Friday, May 08, 2009

My Weekend Crush

Children love to hug Michelle Obama. They run up, heads raised, eyes sparkling and just grab hold. They’re in awe and also maybe a little bit in love. Really, we all are. I mean, gosh, wouldn’t you just love to hug her, too? In her less than five months as First Lady, Michelle has confirmed everything we already knew about her. Smart. Passionate. Dedicated. Inspiring. She has also proven herself to be something many of her detractors once wickedly whispered that she wasn’t – warm. Hence all the hugging. Michelle Obama is the kind of First Lady who both makes us feel better about and brings out the best in ourselves. While she happily and eloquently speaks out about the causes she champions – from education to national service – what she has really done best is that old writer’s trick: show, don’t tell. We are moved by Michelle because of what we see. A Harvard-educated lawyer. A dedicated community activist. A loving mother of two wonderfully well-adjusted daughters. And the supportive yet seldom sycophantic spouse of the leader of the free world.

Through the years we have had many amazing First ladies from Abigail Adams to Eleanor Roosevelt and Hillary Clinton. What Michelle has been able to do in her short period of time in the spotlight is the seemingly-impossible task of being both glamorous and grounded. We can relate to her, but we also aspire to be like her. She seems as at ease chatting up the queen as she is palling around with Elmo. She is real, she works hard and something tells me she still makes the President pick up his own dirty socks. I like that, I like that a lot. And, at the same time, you know his heart probably races whenever she enters the room. It’s awesome to have a First Couple who totally have the hots for each other. Heck, and we haven’t even started to talk about her arms. Sweet mercy, her arms (you’re going to want to click that, seriously, trust me). Happy Mother’s Day, ladies. Happy weekend, all.

p.s. Sarah Haskins totally agrees with me.

p.p.s. Well now Michelle is just teasing us with them.


  1. ;)) babs4:49 AM

    happy mothers day + a nice weekend to all of you!

    ;)) babs

  2. Good choice for Mother's Day weekend!

  3. Excellent post! She is totally fabulous!

  4. Def. good choice for Mother's Day. I am, however, still trying to warm up to her...

  5. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Michelle is a good choice ANY weekend! This woman is 14 kinds of fabulous. 'Nuff said.

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    A beauty inside and out. Well said! I think she is a Princeton grad. The prez is a hahvard grad. Should have had pic of the arms :-). Great post!

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    LOVE HER! Especially after I saw her in London talking to an assembly of girls -- she told them, "All of you are jewels and you touch my heart. And it important for the world to know that there are wonderful girls like you all over the world." How cool is that?

  8. Anonymous9:47 AM

    She is just wonderful!

  9. Ms Snarker: I'm so glad you have an arm fetish! I do too! Some of your best pix are of the arms of beautiful women.

    I heart Michelle Obama! For an Amazon, she seems quite friendly and approachable. :-)

  10. pyewacket3:17 PM

    What a great woman, all the way around.

  11. Love love love her. Who knew I'd ever have a crush on a president's wife?

  12. tlsintx4:42 PM

    Michelle rocks. As do you, Snarker!

  13. God I hate the expression "leader of the free world". What does that even mean?

    But yes, she is lovely. :D

  14. I think she's cool. Didn't like her at first.


    anyone not yet warmed to Michelle Obama has probably not yet seen this...

  16. "Michelle Obama...brings out the best in ourselves." Well said. I look at the success she's had both professionally and family-wise and I am inspired.

  17. that last link pic would only be improved if the gloves and tool(?) had been well used - therefore continuing to prove her down-to-earth-ness (and that is so too a word!)

  18. beautiful post! everything you said and then some...

  19. Anonymous8:44 AM

    sarah haskins ROCKS

    and michelle obama rocks even harder!
