Thursday, July 09, 2009

I want pie

Good God, Mary-Louise Parker. You are just going to have to stop being this sexy. It’s ridiculous. It’s distracting. It’s ridiculously distracting. How am I expected to get any work done? How am I expected to form complete sentences? I mean, I’ve even broken one of my cardinal (though, really, I prefer bluejays) rules and post pictures of you twice in one week. But if you insist on making cherry pie in black, lacy panties and flashing your business (front and back, you spoil us with your generosity), I will be forced to post the pictures. You leave me no other choice. [NSFW, naturally, but you already looked at the first one so why stop now? And, while you’re at it, click any and all to enlarge. You can thank me later.]

Look, MLP, you’re even making me for the first (and hopefully last) time spontaneously break into Warrant lyrics. Because your cherry pie is most definitely making this grown woman cry. I am going to ignore the fact that these photos accompany a “Thank You Note to Men” you wrote for the August issue of Esquire. Men are so needy, they have to be singled out and praised like puppies (no offense, fellas). But us ladies, we know implicitly that you’re thankful for us, too. And, sweet merciful Zeus, are we ever thankful for you. The only way this could possibly get better is if you tucked us into bed, gave us a nice cup of milk and read us a bedtime story – in those panties. Oh, wait. Well, fuck, now you’ve got me quoting the Eurythmics. Sweet dreams are made of this, indeed.


  1. Reverend Jane Ignatowski5:31 AM

    omg, she's going to look 30 until she's 80.

    And why does said youthfulness on MLP look so wicked sexy while on me it is so eerily reminiscent of boy wizards? ::shakes angry fists of futility at personal genome::

  2. Good God indeed

  3. Anonymous5:46 AM

    in the morning~

    im singing.
    good morning DS!
    seems getting hot this place.

    i feel like
    politely talk yesterday,
    and naked jump today. ^^
    anyway like whatever.

    thank you for the post.
    have a great day.
    indeed, love you!

  4. *blink*


    *sound of synapse blowing out*


  5. Anonymous6:44 AM

    LOL! Sarah in Chicago said it all.... That's EXACTLY how I felt.... THANK YOU

  6. She is absolutely delicious. Abso-fucking-lutely.

  7. I never had much of a sweet tooth. Until now. Thanks.

  8. i want pie too xD!

  9. "Men are so needy, they have to be singled out and praised like puppies"

    Oh my goddess tel;l me abut it. I think tha thier insecurityu styems from the anatomically ridiculous physique nature bestowed upon them.

  10. tlsintx11:32 AM

    i third Sarah in Chicago.

    oh. my. lord.

  11. MLP is WOW!

    Here's a little pic of Cameron Diaz when you write about tatts and the girls who wear well.

  12. DaChickenLady12:53 PM

    Saw the picture with the pie. Thought, "Oooooo. MLP. How nice. Beautiful skin."

    Then, I scrolled down and saw the bottom (!) part of the picture.

    I have high blood pressure and heart disease runs in my family, but oh what a way to go.

  13. And that is why I pay $13 a month for Showtime...sigh.

  14. That sure looks tasty!

  15. Lily Laguna2:52 AM


  16. Thank God there is no limit to how many times this video can be played. Going on 12...

  17. She can make me pie any time she wants...GUH!

    And I'll take a MLP go. Oy.

  18. She's absolutely stunning! Thank you for this post.

  19. Anonymous12:05 PM

    And I do thank you Ms Dorothy. Oh, how I thank thee.

  20. Oh snarker. I want pie, too! And milk and cookies!

    Sweet Jesus, Joseph and Mary, that was almost too much to handle!

  21. I want yummie in my tummy!

    Now, if you excuse me while I grab a bib... I need to stop drooling...

  22. zooey5:22 AM

    I work at Marie Callender's and we never get this kind of pie making. That is just plain unfair.

  23. Anonymous3:17 PM

    It was in this moment that Amelia's jaw hit the floor... Perhaps, she thought to herself, there is a God and perhaps he created this beautiful woman to make my shitty week a little less shitty.

    You've delivered today.
    I think I'm in love.
