Thursday, July 16, 2009

Gender Fuck Thursday

If you want to talk women in suits, I mean really talk women in suits, you have to start with Marlene. There is no better starting point, and quite possibly no one better period, than Marlene Dietrich. Just her name evokes images of a perfectly tailored tuxedo. She rocked the gender fuck before rocking the gender fuck was common or even cool. But, wow, did she ever make it cool. Now that it’s also more common, we have Marlene to thank, too.

With Maurice Chevalier & Gary Cooper

With Joan CrawfordWith Orson Welles

I believe, at the very least, a posthumous muffin basket is in order.


  1. Anonymous4:26 AM



  2. thanks for recognizing dietrich. interesting enough, if you read her autobiography, she talks of an assistant (make-up artist was it?) whom she worked with who rocked the gender fuck everyday. so hats off to all those behind the scenes as well.

  3. As a film lover and historian, I tip my hat to you, Ms. Snarker.

  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    So right!

    Marlene was a stunner in a tux!

  5. Noel Coward introducing Marlene:

  6. Orson looks utterly confounded.

  7. Oh, yeah! I used to wear a tux when I worked in the hotel biz and LOVED it. If I ever had to go to a really ritzy function, that's what I'd wear!


  8. drool....
    heavy sigh of contentment...

  9. Anonymous5:48 PM

    delicious, delightful, dietrich.

    still the standard for a gal in a tux.

    hats off to you both.

  10. 'Bout time!!! My college career included a Women in Film course (and the prof was a woman likely a queer woman at that) and among the films we watched, we saw THREE Marlene Dietrich films and THREE Katharine Hepburn films. Yeah, have to say that was course was a favorite. BTW, the other actress was Bette Davis.

  11. I am so glad to see that you bring out the stars as they once were are well as the current ones. Tho the ones today have nothing on Marlene, and the others of that era.
