Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I said goddamn

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde in GQ. Excuse me while I go nonverbal...

Oh, and did I mention there's a video?

Find more bikini, and actual words, at later today.


  1. ;) babs3:22 AM

    not my type, but my girlfriend likes her!

    ;) babs

  2. Oh. My.

    There are no other words to be found.

  3. Dear Dorothy, as much as I like your blog and have been a faithful follower for what are now years, I can't help but regret that the funny feminist posts of yore are little by little replaced with posts of gorgeous half-naked ladies.
    Don't get me wrong, I like a naked lady monday and/or a tank top tuesday as much as the next gay gal and also agree that we needn't be so serious 24/7. But I do miss the slightly more intellectual side of your posts that so appealed to me in the first place.

  4. rocketdyke8:03 AM

    i like the pretty pictures. :) they always make my day. this one is especially wonderful.

  5. hmmm, jury is out whether she is hot or not... finding her a little bit on the plain thin side...

  6. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I appreciate the photos and video...but I wish she wouldn't keep selling herself to these men's magazines. I find it a bit disturbing...why does she need to do it? Doesn't House pay her enough? She's in every magazine like this...

  7. Goddamned! That woman does love to tease us, doesn't she?

  8. I agree with Huggitis' comment; I miss the old Snarker.

    As much as I like looking at pictures of half-naked women, I feel like the tone of this blog has become more about fawning objectification and less about the intellectual snark.

    Sigh. Ah well. One can't please everybody, I guess.

  9. Anonymous11:50 AM

    "You said godamn", I say oh my fucking god!!!!

    Others may not find this woman hot, but I think she's exquisite. She's, hot, smart, bi and sexy, damn!!! Yummy!!

  10. Dorothy -

    It's your blog, keep doing what you're doing as you like it. If folks don't approve or want something else, they can read feministing.
    I, for one, am going to go watch that video again.

    - Maggie

  11. Anonymous12:58 PM


  12. Oh, yes. Those are some seriously sexy pics. Thanks for posting them. Love the blog, as always.

  13. betseyb7:15 PM

    Wow, those are some niiice pics:) What's up with every pic staged to hide her thighs, though? She's thin! In the video you can see a bunch of different poses, knees rotated in, side shot with leg lifted up, ALL of them look to me as if they are trying to hide her thighs. Maybe I'm being crazy, but I don't see the need for it, she's way thinner than the average lady. I don't get why magazines do this, she's smokin' hot without doing it, why not just show her as is, no theatrics?

  14. Nice pictures...but can you imagine how high maintenance SHE would BE!?!?!

  15. Rizz Rustbolt10:03 AM

    And people didn't believe me about the water buffalo strangling....

  16. aardvark6:15 PM

    oh dear... i think her boobs may have cured my cold...
    thank you snarker, for all your lovely pics.
    while i would like an intelligent post now and then, i'm not going to turn down free sexiness. ^_^

  17. Anonymous5:25 AM


  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    In the video, she kind of looks like Keira Knightley... +boobs.
