Friday, July 03, 2009

My Weekend Crush

It may seem odd, on a weekend dedicated to America and fireworks and backyard BBQ, to pick a distinctly distinguished British actress. But, bear with me, this is just how my mind works sometimes. You see, whenever I think of Julie Andrews, I think of the holidays. Perhaps it’s because her iconic films like “The Sound of Music” and “Mary Poppins” seemed to be replayed constantly during long holiday weekends when I was a child. Or perhaps it’s because her uninhibited, full-throated, mountain-top spin introducing us to Maria always makes me think of freedom. (Admit it, you totally did that spin in your living room until you were woozy and your parents told you to sit down, already.) Or maybe it’s that I just like being a contrarian and on the day we Yanks celebrate our independence with bombs bursting in air, I have to go pick a Brit.

Whatever the reason, Julie has always been one of my favorite things. Her perpetually pleasant parlance, her wonderfully winsome personality and her resolutely short hair all made her stand out as an independent role model growing up. Her singularly sensational singing abilities are unquestionable, of course. But what I always liked about her was she presented another, more approachable option to girls. We can’t all be Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn (and, no, we won’t get into the “My Fair Lady” brouhaha here). But perhaps we could be Julie instead. You don’t have to be perfect in every, just practically so. Also, heavens, didn’t she just look supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in a tux? Happy Fourth of July weekend, all.


  1. Love, love, LOVE her!! Thank you for this well chosen crush.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    She makes me want to hire a stenog' ^_^

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Ahh, the accent, the poise...the whole elegence that is julie andrews. One classy, classy lady well deserving of the weekend crush title!

  4. I have been in love with Julie since I saw The Sound of Music when I was around 10 years old. Seen it probably 100 times and mostly because of Julie. She is unique, beautiful and has the best laugh. And her accent...*sigh*. Plus redheads are soooo hot.

  5. Time to leave work and watch my Julie Andrews collection! Absolutely love her!

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    perfect crush for this weekend! yayness! she does look awesome in a tux!

  7. Steph R8:31 AM

    If I must be the fair one in all of this, congratulations on your whole independence crap and all, but it wasn't actually of us modern Britons that were involved. :P

    God, I hate public holidays. I wish I had the American mentality. You people celebrate everything- and everything so well! Julie-fucking-Andrews! Are you kidding me? Happy weekend all, indeed.

  8. tlsintx9:15 AM

    good one!

    Julie should win for bone structure, alone, nevermind that mouth...


  9. Carol9:48 AM

    I got to see her do a concert in a great old theatre in Columbus, Ohio - right before the worst of her voice problems. What a treat!! (And yes, I went with my Mom). It was totally "uncool" of me, and I was thrilled. What a performer.

    Great selection, Ms. Snarker, willfully contrary or not. :) In fact, an added bonus is ample pictorial proof out there of JA and Carol Burnett in their own SGALGG-y wonderfulness. Google it! :)

  10. I, as everyone else, fully support your weekend crush. Of course, for me, she's more of a life crush. Well chosen, and happy holiday!

  11. My FAVORITE weekend crush EVER!!!!
    Oh I love Julie. And the red hair....damn. Good choice!

  12. This picture of Julie Andrews as Victoria just made my day. LOVE it! Thanks for this very inspiring weekend crush, and happy 4th of July to all Americans.

  13. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Julie in Victor Victoria always makes me swoon. I'll watch anything shes in. Love her. LBrad

  14. Admit it just wanted to extend Gender Fuck Thursday an extra day...didn't ya!?!

  15. When I saw the headline and first pic, I said, "Ohh yeaaaaah" out loud.

  16. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Thank you for this amazing crush! She's lovely still and always so nice.

    One of my guilty favorites (Darling Lili clip):

  17. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Ok, who am I kidding? The strip version is better.

    ; )

  18. Anonymous12:41 PM

    you too, ^^

    haha, i thought beer with me,
    i mean the bear with me..^^

  19. Isn't there a persistent rumor about Ms Andrews and Ms Carol Burnett?

  20. My favorite post on this blog so far :)

  21. Mary Poppins leaving was one of my earliest "how isthat a happy ending?" movies.

    Thank you,

  22. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Just one of the most phenomenal people in the world. I'm totally in love with her too. She exudes beauty and charm in every way. Just looking at her makes me happy.

  23. Mmm redheads..Gets me everytime.

    Love that you use "brouhaha".. You're almost French sometimes

  24. I did do that spin. When I was seven. I fell forehead-first into my parents' rock fireplace and needed stitches. =)

  25. my first ever crush. well done, Snarker.
