Monday, June 29, 2009

Fly on, my sweet angel

Believe it or not, I didn’t watch “Charlie’s Angels” too much as a kid. I was too young when it first started airing and then there was this thing about my undying love and devotion to Wonder Woman. Not that you have to pick one or the other. But when you’re pre-school age and your parents are convinced TV will rot your brain, you might only be allowed to watch one show featuring impossibly hot women in skimpy outfits who jiggle a lot when they run. So the Angels phenomena was a little lost on me until years and years later. And, as long as we’re being completely honest, Kate Jackson – turtlenecks and all – was my favorite Angel and crush. I just have a thing for the smart ones.

This, of course, takes nothing away from the spectacular, tawny wonder that was Farrah Fawcett. Everyone knows The Poster. Fuck “Baywatch,” she made the one-piece red swimsuit. And, of course, the hair – heavens, the hair. So her passing last week after a brutal and brave battle with cancer was a stark reminder of our collective humanity. It was also a reminder that people’s personal connections with the icons of their youth are stronger (way stronger – damn, people – I come in peace) than we realize sometimes. Last week, almost every tribute to Farrah I read mentioned the countless teenage boys who had her poster on their walls. But let’s not forget the gals who, no doubt, stared with more than just girlish admiration at Farrah’s thrown-back head and cascading golden mane.

Still Farrah was more than just a pretty face. Not all spectacularly sexy women want to be more than just spectacularly sexy. But Farrah did. In groundbreaking roles like “The Burning Bed” and “Extremities” she shed light on the plight of abused women. And then, sadly, when she was diagnosed with cancer, she again used her light to shine it on her battle and raise awareness about the disease. Gorgeous, iconic, conscientious, courageous. Farrah’s life – filled with its beauty and grace, struggle and pain – is a reminder that it’s the journey not the destination that matters.


  1. Anonymous4:47 AM


  2. Not being American, I couldn't appreciate Mrs F.'s dedication to charities and good causes. What I am learning now makes it even more sad to have lost such a great person.
    Thank you Dorothy for bringing that side of her life to the spotlight once again - and the humour you did it with.

    To all the troublesome "Anonymouses" who are offended by one person's opinions, suck it up. No one's forcing you to read this blog, least of all to comment on it.

  3. If it's just about watching women who "jiggle: alot then I'm surprised that you weren't watching Three's Company because that show caused a scandal as it was the only comedy that the female leads filmed the episodes topless.

    Now yoiu can use the "too young" excuse all you want but there is a thing called "repeats".

  4. OOOps NJOT "Topless" I meant "Braless"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry for the mistake

  5. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Farrah was such a lovely lady. I will miss her.

  6. Thanks Sapphic for the correction, I was wondering if there was a Topless version of Three's Company I somehow missed.

    I'm afraid I was never a Farrah fan, Kate was my girl. I saw Farrah in person on the Rosie O'Donnell show back in 1999 and was left with the distinct impression that while there may have been somebody home inside her head, that someone wasn't coming to the door anytime soon.

    PS Battle of the Network Stars had an excellent Skimpy Outfit/Giggle Factor ratio going for it.

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    okay, (-.-)
    so, she passed away, i didn't know
    who she is.

    just questioning,
    in general, people think that
    the us has more high medical tech
    skill, but why she went to german
    for her medi care?

    and did she sue the ucla hospital?

  8. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Really, I'm sad. I was an Angel fan, and I liked Farrah a lot. A piece of my youth has gone, and I just can't get used to it...

  9. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Way to respond to your detractors with grace. Thanks for existing, and continuing to earnestly carve out your corner of the internet every week and share the space with us.

  10. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I like what you said about Farrah's strength - you are the best at commenting on womens' strength as beauty. Thank you for writing.

  11. Kate was my favorite too, but I did APPRECIATE The my friends' bothers' bedrooms...only as I walked by, mind you...heh.

  12. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Mine was the first post on Friday. I was incredulous that your post was not about Farrah. It was a long week and I was already pissed, irrationally, that MJs death eclipsed Farrah's in the media.

    As I said, I was certain that Farrah would be the weekend crush. Didn't stop to think about the fact that our collective experiences are different and so are our crushes. I too come in peace....

    I loved reading the AfterEllen posts about our lesbian experience of that poster. I never had one nor did any boy I know. I was 11 at the time and just a few years from realizing something was up.

    For me at the time it was Jaclyn Smith. My appreciation for Farrah came later.

    One day I'll create an account so I don't have to post anonymously. It's just so nice to post here and not have to log on. But if you are going to post complaints (or be a hater as one poster commented) you should sign your name.

    Consider me, FASTTCR.

  13. Kathie5:14 PM

    A life over too soon...

    I had all three posters up in my room - no brother to do that for me. :) Do ya think my parents knew? Favorite was Kate!

  14. Anonymous6:40 PM


    Thank you for the thoughtful dedication. I too was disappointed that you did not make Farrah your "weekend crush". I was torn when MJ's death eclipsed FF's in the media and I had come here on Friday hoping that you would do her proud.
    A peice of my youth was lost with both FF and MJ in the same day - how tragic!
    Thank you for touching on both their lives.

  15. Ms. Snarker: What grace in response to those who would belittle and criticize. I do always love that most who do post under the "Anonymous" label. Regardless, what a lovely tribute. Being too young for "Angels" myself, I'll just take everyone's word for the jiggling glory. However, gotta admire FF for her bravery and courage through such a tough battle. Always so sad to lose someone so long before they're through living.

  16. tlsintx6:51 AM

    to anonymous posters posting insults: In the immortal words of Tina Fey..."You can suck it."

    Snarker, you rock.
    Peace, Farrah

  17. Christmas 1977: Best. Gift. Ever was the POSTER. My dad got it for me. I proudly taped it to my bedroom wall, where it hung for years. *sigh* And while Linda Carter's "Wonder Woman" was another crotch-throbbing favorite; it was Farrah all the way.

    Snarker, a Black Velvet to you!
