Friday, March 05, 2010

My Weekend Crush

This is going to be Sandra Bullock’s year. On Sunday, odds are Sandy will beat the Streeps and Mirrens to walk away with a shiny new golden mantle ornament. And I in no way begrudge her success. A 20-plus-year veteran of the business, she has been in every imaginable kind of movie. Good movies, bad movies, really bad movies. But through it all she has retained this infinitely likable quality. You can’t buy it, you can’t learn it, she just has it. You like her. You want her to do well. Now I still haven’t seen “The Blind Side,” so I can’t speak to its quality. And I’m an unbridled fan of Meryl and Helen, but I think I’ll be cheering for Sandy this Sunday. It’s almost impossible to root against her. At 45, she is still at the top of her game, still making movies that moviegoers want to see and still making us like her. Also, I kind of hope if she wins she’ll make out with Meryl again. A gal can dream. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Love love love love Sandra.

    She's "My Everyday Crush." I'll be rooting for her this weekend, even though I likely won't watch the Oscars!

  2. She's looking better than ever! Love her!

  3. Love her. Love her a lot. Don't think she should beat Meryl, but, well, if she wins, it won't be the WORST thing ever.

  4. And by all accounts, her "likability" is well earned. No costar or crew member has ever whispered a negative word about her. In fact they go out of their way to rave about how nice she is.

    She was the first to put big bucks up for the New Orleans recovery effort, and her generosity has not lessened through the years.

    I don't know if she'll take Oscar home, (she surely deserves to), but she will forever be taking home our hearts.

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I love her so much and The Blind SIde was excellent...I hope she wins.

  6. I like her, but no way should she get the Oscar over Meryl's performance in Julie and Julia.

  7. Oh my god, she will win this one!

    Sandra's performance in 'The Blind Side' blew me away. It was one of these rare occasions when you see an actress/actor perform and you just know she going to make it.

    Good luck, Sandra, and since you are half-German: Viel Glück! Ich drücke Dir die Daumen!

  8. Anonymous4:09 PM

    dorothy, meryl looks attacked by sandra's breath,
    finally got headache... i mean the pics look like :)
    i'm sure i like she does well, already the top!
    and will send zillion cheers, gently~

    thanks for the post, nice weekend!

  9. Anonymous6:09 AM

    no way,meryl is too good for SB

    and i can't stand botoxed women

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I used to have the BIGGEST fan crush on Sandra Bullock... But I think Meryl's got it in the bag.

  11. Anonymous9:42 PM

    She woooooooon!!!

  12. so she got it. Mature beauty, girlish style. Haven't seen a movie but will do definitely.

  13. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Someone need to smack Miley Cyrus on the back of the head every time she hunches her shoulders like she does. It is NOT attractive. When she wears strapless clothing, she looks deformed. Her posture is horrible. Didn't her parents ever tell her to sit up straight and put your shoulder back? By the time she is 25 she will be hunched over like an 90 year old with osteoporosis.
