Friday, October 09, 2009

My Weekend Crush

Activism is sexy. Caring is sexy. Wanting to make a difference is sexy. Fighting for your rights is sexy. It’s also smart, brave, resilient, important, optimistic, compassionate and deeply patriotic. On Sunday, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and straight will gather in Washington D.C. to march for what is right. We may quibble on the specifics, the mission statement, the organization and other details here and there. But the purpose is unquestionably clear. We, as a community, want to be treated fairly and have the same rights as every other American. There is nothing special about what we want. In fact, it’s exactly the opposite. We want to be treated the same. While I won’t be able to attend the National Equality March this Sunday, my heart is there already. And already it is filled with the wonder that is a group of people coming together for the sole purpose of making sure we are all equal. Happy weekend, all.


  1. Steph R12:32 PM

    If I could plane it on over there, I would so be there. Flags and hats and gay and all.

    Perfect weekend crush. :)

  2. yippityop12:33 PM

    Equal rights are totally hot! Great weekend crush!
    I found out today that in Ireland when a man and woman get married the woman loses her social security number and takes his with a W on the end! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?? Yet another social problem that gay marriage would fix!

  3. I support the GLBTQ and a PROUD mom. My heart will be at the March, despite of our thanksgiving holiday here in Canada.

  4. Me and my fellow Ithacans will be marching in DC as well! I'm soooo excited. 2 coach buses full of college gays and allies, should be a good time.


  5. Equal's so necessary. It's not a luxury, it's a liability. Thanks for posting this to remind those of us who can't make it there in the flesh that we are there with them in spirit. :)

  6. Woohoo! Thanks for the reminder! I look forward to spreading rainbows all weekend!

  7. I will be on one of three Charter buses from Join The Impact Chicago heading to DC in just a few hours!

  8. Lopeytal1:55 AM

    Just got back a few hours ago from D.C. It was amazing! The passion and excitement of the marchers was thrilling, and the speakers were incredible! Still bit overwhelmed, but I'm processing slowly :)

  9. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Rather nice place you've got here. Thanks for it. I like such themes and anything connected to them. BTW, why don't you change design :).
