. High hopes, let's hope they don't bring it crashing down into ruin somehow. (I really don't know how they would, though. Ellen Page kicks ass. The TRAILER for the documentary version made me cry. If they screw this up, they suck.)
