Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Here kittie, kittie

I would like to interrupt this blog about pop culture, lesbians and lesbians in pop culture (and every now and then politics – but only when I’m feeling too big for my britches) for an important public service announcement. I do not support A Day Without Cats. In fact, I abhor the idea. Cats bring the LOLs to The Internets. Without them, who would play us off? Look, I love all creatures great and small. But to artificially omit one does not uplift the others, but instead diminishes them all. Also, they’re just so damn cute. How could we go without them? And this is coming from someone who for most of her life was an avowed dog person. So with that, for one day only, I will do what I told myself I would never do: cat blog. What can I say? All that stuff about lesbians and their cats? TOTALLY TRUE.

Cat Deeley

Whoops, that last one is the wrong kind of “Cat.” Totally my bad.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Actually, that last one is totally the RIGHT kind of cat. Good on ya.

  2. I think I have just become a cat lover...

  3. Thank you, Ms Snarker, for standing up for cats! I read about the cat-less day on Cheezeburger and couldn't believe it. No! It must not be! Who came up with this insanity? I will respond with even more Caturday than ever!

    Deeley's not so bad either.

  4. I am confused, Dorothy. Which of the cats you posted are lesbians? It is so hard for me to tell.

  5. Sooo CUTE!! i'm a lesbian who is allergic to cats (of the feline but not Deeley persuasion) and all i want right now is an adorable kitty (or sytycd host) to play with! Skin rashes and asthma be dammned--get me a kitty!

  6. LOL. I was showing the cute kittehs to my coworkers, then got quite the surprise at the end.

    Good thing I am out at work. ;)

  7. Never thought I'd say this. And especially to you. But, great cat pics!

  8. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I just convinced my gal that we needed a cat (we already have 3 dogs). We adopted a 1 year old kitty and she is the best ever! Very cute, playful, smart, cuddly and since she's an adult, we don't have to worry about her clawing stuff up. If you want a kitty, adopt an adult cat! :) Same goes for women. heh heh!

  9. Anonymous11:52 AM

    I support a day without cats. It just boggles the mind that everyone and their grandmother knows about these memes without knowing where they originated. Caturday, Rickrolling, O RLY, mudkips.

    I guess people really do abide by rules 1 and 2.

  10. That last one fits in JUST FINE!!! That's why we love you!

  11. Nope... Still like dogs.

  12. H.Mo.9:21 PM

    This is adorable. Love it!

  13. Marie la blonde11:07 PM


  14. Haha, loved the post and especially the last photo ;)

  15. hahahaha, somebody had to do it. thank you! :) yay for cats!

  16. Omg, YAY for you Ms. Snarker!! Yay for kitties (and I mean of all kinds!) but I am the sterotypical lezzie with a big, floofy cat - she's my main squeeze since I don't have a gal yet and looking at these pics makes me want another one! Everyone I know is a dog person but gimmie kitties any day - lol!

  17. And here I had been getting my cat pictures from (the felines are only cuddly when they want's a conspiracy!)

  18. Anonymous4:01 AM

    O~~ man,
    so cute!!!

    i like them. ^^
    thanks for the decision. haha.

  19. If we did this day with no cats thing, where would we lock all them all away for a day? And who is going to clean up the mess afterwards?

    I imagine that unattended and unworshipped lolcats would cause huge amounts of chaos.
