Thursday, October 15, 2009

Love is a battlefield

For those who protest all my Tina love, while I’ll never understand your objections I always strive to by sympathetic to variance in taste. So if smart, hilarious, talented and charming isn’t your thing, I give you an alternate option. In fact, I give you two. Do you think either Tricia Helfer or Grace Park were virgins until they were 24?


  1. pebbles2:14 AM

    THIS. BUT! where starbuck at?

    dear dorothy, I don't know if you read ONTD but here are two tips:

  2. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I will always be a Battlestar fan. Tricia Helfer has a special place in my heart. As does Starbuck and Boomer. I find that the best female characters on tv these are on Sci Fi shows. Now that BSG is over I find myself watching Sanctuary and Legend of the Seeker to get my fix of strong, intelligent women who treated as equally as the men.

  3. "She's really spiritual and inquisitive"... V.O. while we see them in barely-there panties and see-through shirts.
    Something of a disconnect. Am I alone in this?

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I love Tina, maybe almost as much as you, but I just cant stop laughing at this

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Wow - Tricia and Grace but I'm with Pebbles. Where STARBUCK?

    I like Tina Fey and think she deserves a lot of attention but I still think you need a little intervention. I never said you would have to apologize just a little moderation would be god. hahaha!

  6. Carol7:16 PM

    Yeah, estuff - that. felt. odd.

    The Pretty (verging on soft porn) and The Normal Everyday collided.

    I can appreciate these things separately, but the combo had a real dissonance about them. Maybe cause my ability to objectify was hindered by, you know, letting them actually talk. *ironic sarcasm and self chastisement*

  7. aygul1:45 AM

    I'm inexplicably amused by the fact that I came here right after ONTD and someone posted a linked to there. It's everywhere. Infecting all corners of the internet. Or at least all the ones related to celebrities.
