Thursday, October 29, 2009

Must See (Lesbian) TV

Remember when we had that one show about lesbians on our televisions? Looks like, if the TV gods allow it, there could be two more coming…at the same time…and not involving Ilene Chaiken. Holy embarrassment of riches, Batman! (Or – more accurately – Batwoman, since she digs chicks.) Two sitcoms are in the works involving lesbian characters as leads. Yes, two. What are we, the new doctors and cops?

The first, is “You, Me and He” in development for CBS from out writer-comedian Carol Leifer (creator of the short-lived “The Ellen Show”) and follows a recently divorced woman who enters a gay relationship only to find out that she is pregnant with her ex-husband's baby. So they could have called it Carol, Susan and Ross if they wanted people to immediately get the concept. Also, pregnant lesbians – again? But, still, it’s lesbians.

The second from lesbian comic Liz Feldman (of “The Jay Leno Show” and “This Just Out” fame) and writer Darlene Hunt (who has written for “Will and Grace” and the upcoming “The C Word.”) is a female buddy comedy for NBC where one of the females is apparently a gay lady. You know, like “Laverne and Shirley” but without the annoyance of Lenny or Squiggy.

This is all amazing news. First it’s amazing because it would mean lesbians would be on TV during a month other than November (and sometimes May, depending how badly the network needs the sweeps ratings). Second, gay women are actually involved in the making of both shows. So they will know of what they speak, so to speak. And last, but in no way least, it would mean gay women would be the focus of the stories. This is no small point. Right now we’re largely relegated to large ensembles or permanent sidekick status. That is simply not enough.

Now both shows are in the early stages. No one has been cast. There have been no network pick-up commitments yet. But the first step is always the hardest.

So now, onto the fun stuff. Who do we want to see gaying it up in primetime? I vote Leisha Hailey for Liz’s buddy sitcom. She needs to be back on my TV making me laugh and laugh and laugh.

Other good options for either show: Erin Daniels (bring back Danish!), Michelle Krusiec (still harboring a crush since “Saving Face”), Emma Caulfield (effortlessly hilarious on “Buffy,” someone hire her!) and Kristin Chenoweth (remember when I was talking about things I’d give a kidney for, well, ditto!).

So, what do you think? Will these may it to see the light of the cathode ray tubes? (Sorry to go old school, but the xenon, neon, and helium gases in plasma TVs are just too damn hard to explain.) And let me be the first to dub these shows the new wave of lezcoms. Sitbians just didn’t sound right.


  1. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I say Leisha & Kate Moennig. Kate is going to need a job soon. She would make a good straight man ro Leisha's silliness. Of course, if there was a part on Sarah's new show even better!

  2. Emma Caulfield, yes! Great comedic timing, has the ability to make the banal hilarious and the absurd the more absurd. Love her!

  3. I miss Leisha so she has my vote.

  4. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I vote Leisha Hailey, Erin Daniels, & Jill Bennett.

  5. Leisha, Erin and Emma, yes. They are adorable and hysterical. I also think that Deak Evgenikos (Meat from Itty Bitty Titty Committee) would be good, I recently watched her episode of Brunch With Bridget and she was hysterical/awesome/hot! And it would be nice to have actual out gay ladies playing the gay ladies...

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM


  7. I'm afraid the first step really isn't the hardest. The chances of the show making it to pilot, much less series, are, well, small. But, yes, the fact that the ideas are, at the very least, out there is certainly something.

  8. Can I vote for Michelle Krusiec too? *dreamy sigh*

    I've also had a running crush on her since 'Saving Face' days ... well, both her and Lynn Chen who played her girlfriend Vivian (I adored the character of Vivian's wardrobe in that film sooo much)

    So either really, or both ... I wouldn't complain ;)

    Not to mention, as few queer women characters as we see on TV, they're virtually all white women, and that gets really bloody old.

  9. Doris Wolfe9:33 PM

    Oh fuCBS, first you kill off Guiding Light and tried to suck the passion out of Otalia, and now you're contemplating a rehash of the ol' "lesbian gets preggers by an ex" trope for a whole series? Yay. If it makes it to pilot, how about taking the first step in rebuilding bridges by casting Jessica Leccia? She can do comedy!

  10. aww I got excited seeing Michelle Krusiec front and center on the photo. dun wanna get my hopes up.. haha but this is good news indeed :]]

  11. Awh, man. I love Feldman. You have no idea how happy this will make me if I can access that here (in the UK). Shoot. Wow.

  12. The snarky Leisha Hailey. Please.
