Friday, November 13, 2009

Vacation Vixen: Jodie Foster

How anyone can look at this woman and not see a red-blooded, card-carrying, toaster oven-loving, 100-percent lesbian is beyond me. Also – and more to the point – yum. Be back Monday, all.


  1. OMG! WOW!

    No words!

  2. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Jodie - is still the one..

  3. She is my number one top lesbian crush. She is just amazing. Drool!!!

  4. Just not on the Jodie Foster bandwagon. Sometimes, that makes me question my lesbiandom...

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Norma Desmond - no worries, you're not the only one. Great actress, yes. Not a lesbian crush for me either.

  6. I look at her and I picture breakfast.
    In bed.

  7. I totally did not know she is gay. Just didn't cross my mind! She is hot!!!

  8. I have been on a jodie foster binge for like two weeks now, and it shows no signs of abating. I'm still waiting for the right moment to watch silence of the lambs.

  9. Kimber, why stop with breakfast? I see a very LONG week in bed. :D hmmmm

  10. OMG the look. The tux. My god the TUX. And the look. And the tux. Etc.

  11. Jodie, the director... being in charge!

  12. mmmmmmmmmmmmmh mmmmm!

  13. she looks like she's trying too hard to emulate Shane... or wait- was Shane trying too hard to emulate Jodie? i prefer a lady with curves!

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Jodie mostly looks good when styled like that. When seeing paparazzi pics of her she often walks around sloppy and like a bum. But somehow it still looks good on her ;-)

  15. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Nice. Here's to hoping one day she finally embraces the whole thing and makes a lesbian romantic drama.

  16. mmmmm...Jodie...mmmmm Lesbian ladies who grew up watching Jodie grow up generally have a fondness for her...not everyone, but many. She is how we could see ourselves represented. It worked well, until she was old enough to do romances... Then, not representing us as much but she did, in a few movies, kiss other women too!

    As for your vacation, Ms. Snarker, were you on the same boat as I???

  17. The lady has style....mmmmmm & OMG
