Thursday, September 03, 2009

Please hold

My Photoshop has broken and is now ruining my life. Please hold and I hope to have a post up for you a bit later today. Sometimes, better living through technology is a lie. Like right about now.

UPDATE: So, pour a little out for my Photoshop today, homies. Because it died a quick and horrible death last night. My attempts at resuscitation today were for naught. As a result, I won’t be able to deliver the post as promised . My apologies. But I’ll try to supersize tomorrow’s Crush to make up for today’s void. Until then, please accept this video as an accurate visual representation of how I’ve felt all damn day.


  1. I'll just review the previous pix... mmm... yummy!

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Broken? I'm here if you need a 'quick fix'

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Try if you want a free (not nearly as good, but competent) option.

  4. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Wonder what photos broke your photoshop...

  5. Oh, yes, Anonymous brings up an interesting thought... What jewels could Dorothy be working on that Photoshop would have said "That enough - just can't go on anymore! I'm just software." LOL!

  6. OMG I found myself rocking back and forth (back and forth) in a sympathetic effort to get the little bugger back up on his paws. Had to look at another one of the pup vids to confirm that yes, indeed, he has both been in the past and will again in the future be on his feet.

    Then I saw the beetle video and had to stop short.

    My condolences about your Photoshop loss, sister. Your loss is ours, I think I can say with certainty.

  7. Lopeytal8:15 PM

    Oh my god, cutest thing ever! That just made my day :D

  8. Yeah, that video makes my life. TOOO cute.

  9. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Houston, I've fallen and I can't get up.

  10. Aww, that is the cutest thing ever. I have the most adorable French Bulldog (if I do say so myself, and I obviously do, LOL), and even though she's 3 years old now, I remember when she was this age. They really do stumble around, and fall over quite a bit... Little dough-balls. ;o)

    And sorry about your Photoshop loss. That really does suck. :o/

    - GG

  11. Anonymous4:57 AM

    perfect - just what I wanted to watch in the A.M. mini animal cruelty - geeze.

  12. OMG...that made me cry from laughing... Poor little puppy...

  13. If your photoshop isn't working just reinstall it. If yoiu can't thenj I suggest the photoshop alternative freeware GIMP available at
    It's more basic but provides the same results, but you have to know what you are doing artistically.
