Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Will Sing for Work

Look, someone has to hire Kristin Chenoweth. Like now, like immediately, like yesterday. She needs to be on my TV. Like regularly, like constantly, like 24/7. Her win at the Emmys Sunday only served as a reminder how much we’re missing. I mean, that speech. Did your heart not just melt? After what can only be described accurately as a series of squeaks, she started her speech with “This is very heavy” (this, of course, being the Emmy itself). And then she went on to quite smartly and sweetly make her pitch: “I’m unemployed now so I’d like to be on ‘Mad Men.’ I also like ‘The Office’ and ‘24.’” Come on, how can you resist TV producers? Hire this woman. Do it, do it now.

The thing is, I don’t understand why Kristin isn’t an enormous star already. Sure, she is a star already – an enormous Broadway star and unequivocal icon in certain circles. But STAR, like of her own show, like on any show. Seriously, why isn’t she on a show? I mean, Jay Mohr has his own show. He’s had three. But instead, since the untimely and unfair early demise of “Pushing Daisies,” we’re relegated to getting our Kristin in tiny doses. Next Wednesday she’ll guest star on “Glee,” which is you think about it is a perfect fit. Singing, dancing, spirit fingers. The combined awesome of Kristin and Jane Lynch on one show is like Christmas in September. And, look, she bowls!

The thing is, Olive Snook may go down in my personal history as one of my all-time favorite TV characters. That combination of adorable melancholy in one teeny-tiny perky package was beyond genius. Also genius? Her easy-access waitress dresses. And, of course, that voice.

For the love of all that is good and right, SOMEONE HIRE KRISTIN CHENOWETH!

p.s. “The Office” fans have found the perfect role for her already. We can make this happen, people. Work with me.

p.p.s. My God, she is truly pocket-sized. I mean, tell me the looks on both Tina and Jon’s faces aren’t a mix of “Congratulations!” and “I want to put you in my pocket and take you home!”

My sentiments exactly.


  1. ;) babs4:42 AM

    so sweet! heart breaking speech! ... and snack sized!


    ;) babs

  2. ;) babs4:58 AM

    another cheno vid you HAVE TO SEE:

    ;) babs

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    This is probably a silly question, but in the bottom picture is she stood on a step? If not, yikes, she is tiny! Like garden gnome tiny

  4. you ask why doesn't cheno have a show. she had one and it didn't go very well. remember "kristin" on NBC in 2001? i didn't think so...

    hollywoodland sometimes has a long memory if you flop.

    as much as i love the cheno, i really want her back in a broadway musical rather than back on my TV. so unless they are gonna permanently add her to "GLEE" or create a TV version of OKLAHOMA or SOUTH PACIFIC, get this woman back to a stage for a year or two. then she can be back on our TVs.

  5. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I know, she is AMAZING.

    After watching that clip of Pushing Daisies, I'm so sorry that show is off! That was brilliant. So stupid that a show like that wasn't able to have enough time to find an audience.

  6. I loved that clip, I'd never seen that show before--I'm sure I would have loved it :)

  7. I just... I just love her. Too, too, too much. That is all.

  8. They just seriously need to make the Wicked movie. It would solve her problems temporarily, it would make the world happier. They should just do it.

  9. OMG. Tina totally has the "can I put you in my pocket and take you home" look! It's priceless! :)

  10. Us Broadway fans have loved her for so many years, can we say A New Brain, people? I saw her in You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown...she won the Tony a week after I saw it. She's darling, she's sweet, and so talented. If you haven't seen her perform live, YOU MUST. Not only in a musical, but her solo show is just beyond words. I remember years and years ago, she waiting for someone at the stage door (her boyfriend, not as a fan, LOL) along with myself and my gf. My gf almost fainted due to low blood sugar and Kristin took action immediately and helped us until she felt better.

  11. packrat9:59 PM

    Yes, please.

    I'm all for whatever gets us some more Cheno time!

  12. aw my god! i never thought she was that tiny xD
