Tuesday, October 06, 2009

What little girls are made of

Now, I don’t normally write about celebrity children. They are, quite frankly, none of my business and entirely unwitting participants in the game of fame. But I simply must say something about this famous tyke because, well, 1) ZOMG, The Cute and 2) Holy tomboy, Batman.

Little 3-year-old Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has been seen around, often with big sister Zahara, looking so adorable and so tomboyish that my cynical gay heart grew three sizes. Now part of me is all, “Hello, future gay!” But another part of me is just heartened to see such a non-traditional image of young femininity. Unlike little Suri Cruise, who I’ve seen in tiny toddler heels, Shiloh’s tastes run toward ties and hats and cargo shorts.

I really love that Angie and Brad seem totally OK with her tomboying about town. Of course, I never expected them to be anything other than open-minded parents. But there are many well-meaning folks who would be uncomfortable having their daughter seen in what was clearly meant to be little boys’ wear. Thankfully, not them. Screw the pink crap, give this girl a sword.

But what is perhaps most refreshing of all is that these clothes seem to be entirely Shiloh’s choice. It’s not some different-to-be-different look her parents have chosen for her. If so, then they’d dress 4-year-old Zahara the same way. But Zahara’s tastes seem to run to the more traditionally girlie. Which makes the contrast between the sisters so fun to see; it’s just their personalities.

I was totally that little girl who wanted to wear hats and suits and ties and swords growing up. I was pretty much allergic to ruffles. OK, fine, so I wore a dress to my first day of pre-school. But it was my favorite dress and in my defense, it came with its own vest. So, clearly, I can relate.

Who knows if this tomboy phase will stick. But I intend to enjoy it for as long it lasts. Just because little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice, doesn’t mean they can’t wear some sensible slacks like the boys to explore all the world’s snips and snails and puppy dogs tails.


  1. Just Askin'5:19 AM

    Lovin' the "baby" dyke, but, are you supposed to put a noose around a three year old's neck?

  2. Anonymous5:25 AM

    I always wanted a sword as a kid, but Mother forbade sticks and other eye-piercing dangers.

    And I hated every moment I had to wear a dress!

    Lucky little girl, Shiloh.

  3. ;) babs5:52 AM

    as a kid I used to love fancy dress parties, because I always went as a cowboy, musketeer, or anything with hats, false beards, and weapons...

    little shiloh is the ultimate baby dyke - I just knew you would write about this when I saw the pix on the web today!

    ;) babs

  4. from everything i've read, the jolie pitt parenting team let the kids make most of their own decisions, so yeah, this is shilo. Gorgeous child, and with those genetics it's no surprise. looks cute in the hat too!

  5. I think it's great they let Shiloh dress any way she pleases, within reason. Sometimes kids have to be told what to wear, so they look appropriate - then again, I doubt she ever has to go to Sunday School.. I myself spent my entire childhood wearing boy clothes, except when forced to wear a dress. I still prefer pants. Pantyhose is an invention of the devil.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    It is very refreshing to see a child be a child without all the pressures that the very young face today. My 6 year-old daughter's greatest disappointment in life is that I don't own a dress or heels, but she understands that I am me, and I allow her to establish her own identity, a major girlie-girl. I applaud the celeb parents that don't bow down to only clothing their kids in designer ensembles, and worrying about what everyone else thinks. Kudos to those who let kids be kids, and let them run with swords!

  7. I think that Shiloh is adorable and yeah, it's refreshing to see parents let a kid be themselves.

  8. ... Yeah, I was "that" kid, too... Some things never really change... :)

  9. Yeah I was that kid too... Minus the combat boots. The three year old in me is a little jealous. She's rocking! Too. Cute.

  10. I was a tomboy so, when I had a daughter, I assumed she'd be the same. Nope. I got a girly girl. Kudos to the Jolie-Pitts for allowing each of their daughters to be true to themselves.

  11. I knew you'd be the one to write a post on this too. It was the second thought I had after seeing this photo, the first being "awww she's such a cute little tomboy"

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I so appreciate parents who don't stuff princess-stuff down their daughter's throats and let them find their own likes.

    Since celebrities are so bizarrely important in our age, I'm glad there's a pair of breeders like angie and brad.

  13. Aww, so cute! As someone who used to be called Combat Katie because I ran around in an army helmet carrying a toy gun, I can appreciate Shiloh's style.

  14. I've got two girls - my four year old is ultimate princess. Man - that kid loves the bling. Mt eight year old, however, wears only boys clothes, right down to her tighty whities. Nothing even tinged with girlie gets near her. Apparently kids are so guided by these external gender cues that they are already approaching her on the playground to ask if she's a boy or a girl. She shrugs it off, doesn't seem to care and I love that she has the space to apologetically be herself.

    What strikes me most though, is that while it is still (mostly) acceptable for a little girl to be a tomboy - the reaction to a little boy who wanted to wear girl clothing would be much, much different.... what would the media reaction be if Maddux started appearing in a dress?? My daughter has freedom to express herself, but i know of a little boy the same age who gets in trouble if his dad finds out he played princess at our house - and all he wants to do is dress up in glitter and heels.

  15. um - that should be UN-apologetically :)

  16. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Three Cheers to parents that take their little ones to the store dressed to play... Cool cargo pants and rocking boots or dresses that twirl (lovely Z!)

    BTW - 4yr old's change clothes several times a day. I'm sure that we'll see S & Z in more outfits that express their imagination and personality.

  17. what I find adorable and what wasn't mentioned, is that Shiloh prefers to go by the name "John" when someone is speaking to her...which is so cool I can't stand it..lol

  18. Well, hello, mini me! That's adorable.

  19. TOOO CUTE!
    I love it.

  20. Anonymous5:29 PM

    WTF? I am a kid who was raised in the 60s, it's now 45 years later; and I cannot believe you are all the rage about letting a kid dress as they desire. My son for instance wore a pink tutu on his 4th birthday. And, I am a little apalled by all of the focus on the Tom Boy (white kid) who is adorable and how her older sister (the black kid) is her contrast. I cannot believe there is so much hype and excitement about letting a kid dress in what they want to wear.... it only seems humane to me...! DUH!

  21. My math teacher told us today that she didn't let her daughter wear black converse because she thought they were boys shoes, and then she saw many of the girls in class wearing them....I just wanted to hit my head ont he table.

    as for the last Anonymous comment, I am sorry that you saw them as black and white and not just to sisters, that's what I was looking at...I don't think race had anything to do with the post, the comments, the family, or the clothes.

  22. Anonymous7:42 PM

    She's just cute as hell!

  23. tara76:02 AM

    I showed this picture to my co-workers (cause I think it's cute as hell, and it makes me smile to see it....and it makes me love Angelina all the more) and the majority of them made NEGATIVE comments! So...we DO NOT live in as an enlightened society as some of you may think. I should add, I live in small town/mid-Michigan, and no one at work knows I have 'sapphic leanings', so these people are being a little more honest than they would be if they knew about me. So anyway...thank god there's someone in the media who is ok with letting their kids be themselves! Trust me, there are closed minded people who still need to be shown the way!

  24. I love this and absolutely applaud the parents for supporting her dressing herself this way, especially knowing that they'll all be photographed and discussed (as we're doing now).
    But I have to question the automatic assault on "forcing" your girls to wear dresses and heels. I know, I know, that's the experience many have had, but I'm a happy dyke who gleefully ran around in my tights and dresses when I was little. Dressed head to toe in pink, I had NO problem with my outfits at all, and still have no problem with "THAT color" on girls. (and before the flaming begins: ) AS LONG AS it's not being forced upon a kid who'd rather be in cargo shorts and a tie.
    I'm the dyke who grew up tearing around the house in pink jeans and a pink conductor's cap with a cap gun in one hand and a sword in the other... Just 'cause Zahara wears a dress and Shiloh wears a tie doesn't necessarily mean that they don't both go home and share in tea parties followed by no-holds-barred sword fights.

  25. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Wow...what a cutie! Haven't seen any pics of her in recent years. Love the look.

  26. Dear Angelina,

    Have I told you lately that I love you?

    the crustybastard

  27. nicely spotted by you and played by shiloh

  28. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Freaking adorable. I would smile if Shiloh turned out to be bi or gay. It'd probably be ok coming out to her mom at least. :D

  29. awnutts11:38 PM

    My favorite thing isn't the tomboyish-ness, but the utter kid-ness of the clothes not really going together. I totally see the 'rents trying to get Shiloh dressed in the morning and her being like "I wanna wear these pants! and this is my favorite shirt! I want daddy's tie!" and after they finally get her ready to get out the door she starts screaming, "no!! I need my swooord!"

  30. Anonymous12:28 PM

    They look like an angels.

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